More $ owed or expected?

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Let's say you've made an agreement to visit a woman for an L1 appointment. The agreed-upon fee, already left under a candle on the table, is commensurate with that sort of session. During the session, without any requests, prompting, or negotiation, she graduates from L1 to L2.

A variation: Same deal, except your expectations are for an L1/L2 session, and it graduates to an L3.

Granted, it probably doesn't happen too often, and, when it does, I suspect it's on a repeat visit. (I've experienced the first scenario, once; the second, never.)

Is the client expected to upgrade the fee or provide a tip? One reason I take only the agreed-upon fee into a session is to avoid the temptation of the upsell. But what if there's no "upsell"; it just happens?
i think if you click and she wants more, its on her,if she doesn't say anything before you both take it to that next level.
TexRich's Avatar
she either likes you as a client or is hustling you, or both. basically, you do not disgust her and does not mind doing more with you, but also expects more in compensation.
Tex Rich is right...........I have had a few experiences with massage therapists, who I saw on a regular basis for a while, after a few sessions, we "graduated" to L1, then a few sessions more, L2. Now I continue to pay the "standard rate" she has in her ad, plus a well deserved tip every now and again, after a few more sessions, she plays the "I need a bigger and better tip from you" card if you wish to continue to see me.

Needless to say, I do not go back to see her after she tells me that.
Gypsy's Avatar
  • Gypsy
  • 07-04-2011, 11:34 AM
MT therapists are different animals than most providers, and there is a lot more YMMV. I think it varies by the MT. Some do more to hit you up for more money, and they are the type that will let you know. Some just appreciate that you are a regular and want you to keep being a regular and feel comfortable with you. You just have to play it by ear. I tend to gravitate to the second type.
I once let a regular do anal sex with me once. This is not something I ever do with clients. I didn't like it. It had been YEARS before I'd done anal. I just decided to give him a treatfor being such a prolific regular, you know? Just a treat, no upselling, no extra money expected on my part. NOW, he's expecting it every time we meet. He tried to stick it in my ass and I said no, don't do that. He didn't make an issue of it until our last appointment. He flat out asked me if we could do anal again. I said no, I'mnot really a fan of that, but I did it as a special treat that one time. The moral of the story is, once you open up a can of worms, it's hard to put the lid back on! Once you give a free salad, their appatite increases and they crave that salad each time they dine with you. Next time he askes for it again, I'm going to flat out tell him: anal is not on the menu. I did it once time for you as a special treat for being a devoted regular to me. If you want to have anal more often, I will have to raise my rate to reflect the extra services. I'm not really a fan of anal. It takes alot out of me, it's not just an effortless thing for me, so I should get compensated for my extra effort!!!!!!!!! Don't ya think?
I once let a regular do anal sex with me once. This is not something I ever do with clients. I didn't like it. It had been YEARS before I'd done anal. I just decided to give him a treatfor being such a prolific regular, you know? Just a treat, no upselling, no extra money expected on my part. NOW, he's expecting it every time we meet. He tried to stick it in my ass and I said no, don't do that. He didn't make an issue of it until our last appointment. He flat out asked me if we could do anal again. I said no, I'mnot really a fan of that, but I did it as a special treat that one time. The moral of the story is, once you open up a can of worms, it's hard to put the lid back on! Once you give a free salad, their appatite increases and they crave that salad each time they dine with you. Next time he askes for it again, I'm going to flat out tell him: anal is not on the menu. I did it once time for you as a special treat for being a devoted regular to me. If you want to have anal more often, I will have to raise my rate to reflect the extra services. I'm not really a fan of anal. It takes alot out of me, it's not just an effortless thing for me, so I should get compensated for my extra effort!!!!!!!!! Don't ya think? Originally Posted by incognito isis

Isis is right. Give an inch, and next the mile is wanted, then 10 more. Extra services deserve extra compensation, whether verbalized or not, especially in the hobby realm.

If you disagree, just stop her and say no to anything more than what was agreed upon. That way, it's your decision and nobody feels taken advantage of.
I once let a regular do anal sex with me once. This is not something I ever do with clients. I didn't like it. It had been YEARS before I'd done anal. I just decided to give him a treatfor being such a prolific regular, you know? Just a treat, no upselling, no extra money expected on my part. NOW, he's expecting it every time we meet. He tried to stick it in my ass and I said no, don't do that. He didn't make an issue of it until our last appointment. He flat out asked me if we could do anal again. I said no, I'mnot really a fan of that, but I did it as a special treat that one time. The moral of the story is, once you open up a can of worms, it's hard to put the lid back on! Once you give a free salad, their appatite increases and they crave that salad each time they dine with you. Next time he askes for it again, I'm going to flat out tell him: anal is not on the menu. I did it once time for you as a special treat for being a devoted regular to me. If you want to have anal more often, I will have to raise my rate to reflect the extra services. I'm not really a fan of anal. It takes alot out of me, it's not just an effortless thing for me, so I should get compensated for my extra effort!!!!!!!!! Don't ya think? Originally Posted by incognito isis
I agree with you 100%. However, when you see a client on a "regular basis", and by either chance, you have a certain "comfort level", chemistry at that time or whatever, you give an "extra mile" type of service, not asking for compensation before the "service", then you should not tell that client that you need to be tipped more, as you offered/did it with no expectations of additional compensation. Now if a guy EXPECTS it every time he goes to see you, and he does not tip you, without your telling him to, then you should tell him that you really appreciate his business, (if you do), he pays for "A and B" services for "X" dollars. Now, if he would like to have "A,B and C" services, on a regular basis, then yes, he needs to give you an extra tip.

If he disagrees, then just go back to providing "A and B" services only and if he gets mad or whatever, then explain the situation again, a really good client will agree with what you are saying and will either continue with the current service with you, and maybe bring a little extra when he wants the "C" service or a client you do not really want will scoff and never see you do not want him as a client anyway!
I have seen several MTs who upgraded their services. Some do ask for more $, in the beginning or some at the end, some on the next visit, some just never say anything. Some may just suggest a tip without a number specified. It all depends on your relationship with the ladies.

At times, i did get a one-time special treatment that is not repeated. It's just happen during the heat of the moment (stars are aligned).

Good surprises, these upgrades can be.