I am possibly (MOST LIKELY) about to start a lot of shit on here.. That IS NOT the point of what I'm trying to do, but if this hurts some of yalls feelings, I don't really give a damn...

I am absolutely fed up with clients saying how much they "worry" & how much they “care for” & “love” a provider.. These clients go on and on about how much they hope that we are being as safe as possible in what we do, because there are a lot of crazies out there..

Then the minute we take their advice (( by getting some kind of bodyguard, or at least a large male to travel with us)) the same ones turn around and get pissed off.. WTF????

Aren't y'all the ones who were SO DAMN CONCERNED we have someone with us to watch our back? ?? The same ones who said “We need someone nearby to keep us safe if a appointment happens to go south and we need help in an emergency”...

How about if it is a bad client?? ((meaning one that is maybe trying to inform LE)) Now 5 squad cars pull up out in the parking lot... Kind of nice to have a heads up that my room is about to get rushed by the brass... Don’t ya think…

So PLEASE take this opportunity to EXPLAIN to ME and EVERY OTHER PROVIDER that has ever been told the same thing by a "Caring Client"..

What exactly did you have in mind when you said that to us?? Did you even mean it, or was it just some BS to make you feel better about yourself??

I am speaking for myself to ANY clients that it my apply to in these next few sections..

Guys.. Y'all have these wonderful, sweet providers, so worried that y'all will think that they have a pimp.. They would rather put themselves in a bad situation (or possible danger), then to upset you.. Is that what you want, to have them so worried that will be talked bad about, or that you will stop seeing them??? Y’all (clients) ask for the truth, but get pissed when you hear it.. Y'all have so many providers so worried that their reputation is going to be discredited, due to 1 client posting a bunch of dumb shit on the boards and creating a buzz..

You don't know what that one lady has going one.. You may be the only client she has,and you may be how see feeds her kids that week, or how she gets by til the next time she sees you..

I will tell you this.. I have an outstanding reputation.. I don't have any bad reviews.. I don’t have NC/NS.. I don't post fake pics.. I don’t tell you that you got to go first if you didn’t.. I DON’T LIE!!! I am sure I am not alone here.. I do everything I can to live up to what I think a clients should expect and more.. I have been told multiple times that I should go up on my rates, and I'm very proud of the compliments I have received from numerous clients about my abilities.. I don't see many new clients.. I don't have too.. It didn't take me long to get regulars..

I know at least 14 (out of the 20 or so that I have met) ladies who have their boyfriends or even their husbands take them to appts, or tour with them out of town.. ((client is thinking now>>>>OMG!! REALLY?? Providers do that??.. I am so mad.. I cant believe they would lie to me and say they a here alone))


I am not in the LEAST little bit worried about the ones who like to start shit.. Let me show you what I mean.. You ever been to an AA meeting.. This is DCA.. Dumb Client Anonymous

Hi... My name is Autumn Night and I have a driver.. Why?? There are a few reasons..

1. Because SO MANY CLIENTS kept sayin all of the things that I mentioned above..

2. Because I am 5'2 & 120lbs

( You think I can fight you off??)

3. Because I have NO sense of direction.

( I get lost in my hometown, and have lived here all my life)

4. I have been in 4 wrecks

(none of which were I driving, but I still hate to drive) ..


1. Is he Autumns husband??

NO.. My husband beat the shit out of me and made me f*ck his friends for free.. This guy don't!!! But thanks for askin..

2. Is he Autumns boyfriend??
I can't handle a boyfriend anytime soon, and he has a girlfriend/ soon to be wife..

3. Is he Autumns pimp??

Are you f*cking kidding me!!!
(Go ask other 4 providers who’s ass he saved for free) Thank GOD he knew what he knew, and thank GOD they knew we were in the same hotel.. It could have been BAD

4. Does Autumn pay him??
I probably should, but NO.. He won't take it and it pisses me off!!!

5. Will the client ever see him??

Hmmmm, not unless your stocking me 45mins before the appt..

6. Will the client ever meet him against the clients will??

Not unless you try to harm me or take the gift with you when you leave..

7. What happens then??

Why did you even think to ask that?? You gonna try to do me wrong?? Makes me think you need to be on my "DNS" list.. Let's not discuss that.. But it won't be what your were hoping for..

SIDE NOTE: 4 or 5 clients have asked to meet him.. So after the appt, they went and had beers and I relaxed in my room..

8. What if LE rolls up during the session??

He will do his best to let me know by phone, before they have a chance to get out of their car..

9. Is my personal info safe??

Yes it is.. He does not have anyone's info.. ((expect the other day))..

