Another Libtard Bubble Burst

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Another case where Libtards thought "we really got them this time"

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Ginni Thomas Shuts Down Misconduct Claims In Voluntary Testimony Before J6 Panel

Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, a longtime conservative activist married to Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, decisively closed the door on unsubstantiated claims of improper influence over her husband’s work Thursday in voluntary testimony before the House Select Committee on Jan. 6.

“Regarding the 2020 election, I did not speak with him at all about the details of my volunteer campaign activities. And I did not speak with him at all about the details of my post-election activities, which were minimal, in any event. I am certain I never spoke with him about any of the legal challenges to the 2020 election, as I was not involved with those challenges in any way,” Thomas said at the beginning of her testimony earlier today.

In March, Thomas was thrust into the spotlight of the committee’s investigation after staff leaked messages between her and former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. According to texts published by liberal media outlets such as CNN and The Washington Post, Thomas, a private citizen, urged Meadows to stand firm after the November election as President Donald Trump contested the results.

“Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!” Thomas wrote to Meadows when news organizations began to call the race for former Vice President Joe Biden. “You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.”

The texts ignited a firestorm of hysteria over Thomas’s political activism, with some Democrats suggesting conservative spouses of federal judges lose their rights to petition government or otherwise engage in politics. Several members of Congress demanded Justice Thomas be forced to recuse himself from cases relevant to the 2020 election, resign, or even be impeached. Never mind that out of the 29 of more than 2,300 text messages recovered from Meadows’ trove of data handed over to the committee, not one, according to The Washington Post, included a direct reference to the sitting justice.

“The messages, which do not directly reference Justice Thomas or the Supreme Court, show for the first time how Ginni Thomas used her access to Trump’s inner circle to promote and seek to guide the president’s strategy to overturn the election results,” the Post opined.

Marriage to a politically active spouse, meanwhile, does not itself fit the criteria for case recusal.

On Thursday morning, the conservative activist who routinely approaches lawmakers as part of her work, made clear in her voluntary sit-down with the House panel that she and her husband refrain from detailed discussions involving their work.

“I can guarantee that my husband has never spoken with me about pending cases at the Court,” Thomas told the committee in her opening statement. “It’s an iron clad rule in our home.”

“Additionally, [Justice Thomas] is uninterested in politics, and I generally do not discuss with him my day-to-day work in politics, the topics I am working on, who I am calling, emailing, texting, or meeting,” Thomas said in her testimony obtained by The Federalist.

“It is laughable for anyone who knows my husband to think I could influence his jurisprudence – the man is independent and stubborn, with strong character traits of independence and integrity,” Thomas said.

Thomas’s attorney, Mark Paoletta, said his client “was happy to cooperate with the Committee to clear up the misconceptions about her activities surrounding the 2020 elections.” He said she answered all questions that were asked of her during the hours-long sit-down with the committee.

“As she has said from the outset, Mrs. Thomas had significant concerns about fraud and irregularities in the 2020 election,” Paoletta said in a statement. “As she told the Committee, her minimal and mainstream activity focused on ensuring that reports of fraud and irregularities were investigated. Beyond that, she played no role in any events after the 2020 election results.”
eyecu2's Avatar
What's interesting is the spin-"Shuts down claims of Misconduct"

what does that really mean?

From the article, she acknowledges that she believed that the election was stolen and that she actively was pursuing that course of thinking and did in fact take action to incite others in the Trump administration and orbit to stop any transition of power. She texted Mark Meadows, and she was in touch with the dingbat attorney who was masterminding the method of not transferring power.

How the fuck is that not being active in the activities of Jan 6? I would suggest that anyone in a position of power, despite her claims of not sharing any information with her SCOTUS hubby, she is respected enough by proxy of being the wife of a court member, that she's going to be heard. That claim of did nothing, knows nothing, and didn't intend to imply or encourage the actions of the organization of the Jan 6 rally is nothing but horse-shit.
Regarding the 2020 election, I did not speak with him at all about the details of my volunteer campaign activities. And I did not speak with him at all about the details of my post-election activities, which were minimal, in any event. I am certain I never spoke with him about any of the legal challenges to the 2020 election, as I was not involved with those challenges in any way,” Thomas said at the beginning of her testimony earlier today.

"In March, Thomas was thrust into the spotlight of the committee’s investigation after staff leaked messages between her and former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. According to texts published by liberal media outlets such as CNN and The Washington Post, Thomas, a private citizen, urged Meadows to stand firm after the November election as President Donald Trump contested the results.

“Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!” Thomas wrote to Meadows when news organizations began to call the race for former Vice President Joe Biden. “You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.”

What did she exactly mean- other than she supports Trump not recognizing the transition to Biden despite the 70 plus cases that didn't vet out any corruption or PROOF Of election fraud.

This is just more cuckolding tears of those who can't accept that Biden won, and the Jan 6 committee is not interested in asking for Clarence to step down directly. They probably did ask if they both enjoy watching long dong silver movies however.

The spin machine of the federalist titling is just more baloney of a collection of wishful thinking.
... So you're back to your stance of "no corruption or PROOF
of voter fraud" yet-again - eh, mate?

But then you'll tell us just how "Guilty" Trump is.

... What a hypocrite! ...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
What's interesting is the spin-"Shuts down claims of Misconduct"

what does that really mean?
Originally Posted by eyecu2
It means exactly what it says. There was no misconduct on her part like the libtards claimed.

Are you really trying to assert that a private citizen is not allowed to have an opinion on whether cheating occurred in an election (cheating that has been since proven)?

Are you really trying to assert that a private citizen is not allowed to take steps to call out that cheating?

Are you really trying to assert that a private citizen is not allowed to offer words of encouragement and advice to political candidates she supports?

or do you just want to cry more that another libtard bubble was burst?
rmg_35's Avatar
Anybody that thinks that tRump won the election and that they was massive voter fraud is a complete idiot and a moron. Nothing has been proven in court, but total fools like Ginni Thomas keeps spewing this bullshit and the tRumptards suck it up like it's gospel. tRump knew he lost, the people in the white house knew he lost, but tRump lied to the mega-maggot and their foolish enough to believe him even though all the evidence says differently and has been upheld in the court of law.
... And yet - Trump is the odds-on Favourite to WIN in 2024! ...

#### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
From the article, she acknowledges that she believed that the election was stolen and that she actively was pursuing that course of thinking and did in fact take action to incite others in the Trump administration and orbit to stop any transition of power. She texted Mark Meadows, and she was in touch with the dingbat attorney who was masterminding the method of not transferring power.
rmg_35's Avatar
... And yet - Trump is the odds-on Favourite to WIN in 2024! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You're living in a dream world. Over half of Republicans don't think he should run again in 2024. Only the delusional tRumptards think he is going to win. He will get destroyed in a general election.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
By the guy 75% of democrats don’t want to run again? That’s called wishful thinking.
berryberry's Avatar
By the guy 75% of democrats don’t want to run again? That’s called wishful thinking. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
More like delusional thinking, but why am I not surprised
You're living in a dream world. Over half of Republicans don't think he should run again in 2024. Only the delusional tRumptards think he is going to win. He will get destroyed in a general election. Originally Posted by rmg_35
... By Whom?

### Salty