What percentage of the time do you think reviews are posted

Lil'Whiskey's Avatar
Posted a review a short time ago where someone questioned the health of a provider. Although it was not me I received dozens of PMs from ECCIE members who saw her and were now worried about their health. At least three times as many as those who posted reviews.

Based on this 1 in 4 visits are reviewed. Does this make sense and why aren't more reviews posted?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I suppose there are really many and varied reasons as to why reviews are not posted.

Have you read many of the reviews?

It seems like English is a foreign language to a lot of these guys and appear scrawled out with crayon and no punctuation
or even coherent sentence structure.

Then when you can write, one sometimes feels in a quandary about writing or not since that particular episode was not that great and an honest review will only hurt the place.

Then there are those reviews from certain mongers that I don't even bother reading anymore because they sound hollow and written merely as a form of payment, but they still smell like a pile of bullshit.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
for me its about 50% just counting the ones I can review.
I see more utr than on a board, have a website or put out ads.

About 5 years ago a small M&G a provider and myself set up for about 8 (2 gals rest male) to just watch a hockey game. Most knew each other before hand.

Before it was ta go down a disagreement in a thread came up about lurkers and members that mostly only lurk. One of the providers wanted to make a point and asked can she take full control of this and have more that just fans of teams playing. Ya sure why not. what can happen, a M&G meant for 6 to 12 to maybe 24. No biggie was my feeling.

So after she took it over the she changed the location, but keep the date of.

it ended up about 12 on eccie gals, 24 eccie male posters. The rest of almost 100 where all male lurkers of this board. And it became clear that the lurkers already met more of the gals before than the guys that posted.

So good luck coming up with a % of encounters that are reviewed.
If provider requests a review or there was "review special" pricing (save 10-50 bucks) will always 100% write em. Exceptions: if entire experience was bleh and.or she would not allow pics to be included in review, then a review might become a MLRR (mini locker room review posted in local mens lounge).

Repeat visits reviewed at most months apart, would affect hobbyist and provider's reps, seems, if there are multiple reviews of provider by same hobbyist. Many of those don't get written and obviously those are often Bob Hobby's most rewarding experiences. These account for about 1:5 errrr, 19% of hobbying.

Best guess/reverse math calculus: Trees reviews 81% of encounters that originate here. Turns out that the review (esp with pics) helps Bob Hobby recall the entire experience which might otherwise might fade. Becomes a piece of personal history made public on the internet and enables hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of prospective hobbyist-customers and provider-competitors to compare, contrast and make informed judgments.

Publish those reviews!

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... It seems like English is a foreign language to a lot of these guys and appear scrawled out with crayon and no punctuation or even coherent sentence structure. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Isn't unintentional humor the best humor?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Isn't unintentional humor the best humor? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
mmmmm would Fast Gunn loose his manly man sword if eccie took away the red and blue crayons.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 09-28-2013, 09:21 AM
mmmmm would Fast Gunn loose his manly man sword if eccie took away the red and blue crayons. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
What manly man sword? Lmfao
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-28-2013, 11:01 AM
I suspect the number who do reviews always have been—and always will be—a minority. It is the same reason that in most religious congregations a minority of the members contribute financially to the support of the congregation. Why a minority of people who watch PBS ever donate. Why a minority of people in a community show up for community work days, etc. As a human race we seem predisposed to take more than give.

But even within those of us who write reviews, most do not write a review all the time.

Personally I have some general rules:

--If I think the lady is dangerous or a rip-off. I haven’t had to write one of those in a long, long time.
--If a lady is relatively new and I think she can use/deserves a publicity boost.
--If a lady asks me to.
--It was part of the agreement to see her, for example a discount to write a review. In those rare cases I always tell her I will write a review afterwards, but it will be an honest one. If she does not agree, no date.

--If she asks me not to (unless it fits the category of dangerous/rip-off, in which case I will write it anyway).
--If it is a lady I have seen and reviewed before, and nothing has significantly changed.
--I feel the date was a bit flat because there was no chemistry, or because I was too tired. If she tried her best but we just didn’t click I don’t think it is fair to write a review. I certainly don’t think it is fair if the date was tepid because I was not at my best—which is why I avoid making and arrangements for the day I travel—too high a chance the flight will be late, I’ll be tired, etc.

Those that don’t fit any of the above, it really depends on how busy I am. The more other stuff going on, the more likely I will not get around to writing it.

Boil it all together, and for me I suspect the long term average is I write a review on about 2/3 the new ladies I see. These past few years I have seen fewer new ladies, doing more frequent revisits with a few of ladies I find truly fascinating. Also, my travel patterns have changed.
Cpalmson's Avatar
In general, I think the ratio is somewhere between 20-33% of dates in the hobby get reviewed in some form or fashion. When talking about ECCIE members seeing ECCIE providers, I'd venture the review rate is 33-50%. When talking active ECCIE members seeing active ECCIE providers, I'd say the rate climbs to 50-66%.

As for me, I always write a review unless a) she has a no review policy or b) is a UTR not known on any of the boards. I'd say that I've not written a review on about 5 or 6 encounters.
pyramider's Avatar
I write a review everytime I write a review.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I write a review everytime I write a review. Originally Posted by pyramider
Yes, and we know taint will be the highlight of the review
I don't write reviews because I hold a grudge forever. I wrote a couple on ASPD and got flamed pretty bad for them, so I don't do it now. I will sometimes comment if I have something to add.
awl4knot's Avatar
Two to five percent Tops. Many hobbyists don't belong to review boards and the majority of board members lurk and don't post much less review. I bet 90% of reviews come from 1% of hobbyists.
pyramider's Avatar
The rest are fake reviews that I wrote under other handles.