Entertain Me And I Might Buy Your "Widget". Favorite Commercials

I was talking to someone today about how funny beer commercials are. I have to say, as far as I'm concerned, these are the a few of the best commercials of all time!

Beer and Porn

Paper Football

Life's Most Important Lesson

What are some of yours?
TheWanderer's Avatar
I like the Beer and Porn one. Reminds me of a clip from an old Woody Allen movie - Bananas
He was trying buy a hard core magazine entitled "Orgasm" and of course the store clerk could not determine the price and had to yell across the store to his boss for the answer.
One the way out, Woody Allen squeezed an old ladies titty for good measure.

The Delta Faucet "hands" commercial is my favorite. I stop whatever I am doing to watch it when it comes on. I am usually a fan of funny but this commercial satisfies my weird hand fetish.

On another savory note, this old Teddy Grahams commercial always made me smile.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
For me, being a history geek, this is the funniest commercial of all time.

The March of the Emperor

LazurusLong's Avatar
Best car commercial of all time, the SportKa evil twin.

Evil Sportka and the pigeon.
monkish's Avatar
I have no idea why, but I saw this the other day and it struck me as funny.

Captain that was hilarious! Monkish I've seen the Starburst commercial too. It's still funny
Precision45's Avatar