Best Place for Mixed Drinks in Dallas

Deja Tha Doll's Avatar
I need to coat my throat with a good mixed drink, I'm quite parched at the moment, suggestions?

Bonus points for good vibes and music along with aesthetics and good food.....

I'm mobile so anywhere in the DFW works for me, I don't mind driving.
CG2014's Avatar
So are you paying for yourself or are you expecting whoever shows up to pay for your drinks, food and your time?

All these women in Coed with these what is a good place to eat, what is a good place to get a drink, what is a good place to this and that threads.

But we all know they are all

1. posting an AD which is not allowed on ECCIE anymore so they have to disguise them;


2. hoping some poor simp will show up and pick up the food and drink tab and also pay for their time

So much for women nowadays being strong and independent and empowered but they all still have their hands out waiting for money.

I see it on Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, etc

Look I am 20 something, I am pretty, I am hot, I am strong, I AM EMPOWERED STRONG INDEPENDENT ASSERTIVE WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR.

Now give me some money and OH BY THE WAY BABE, I have a WISH LIST on Gucci and Chanel and Amazon websites, buy me those shoes and purses:

I might send you a HEART EMOJI but that's all you gonna get for spending $1000s on a girl you only saw on the internet and never met in person.
Deja Tha Doll's Avatar
Lol I just asked what's a good place to get a drink and your world fell to pieces didn't it. Lol you just had to unleash and vent your vagina envy on my thread huh?!?? How about you get yourself a drink first...

Also I have my own money to eat and drink as anyone who follows me on Twitter can see. I post daily my ventures of trying new restaurants and drinks because I'm a FOODIE with a culinary degree (and a ServSafe license)....And by the sound of your response you're just a HATER lol

This is exactly why Noone uses this site these days because it's full of trolls, misogynists, and timewasters who apparently have nothing better to do than to resort to insulting woman who are using this site for what it was intended and created for, exchanging information in the community.

Lol it's funny how obvious it is that someone hurt you and you must be real pressed to come to my benign post to spread your hate and animosity ....I have never claimed any of those quotes you accused me of saying and insinuated about me, and my intentions, but yet here you are derailing my thread just to be

You're mad, Mr. keyword warrior, and I'm treating myself to the latest brunch , whilst taking selfies and sipping mimosas ..... clearly we are not the same.
Deja Tha Doll's Avatar
I went to Better Than Sex in Plano the other day as well and guess what ?!?..... I told absolutely noone lol....I actually enjoy taking myself out for some "me time".....I spend my outage actually embracing the experience or meeting new people at the bar.....either way I'm content.

I had been wanting to try this restaurant out for some time and thought since I was in the Plano area, why not....(I'll be posting those pics later)

It was a bit dim in the restaurant, to set the mood I suppose. Its set up to be a rather intimate setting with curtained off booths, lingerie photoshoots adorning the walls, altogether real sensual vibes throughout the place.

....I ordered My Hubby's Nuts 2.0 alongside the peanut butter perversion pie!!!!

OMG!!!!Decadent and delicious !

It's wild how treating yourself and trying new places, people and things can leave you with such a positive outlook on life.....more people should try it ....

It's invigorating to say the least .....
That didn’t take long.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-07-2022, 03:39 PM
That didn’t take long. Originally Posted by dewmenow
CG did make some good points though, too much begging going on social media these days, some women has have no shame
Deja Tha Doll's Avatar
CG did make some good points though, too much begging going on social media these days, some women has have no shame Originally Posted by BLM69

Says the guy who publicly announced a detail by detail version of his sexcapades with hookers, for all of America to read, hence your 57 reviews hey I'm sure Noone here really gives a damn what anyone thinks about them, I for sure dont...

So according to y'all men, us woman are supposed to just sit back and be quiet on this board?

Even though, It was literally put here for us to advertise and communicate. As for the recent changes, us woman were told to work around it, while still following the new guidelines.

If we don't post, how are we able to communicate or be active in the community?

But if we do post, we are subjected to being publicly shamed and belittled?!? Why, Because we didn't post something to a certain hobbyist standards or liking?

That's like going to a singles event as a male, then proceeding to insult all of the woman there and for what?!

What are you even here for?

To spread hate and discontent?!
You must live for the drama.

It's apparent what the woman are here for....

I'm literally here to cater and be of your service but in return, I get insulted for that because other people before have posted something in the past that rubbed you the wrong way????

Um ok,

So in that sense if I was to react in a female version of you and then come on here acting like every guy is the same and they all act the same and if one guy posts something asking for something, I should publicly criticize him .....even though that's what he's here for, is to seek what he's interested in whether that be a place to get drinks, a lady, service, or a whatever.....

Thank God all men are NOT the same nor like the two of you least I'm mature enough to realize that and I have at upmost respect for those gentlemen.