I couldn't make it to the city I was headed to.. I was strapped to a stretcher and didn’t have my phone.. So I gave him the unlock code for my phone, and I had him text one of my regulars to cancel the appt for me..
(( I wanted to make sure the client had enough notice to set something up with a different provider.. The appt was only 4hrs away ))

So there.. I said it.. I don't think you could have read that and not got the point..

Now what how will this effect us??

1. Are you gonna stop seeing me because you know he is close??

That’s fine.. I probably didn’t need to see to anyway, if you are that worried that I have
someone to keep me safe.. Must mean you has bad plans for me..

2. Spread the word to everyone that I have a pimp??
Be sure to come up with a good story.. Let me remind you, I ALREADY posted this for the world to see.. So I am gonna guess your only about to make yourself look stupid..

3. Try to create some kind of boycott on me, or ruin my name somehow??
Wow!! Really ?? I give 200% ALWAYS.. So good luck with that..

My guess is that for 95% of you, THIS WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING.. Except for maybe, give you something discuss this with me in person, or send me emails about how wild that was for me to post something like that..

I am sure I will hear at least a few times, "what a risk it was to my business".. Lastly, I am sure I will hear from a few of you, "how you thought it was so cool that somebody just put it out there like that"..

TO THE REST OF YOU LOWLIFES who try to walk in the room and downplay us for what we do, or tell us how "no man could ever want us for more than a whore" (( just before you hand over the donation, while your wife is at home )) .. Tell me if this is classy enough for ya... YALL DONT OWN ANY OF US, and most of us don't have a boss.. So.... F*CK OFF!!!

My point is.. We "PROVIDERS" already have a hard enough job without all the extra BS.. Y'all are the ones who got into the hobby.. If you don't respect us, then find another hobby..

Are we really only allowed to only see 1 client a day?? OK.. What the hell ever.. There are SOOO many times that I only work 2 days out of the week.. On one of those days I don’t start til 5pm and I am done by 11pm or midnight..

When a client ask a provider if she has anymore appts that night, and the providers says "No"Why cant you just leave it at that?? Do you ever stop to think, that it may bother her to tell you.. Or maybe she has seen you so many times that she KNOWS how you will react..

Does that mean since you’re the last appt of the night ((so you have been told)) that you have the right to get mad when we make you leave,cause you have been there for 60-90mins OVER you appt time ((free of charge)) just talkin???

What about if you have asked to ALWAYS tell you your first even if your not.. NOW LETS MAKE IT CLEAR.. YOU ARE REQUESTING HER TO LIE TO YOU.. You’re the one who said you don’t have to be first, but you always want to be told you are.. Is it right for you to get pissed at her for telling you what you have requested to hear?? Is it lying or good customer service?? Should she tell you the truth, knowing it will ruin the appt for you.. After all, she wants you to have the best time of life each and every time..

ONE MORE THING... STOP TELLING US HOW TO RUN OUR BUSINESS!!! We are not required by law to give discounts.. I don't care if you have 452 reviews or 672 "ok's on p411".. That does not mean u have the right to get me ((or any provider)) in the middle of an appt and demand a discount.. How many times have you (you client) walked in, or been on the phone and had a provider say to you.. “Yes.. That is my hourly rate.. I will need you to pay full price, but only stay 30mins.. Is that ok???” You look at her, or think like WTF??.. Then she tells you.. “OK, I will do 45mins, but thats all I can give you..”

You would feel cheated and most likely post a bad review and never see her again.. How cool it will be, when we (PROVIDERS) can one day post reviews on clients… I have a feeling the truth will HURT..

Now.. Back to the other thing.. You want a discount?? Be my friend.. Treat me like a lady EACH AND EVERY time you see me.. Understand why I do what I do.. Or.. In fact, you don’t even have to understand, just be respectful when talking to me about it.. You really think I am gonna client spend good with me each and every month ,and me not give something back?? Find out who they are and ask them.. I dont knock it off the rate, I just give extra time.. Those are the ones I am most likely to give "discounts" to (if you wanna call it that).. When I am in a bad spot and someone sends me 1500 because he knows I need it.. Not only do I pay him back, but I am talking 3-4 FREE appts.. I don’t mean to make it sound like you have to spend 1000 a month with me, or be my bank when I am in need.. BUT.. You do have to give me a reason to wanna do something extra for you.. Money alone wont do it.. Getting me in a room and telling me your a VIP, or that I am an over-priced whore wont do the trick.. I don’t care how much you spend with me.. In fact, it may get you kicked out, and have an alert posted on you very shortly.. That’s how you get a discount.. At least with Autumn Night!!

There are some VERY BAD and really SORRY ASS providers out there.. But MOST of us are just tryin to make it..


This is also posted in the national forum for more insite..

