Did Apple approve a provider app??

Meoauniaea's Avatar
sorta looks that way.....
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Somehow it must've gotten in under the radar, but the app has potential!

eve's Avatar
  • eve
  • 05-12-2011, 08:09 PM
What potential! What if the location pin's changed color based on a provider's availability. I can envision a green, yellow, red system. Or maybe a two part color with the second being the average review score. The possibilities are endless...
What potential! What if the location pin's changed color based on a provider's availability. I can envision a green, yellow, red system. Or maybe a two part color with the second being the average review score. The possibilities are endless... Originally Posted by 308Shooter
Aye, I agree there..
K2S0's Avatar
  • K2S0
  • 05-12-2011, 09:08 PM
dont see why they wont pull it after realizing what they did lmao
Meoauniaea's Avatar
The good thing is that while Apple does have the authority to remotely remove apps from your iOS device, they never have. So if you get this app, I'd say it's certain you keep it forever. Or change platforms....
K2S0's Avatar
  • K2S0
  • 05-12-2011, 11:07 PM
The good thing is that while Apple does have the authority to remotely remove apps from your iOS device, they never have. So if you get this app, I'd say it's certain you keep it forever. Or change platforms.... Originally Posted by Meoauniaea

well the app isn't "launching" until june 1 which leaves half a month for them to wise up and cock block it... which im sure they can and probably will do despite any protest from the app programmers
Meoauniaea's Avatar
In that case, Cydia would welcome it.
Hey if match.com and eHarmony can have a dating app for your phone why can't these guys? It's just helping lonely guys and girls get together for happily-ever-hour.
Mr Clever's Avatar
That's funny!
SoHouNeedsGFE's Avatar
Hope it comes out in BlackBerry and Droid platforms too!
However, Blackberry would remove it from their market just as they did with Phantom Alert.
blowpop's Avatar
This sort of app is a bad idea - zero deniability if it's found by your SO. If you're going to do an escort search app, do it as a webapp.
This sort of app is a bad idea - zero deniability if it's found by your SO. If you're going to do an escort search app, do it as a webapp. Originally Posted by blowpop
I can a down side as well.. if the map is maintained either by someone or a central server.. LE can use it find the ladies