Anybody heard of Alice Little?

cinderbella's Avatar
I just found her recently online.
She is so cute! Love what she is doing to
put a normal face on the hobby. She is
so refreshingly normal, no tragic story or
substance abuse issues. About damn time!
Of course she is a redhead. Go team red!
Bronco85's Avatar
Where do i find her at ?
Bronco85's Avatar
Never mind
cinderbella's Avatar
She is so tiny, with that eternally positive attitude she reminds me of a hooker version of Dr. Ruth Westheimer. I also like that she is not totally hot looking, she is very down to earth relatable. Sometimes she annoys me with the slow process of explaining stuff, but nobody is perfect.

I just appreciate her efforts to put a likeable face and persona to the public. I remember not so long ago, whenever a female in the hobby had a YouTube channel, they were soon shut down over it. Looks like the policies are slowly changing, and that is a good thing. Now I subscribe to some channels that are run by independent strippers and escorts. I even know of a channel that interviews porn actors in a live radio type of setting. Before, the only information you could get from these people were HBO and Netflix documentaries that only showed them in a negative light.

I really hate sex shaming adults who are only interested in relations of their choice with other willing adults. Sexuality is part of what makes us human.