I am gonna just stop writing, or this will be 30 pages long.. I am sure I will have plenty to comment on..
~Ynot~'s Avatar
Wow, dont hold back amber.. LOL
Great thread dear and no it wont change a thing with me.
Actually makes me feel a little better.
Just tell us how you really feel.
@ AM.. Amber??? Lol.. Or Autumn??

@ Pilot4u.. I tried my best.. MAUHHHH
doncock's Avatar
Wow...hope none of that was meant for me!
DonCock, your a sweetheart... It wasn't directed at anyone person.. I was more of an "If the shoe fits, Wear it" kinda deal..
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar

This thread has potential to get nasty. Please remain civil if you're going to talk specifically about anyone.

oooohhhhh, tricky tricky....I like.

I actually don't mind the dirty, misogynistic talk, but that is strictly a personal preference, and I certainly understand how most girls wouldn't like it one bit.

I also have to second the "Don't tell me how to run my business" statement. I ALWAYS welcome suggestions from experienced clients, due to the fact that they have a welcome perspective to give me, but I have had several get upset about no discounts or "quickie specials." Come back to me when you have the time/money to see me. I can't do what I do best in 15 minutes, and the gas usually costs more than what I make on the appointment anyway. It is just my policy. If you don't like it, I'm really sorry.

One of my very favorite clients neglected to delete his emails and messages from me, and his wife found them. When she did, she sent me several threats and would not leave me alone for a few weeks. When I posted about it in the national forum, stating that it was dumb of him to not delete his stuff, I was bombarded with replies from some guy who said I was a shit provider for saying such things about any client.

I adore every client I have seen (with the exception of one, and I have been very public about him) but I have a newsflash, we don't automatically love you because you give us money. It simply doesn't work that way. Most of us are genuinely having a great time when we say we are. I am a shitty actress, and I require some kind of chemistry for the appointment to go well. If it is not to your liking, it is simply a lack of chemistry. I ALWAYS try my best to send you away with a smile.

Thanks for posting, AUTUMN. lol. good stuff.
Well let me just say Autumn you are correct. Autumn is by far one of the best providers in the business as she is honest, will always do her job 150%, and never seems to have a bad day when with a client. I have been doing this for a long time maybe before some of the younger ones were born and I have never been treated better by a provider, even if I paid $500 an hour, than what Autumn treats all of her clients. I was one of the clients she had her body guard call when she had the wreck while on the stretcher he called and told me what happened and that Autumn would call me personally when she was released from the hospital. And she did call, so guys think about it, how many other providers that just had a bad wreck, totalled her car, was probably thinking how many broken bones do I have and is my faced messed up, going to remember to call and let you know, she cannot make the appt. Your right None that I can think of but Autumn. The body guard is a very nice guy and we should be proud she has someone to bring her to us to enjoy. And if anybody asked her for a discount, they are out of their mind. I for one have run over my time talking and she never jumped my ass about it and she should but she is a very nice lady and respects others, which some of us are assholes and dont always respect others.
Autumn is by far number one in my book on this site and she deserves what ever she wants to do. When we leave we can on our merry way and she has to keep working to feed her family while we are looking for the next goal.
We love you Autumn and I am very glad to see you finally stood up for yourself.
@ Rockelle.. I would love for you to post that in the national from.. I seem to be getting my ass kicked over there.. lol.. Probably by 2 guys who took it to heart and knew it applied or something.. LOL
Will do! They are brutal over there!!!!
I know right.. But it's cool.. Wink.. I am gonna take my keyboard army over there and see how they like that.. HAHAHAHA

I am just a little surprised that more ladies didnt speak up.. But I can understand not wanting to back thread like this.. LOL.. It really could be bad for biz.. Lucky for me that I really dont care.. LOL
Dark Vador's Avatar
Well to be honest I assumed that you had a pimp when I saw that you had a NBA policy...I'm just saying..
Well to be even more honest I REALLY DONT GIVE A F*UCK WHAT YOU ASSUMED.. Cause I have not seen you, I dont know you, I will NEVER see you, and I think those are all real good reasons for you to be upset.. EVERY man wants what they cant have, and EVERY ONE these guys that posted above, and in the Shreveport forum know me very well..

SO even if you were White you would have a long wait..

They keep all take pretty good care of me, and I doubt this is the place for you to try and HIGHJACK the thread by turning it into something its not.. I guess you missed the part wher
e I said I DONT LIE..

OK.. Well say whatever to need to after this.. If you need to have the last word it's fine with me.. I will talk around you, not to you.. Thanks again for stopping by..
@HJones.. Babe.. If everyone spent like you I could retire for life in 3 months... Thanks for letting them know I am not completely off my rocker!!!
I am not playing match maker here, but you need to check this guy out.. His name is STILL LOOKIN..


He don't know me, But I bet y'all would be damn good friends..

Check out what I am talkin about and let me know if I am wrong..
