Gotta stop fooling myself

I've recently started spending a considerable amount of time in the chat line and have gotten to have some nice conversations with a provider.
It was regular enough that i look forward to going in there to speak to her.
Of course i'll try to make an effort to schedule sessions but always seem to fall through due to scheduling. By now, it's not about bcd action anymore.
I genuinely like talking to this person. After a while I notice, this person stop acknowledging me and would ignore pm. Now and then I would say "hey i wanna schedule something with you", and god and behold she answers like a lightning flash. OUCH. OUCH OUCH.
I know i'm fooling myself, thinking that there can be friendships forged but now realize it's business only with these girls. I'm a number and a means to fill their wallets. Nothing more. It does hurt. Just wanted to spew my guts out here.
  • Glr
  • 09-28-2011, 02:56 PM
I may be wrong but I'm sure friendships can be developed with a provider. However, I am willing to bet that it is something that takes time, to build a trust, and a comfort level for the provider. Spending one in one time together instead of just in chat is probably the best way to build that comfort level and trust. Again though, I have a feeling it takes time. Yes, this is a business for the provider, and for some it may be strictly business which that needs to be respected. Shake it off, try to follow through with some appointments and let it grow naturally. May turn out just fine. But always keep in mind that this is their livelihood and for some that's all they want it to be.

Go make it a great rest of the day.
Chat is a marketing tool. Granted, a lot of us, both sexes, have used it as a nice relaxation place, but these ladies have a business to run.

It is a fine balance that a lady must play between business, pleasure, and that illusion of passion.

This thread speaks some to that, Fawn had a good response I think in many ways, bit it is much more complicated that her simple answer. man hug sent your way, bro. Take it in stride and move on. But I disagree that all providers are cold hearted. I've met several who are really cool people. I'm sure in time you'll get a chance to meet 'em.

In honor of your current solitude....a song for you:

Assemblage 23 - "Alone Again" click the pic!

The timid bloom of dissolving light
Disintegrates into the dusk
Quiet rolls in like a drowsy fog
Underneath which I am crushed

Alone, alone again
Alone, alone

Push my way through the bustling crowd
Past a million faceless souls
The buildings moan out a concrete sigh
Onto dirty streets below

Alone, alone again
Alone, alone

The rain comes down like angry bees
And the streetlight flickers on
I thought that I could overcome this all
But now I see I was wrong

Alone, alone again
Alone, alone

I guess my question is, is it worth making the effort to put in the time and a few appointments when she only answers you only when you mention making an appointment.
If you wanna date her, no. If you wanna feck her and have her leave, yup.
  • Glr
  • 09-28-2011, 03:48 PM
It sounds like to me that you may be looking for something more or different than what this site is or offers. What is it that you are truly looking for? You may be looking in the wrong lifestyle.
It sounds like to me that you may be looking for something more or different than what this site is or offers. What is it that you are truly looking for? You may be looking in the wrong lifestyle. Originally Posted by Glr
If not getting a response how or when you want one already stings you, I'd say it's time to back off a bit and reevaluate just what it is you're expecting from this person... or other ladies for that matter.

Being an old bachelor, I can understand how easy it is to find yourself on a very slippery slope of 'falling' for someone you feel you made a connection with or whose company you enjoy... especially if it becomes a regular thing. But again the ladies are 'providers': they offer services and companionship for pay to various clientele who also may or may not feel 'they' made a connection and something special is (or is not) happening.

Time to back off and take a gut check as it does sound like you are wanting or expecting maybe not just a friendship but something a bit deeper.... which very, very rarely happens.