Les Misérables

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Went to the movie today. Actually, the stage play is better, but it is a good movie experience. Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway are incredible! I never considered them Tier 1 actors, but they proved themselves in this. Russell Crowe as Inspector Javert wasn't bad, but I think Crowe was miscast. Normally, I'm a big Russell Crowe fan, but he didn't capture the rigid adherence to duty that Javert has. Overall, he was good, just not quite right.

Sacha Baron Cohen was an unmitigated disaster! He took a very dark, humorous role and turned it into a collection of cheap gags. Very disappointing, and it did not fit into the story at all. Helena Bonham Carter followed suit, but she would have been much better if casting was different, and the direction of their scenes was consistent with the rest of the movie.

A few lines were changed, as well as the ending, which was also disappointing, and they added a song which did not fit in well with the original score, and was out of place. They also shortened some songs, and some of the key scenes. But that's Hollywood, I guess.

However, the movie added some scenes from the book which weren't in the play, which was fun.

It is not a fast paced movie, and it lasts 2 1/2 hours, but the music, scenery, the fabulous acting of Jackman and Hathaway, all work together to make this one of the best movies of the year, in spite of the minor issues mentioned earlier.

So go see the movie. You'll enjoy it.

Is this another "sky is falling" thread?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
COG, we saw the movie last night and I agree with everything you say. Might not be as hard on Sacha Baron Cohen as you are though. After seeing him in his other roles, any "real" acting role was a plus. Agree totally with your statements on Jackman, Hathaway, and Crowe. Their singing talents surprised me and the fact that the singing was "live" as opposed to dubbed made it all the better.

It's hard to compare stage plays vs. movies since both have their plusses and minuses. Let's just say I enjoyed both versons very much and agree that it is well worth seeing.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What does that say about Hollywood, to take a precious gem which has stood the test of time and turn it into dreck by miscasting people in parts because they are popular. When did Cohen get to be that popular? Haven't see it yet but did see Lea Michelle in the road show several years ago playing a young Cosette.

What a choice on Christmas day; Les Miserables or D'Jango Unchained.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's still a good movie, JD. Give it a shot.
joe bloe's Avatar
I've been looking forward to the movie for months. I'm a huge Les Mis fan. The DVD of the twenty fifth anniversary production at the O2 is great; if you haven't seen it you should rent it. It is kind of a shame to cast Russel Crowe as Javert. The role calls for someone with a great voice; his is mediocre at best.

Here's Norm Lewis as Javert. He's amazing.

Here's the complete 25th anniversary performance at the O2 in London.
I've been looking forward to the movie for months. I'm a huge Les Mis fan. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I suspected you would be a fan. Other than Whirly, nobody did a more miserable job of predicting the outcome of Election 2012 than Joe the Bloehard.
  • Laz
  • 12-26-2012, 06:06 PM
Since I have seen the play multiple times I also was a little disappointed with the movie. I think that is because I had huge expectations that would have been hard to meet. I was very disappointed with Russel Crowe. He does not have the necessary vocal ability to play that part. I thought Jackman and Hathaway did a great job although the decision to record the singing on the set might have been a mistake. The sound quality was a little disappointing. If the emotional content was better because of that I guess it was a good decision but I would hope that they could have done both considering the quality of the actors.

If you have not seen the stage production I think you will be happy with the movie. It was worth watching for me but like I said I had huge expectations that were not quite met.
joe bloe's Avatar
I suspected you would be a fan. Other than Whirly, nobody did a more miserable job of predicting the outcome of Election 2012 than Joe the Bloehard. Originally Posted by bigtex
What on Earth does one have to do with the other?

You're saying you suspected I would be a fan of Les Mis because I thought Romney was going to win? That's a non sequitur.

You're really not very bright.
What on Earth does one have to do with the other?

You're saying you suspected I would be a fan of Les Mis because I thought Romney was going to win? That's a non sequitur.

You're really not very bright. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You really can not read very well, can you? Had you taken a little time to actually read what I said, it would have been very clear. I said, "other than Whirly, nobody did a more miserable job of predicting the outcome of Election 2012 than Joe the Bloehard."

Can you hear me now?
I suspected you would be a fan. Other than Whirly, nobody did a more miserable job of predicting the outcome of Election 2012 than Joe the Bloehard. Originally Posted by bigtex
damn bigtex, you are really out there on your posts. Are you sure you're not a closet republican and just pissed Romney lost? Or maybe you should stay away from things that are not to be mentioned here.
Are you sure you're not a closet republican and just pissed Romney lost? Originally Posted by satexasguy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
BigTurd, when we are discussing "The Miserables" we were not talking about you. Although I understand your confusion.

It was actually about a movie, not your meaningless, pathetic life. Sorry.
BigTurd, when we are discussing "The Miserables" we were not talking about you. Although I understand your confusion.

It was actually about a movie, not your meaningless, pathetic life. Sorry. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Actually, I thought it was acceptable behavior to hijack a thread in this forum. After all, StupidOldFart regularly hijacks threads with endless rants about how miserable his life happens to be, his fear of losing liberty that he has yet to fight for as well as his endless pursuit of perpetual unhappiness. If SOF can do that why can't I hijack a thread and discuss "other than Whirly, nobody did a more miserable job of predicting the outcome of Election 2012 than Joe the Bloehard?"

Just sayin'
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nobody was complaining, BigTurd. I just thought you were confused. I guess I was right.