But yall are over here talking about people on social media begging and all I asked about was a suggestion for a bar that has good mixed drinks thst I can check out and go to whenever I decide to grab food later...

Why do you care what other people do on their social media anyways....

It bothers you that much huh, smh....

People really go out of their way to try to talk down , belittle or shame someone,.....and on a board like this, just imagine the irony....

As if they are so admirable themselves lol

Do you feel that way, because disappointment and anger from women is all that you're use to?

Because without all of that and the attention, you seem to feel ignored and have no other way to vent your frustrations?!?

So you take it out on us companions, the very woman you men turn to for validation and release?!

All one has to do is a quick search of your previous comments to get a good idea of your view and take on women and companions in general.

What is it, You don't get to turn down any woman in the real world and this is the only place where you are able to do it, even though this is really more of a transactional thing, so instead of woman actually seriously wanting to be with you, it's more or them wanting your business....and if not then, well take it elsewhere then.....but you really felt the need to stick around, guess since you're not busy getting it on with some hot chick, you'd rather insult the hot chicks.....

Are you sure you like chicks?!?

So it's kind of like you wanted to go grocery shopping, and you went to the store but instead of buying things, you went up to the vendors and insulted them for their business tactics and acted like you hurt people's feelings and put them out of business but in the end, you left with nothing, and people still went about their day selling things and conducting business as usual after you left.....


But go off sir, you made a real good point lol, no shame at all
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-07-2022, 06:43 PM
Says the guy who publicly announced a detail by detail version of his sexcapades with hookers, for all of America to read, hence your 57 reviews hey I'm sure Noone here really gives a damn what anyone thinks about them, I for sure dont...

So according to y'all men, us woman are supposed to just sit back and be quiet on this board?

Even though, It was literally put here for us to advertise and communicate. As for the recent changes, us woman were told to work around it, while still following the new guidelines.

If we don't post, how are we able to communicate or be active in the community?

But if we do post, we are subjected to being publicly shamed and belittled?!? Why, Because we didn't post something to a certain hobbyist standards or liking?

That's like going to a singles event as a male, then proceeding to insult all of the woman there and for what?!

What are you even here for?

To spread hate and discontent?!
You must live for the drama.

It's apparent what the woman are here for....

I'm literally here to cater and be of your service but in return, I get insulted for that because other people before have posted something in the past that rubbed you the wrong way????

Um ok,

So in that sense if I was to react in a female version of you and then come on here acting like every guy is the same and they all act the same and if one guy posts something asking for something, I should publicly criticize him .....even though that's what he's here for, is to seek what he's interested in whether that be a place to get drinks, a lady, service, or a whatever.....

Thank God all men are NOT the same nor like the two of you least I'm mature enough to realize that and I have at upmost respect for those gentlemen.

But yall are over here talking about people on social media begging and all I asked about was a suggestion for a bar that has good mixed drinks thst I can check out and go to whenever I decide to grab food later...

Why do you care what other people do on their social media anyways....

It bothers you that much huh, smh....

People really go out of their way to try to talk down , belittle or shame someone,.....and on a board like this, just imagine the irony....

As if they are so admirable themselves lol

Do you feel that way, because disappointment and anger from women is all that you're use to?

Because without all of that and the attention, you seem to feel ignored and have no other way to vent your frustrations?!?

So you take it out on us companions, the very woman you men turn to for validation and release?!

All one has to do is a quick search of your previous comments to get a good idea of your view and take on women and companions in general.

What is it, You don't get to turn down any woman in the real world and this is the only place where you are able to do it, even though this is really more of a transactional thing, so instead of woman actually seriously wanting to be with you, it's more or them wanting your business....and if not then, well take it elsewhere then.....but you really felt the need to stick around, guess since you're not busy getting it on with some hot chick, you'd rather insult the hot chicks.....

Are you sure you like chicks?!?

So it's kind of like you wanted to go grocery shopping, and you went to the store but instead of buying things, you went up to the vendors and insulted them for their business tactics and acted like you hurt people's feelings and put them out of business but in the end, you left with nothing, and people still went about their day selling things and conducting business as usual after you left.....


But go off sir, you made a real good point lol, no shame at all Originally Posted by Deja Tha Doll
You having a bad day? tell us what really set you off? You one of those begging hookers?
Deja Tha Doll's Avatar
Nah I'm having a great day luv. I could ask you the same as well, don't ya think?

Im just over the snide comments, the utter disdain and blatant disrespect, as I'm sure many others here are too, especially when I didn't say nor do anything to warrant it .....

Please don't patronize me either, or try to gas light me with that age old bullshit!t response that men had for woman back in the day, who spoke out or did something disagreeable, "then she must be hysterical, or in today's term BSC" ....all because I went "against the grain" and responded to y'all's unnecessary commentary.

As for Twitter, I mean you could always go look for yourself, (make sure to like, follow and subscribe while you're there), and go find out, since you have so much spare time to worry about me.....

