Why no prices in ads anymore?

JayThomas's Avatar
I've noticed that providers have stopped putting prices in their ads, even when they are announcing a special or rate change. Then I saw one ad where the provider said something like "it's illegal for me to put my prices here [on ECCIE] but check them out here" with a link to her own site. Then on her site, I had to hunt for the rates, and even then wasn't sure if they were the special she was offering or not.

Is this some new ECCIE policy? If so, what is the reasoning? It's really inconvenient, and I don't think providers are always on top of updating their own pages/p411 sites/showcases with prices that match whatever their current rates or specials are.

My apologies if this has already been addressed and I missed it -- haven't been able to consistently check ECCIE lately.
Torito's Avatar
I see that you have only been here a few days. This issue has come up in other post recently. There are legal issues that have required that prices and specific services no longer be posted in ads. The best alternatives are that the ladies may post that info in their showcases and their websites,with links from their ads. Many ladies are now doing just that and keeping them updated with their specials.

JayThomas's Avatar
Been here more than a year, actually - joined in January 2010, not this year - but been away for a couple weeks.

OK, thanks. That seems odd to me. It doesn't seem to me that having prices in ads would be any more legally problematic than having them in reviews on this very site. If nothing else, why couldn't they do the dumb backpage thing where they say 100 roses or whatever? If someone could post a link to a previous discussion, I'd appreciate it.
Torito's Avatar
You are correct. I just saw the Jan 23 and did not look at the year.

For some reading, try


There are probably others. I just did a quick search.

I don't have a detailed explanation of the legal issues. That is above my "pay grade". BTW my pay grade is $0. LOL

roxy28's Avatar
I have had issues with that too! the guys are compalining now and there were even rebuttals in regards to that on one of my last reviews... we just aren't allowed to put rates anymore on almost any website. it's best to pm or call us for rate info...
dfwhd2's Avatar
The no prices is a pain in the ass.
Torito's Avatar
. we just aren't allowed to put rates anymore on almost any website. it's best to pm or call us for rate info... Originally Posted by roxy28
I am not certain why you are not allowed to put prices on your own website. I see them on many girls sites. It is also OK to post in the Services and Availability section of Showcase, as you have done.

While the convenience of all the info on the ad was nice, it is now gone by necessity. Links in the ads to Showcase or personal website brings that info back almost as close as it was. Just a click away.

I realize that not everyone has a personal website; however it is easy and cheap. Nothing complicated would be required to be able to post your info. I have had special purpose websites for $5-10 per month and they are quite easy to build. My computer skills are very limited and even I can do it.

It's up to us to be creative and find better ways to live within the conditions of the world where we are.

JayThomas's Avatar
Thanks for the explanation Torito. I did some searching too and couldn't find anything other than the discussion you linked to.

If there are any mods who can share the specific reasoning beyond the very vague "for legal reasons," I bet we as a community could put our heads together and come up with a work-around. One link in that discussion suggested it was because of the billing service's policy, which seems easy enough to fix--change billing service! If that's not it, I'd like to know specifically what the new law is. The secretive nature of this new policy--that not even some of the mods know what the reasoning is--is counterproductive. Eccie has a bunch of smart users--lawyers, etc.--and I bet we could solve this issue together.
Sorry, you have the best answer we can give you. To meet legal requirments. Its really that simple. There is no work around other than what we are doing.