As for my rebuttal that you basically requested, the moment you commented and felt the need to derail my thread..... i had time today luv.... .....Im also very vocal in bed too (not that you'll ever find out) lol.

Yes sir, I know what I want, I know what I like, and I definitely know how to ask for and get what I want....

As for begging, the only time I do that is when I'm on my knees taking back shots, then I beg him for "more please".....I also beg him and say "don't stop, please baby" ....and you know what, there's no shame in my game, I'll even beg when I'm hungry, IDGAF, ......I say "please papi, feed me that cum, PLEASE, give it me baby"!!!!!


Cuz frankly, I don't give a damn...

I may not be here for a long time but I am here for a good time.....

How about you though?!?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-07-2022, 09:46 PM
Nah I'm having a great day luv. I could ask you the same as well, don't ya think?

Im just over the snide comments, the utter disdain and blatant disrespect, as I'm sure many others here are too, especially when I didn't say nor do anything to warrant it .....

Please don't patronize me either, or try to gas light me with that age old bullshit!t response that men had for woman back in the day, who spoke out or did something disagreeable, "then she must be hysterical, or in today's term BSC" ....all because I went "against the grain" and responded to y'all's unnecessary commentary.

As for Twitter, I mean you could always go look for yourself, (make sure to like, follow and subscribe while you're there), and go find out, since you have so much spare time to worry about me.....

As for my rebuttal that you basically requested, the moment you commented and felt the need to derail my thread..... i had time today luv.... .....Im also very vocal in bed too (not that you'll ever find out) lol.

Yes sir, I know what I want, I know what I like, and I definitely know how to ask for and get what I want....

As for begging, the only time I do that is when I'm on my knees taking back shots, then I beg him for "more please".....I also beg him and say "don't stop, please baby" ....and you know what, there's no shame in my game, I'll even beg when I'm hungry, IDGAF, ......I say "please papi, feed me that cum, PLEASE, give it me baby"!!!!!


Cuz frankly, I don't give a damn...

I may not be here for a long time but I am here for a good time.....

How about you though?!? Originally Posted by Deja Tha Doll
You come off as a angry hooker, what happened to the good vibes BS? Your rants are comical though. I can tell you're worked up over nothing 😂 them SIMPS got your head in the clouds
CG2014's Avatar
CG did make some good points though, too much begging going on social media these days, some women has have no shame Originally Posted by BLM69

Thank you brother.

I have been wanting to ask that question for years each and every time a lady posts a thread about:

What is a good place to eat/drink/listen to jazz at in Addison/Plano/Richardson/Dallas/DFW/Fort Worth/Texas/West Coast/East Coast/USA/North America/Planet Earth...

...and can a guy join me Because I AM BORED?

Are these ladies honestly just asking for recommendation and wants someone to accompany them and they will go DUTCH when the food and drinks bill arrives;

or are these ladies wanting a guy to join them and pick up the tab and pay for the ladies' companionship?

Because we are not mind-readers and we also do not like to be surprised with a food and bill tab and a you owe me $200 per hour for sitting with you for 6 hours tab.

Oh and you young ladies nowadays are all about social media trends and likes, here's a trend every guy needs to follow:
This was a fun read...

@Deja I'm more of a quiet setting at a nice bar type guy but since I moved to Irving I have been hitting up the Toyota Music Factory area Las Colinas Canals area.

@CG2014 I do agree with your comment. But I don't think ladies actually want us to meet them when the are asking "where is a good place to eat in DFW" It's just a way for ladies to let us know they are in the area since they can't advertise on here. Deja's been here plenty of times, If she was looking for a good hangout spot I doubt she would legit be asking our asses. To your point though I do see that shit on social media a lot more now. We (or some guys) are the blame for that. There used to be a difference between and escort and a sugar baby but it seems like a lot of guys are into just paying for shit and not actually having sex. I got into this to have fun and have sex with hot ladies not just hand them money for being cute arm candy.
TinMan's Avatar
C’mon, guys, they are veiled ads. We all know that. Even with all the restrictions, this is still a Silly HOOKER Message Board. Do you not want them to post at all? Make this a men-only board?

Women aren’t going to come on here if they aren’t allowed to somehow market themselves, even if it’s only a “hey, I’m in Plano, call me” kind of threAD.

Instead, y’all are bent on making this board as inhospitable towards women as possible. To what end?
DownForWhatever's Avatar
...y’all are bent on making this board as inhospitable towards women as possible. To what end? Originally Posted by TinMan
That is exactly what two of my ATFs told me yesterday. Both are long gone from this place due to the overall tone of a handful of turds who have ruined it for all.
Men spend money on willing women and women have sex with guys willing to spend a few dollars on them. Isn't that the point of this whole website? If you are not willing to pay for a woman's company, why are you here?