Do some ladies reps intimidate?

Some ladies have rather out-sized reputations and highly dedicated followers among the players and I do not mean WK's.

Some of the reviews make ladies sound like the second coming.

Is it only me (and it could be) who are so intimidated by a lady's reputation that you hesitate or are just too "impressed" by her reputation to see her?

I live in Houston but about half the ladies I have seen are in the DFW area. In Houston when I first got onto the boards there was a provider who has since moved away. She was virtually a legend and while I was hot for her I never had the nerve to see her.

There are a numer of ladies, several in the DFW area, who have the same impact upon me.

Have any of you guys ever felt this way?

Ladies, have you ever had a client admit something like this to you about yourself? Or anyone else? What was your reaction?
steverino50's Avatar
Well, almost. A hobby buddy recommended I see a partcular lady. I read her profile and reviews and, she is not for me...not my type. Not my style. She is gonna run right over me and I won't have a good time.

I am glad I caved and saw her. It was the best experience ever. And almost a year later, she continues to be.

It could happen to you too, 1CG.
Chevalier's Avatar
Nervous anticipation and butterflies before the tryst? Yes, very often. The intensity has declined somewhat since my early days in P4P, but the nerves are still there. But the ladies don't seem to notice.

Decide against seeing a lady because her reputation indicates a type of session that is not a good match for me? Yes, occasionally, but that's more about "she and I like different things and I'm better at GFE than full-speed hard-core PSE" than "I'm not worthy."

Too intimidated or impressed by her reputation to see her? No. Why should I be? I'm not God's gift to women and the ladies wouldn't date me in civilian life, but they apply very different standards to P4P. I can meet those standards easily enough and I've rarely run across a lady who wasn't very welcoming. That's the whole idea of P4P; even if we're not boyfriend material, we are appreciated and valued customers. It's not as though most of a lady's clients are jet-set businessmen worth millions of dollars, who look like George Clooney and are fantastic lovers. I may not (probably won't) be one of her favorite clients but I'll stack up OK against the average P4P client.
I have has several gentlemen over the years come too see me and they tell me when they get there that they have been wanting too see me for so long but they felt intimated to come and see the Tara Evans. I'm like that's crazy. Well at the end of the appointment they are always happy with the decision they made to come and see me. And continue to do so.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Initiated? That actually might be appropriate, you know. Anyway, Tara hits a nerve, I think, with all hobbyists. We know we're paying so the provider is supposed to cater to our reasonable requests and needs, but some of us older guys sometimes think we're stretching the limits of what they enjoy sexually in a man. Some of us are fat, some bald, some needy, and some of us are all of the above. After all, that's one of the main reasons we hobby. So it breeds anticipation and butterflies. But luckily, most of the ladies on this board know just how to handle us.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
1Curiousguy, I would be worried only if there's a tendency towards wide fluctuations in YMMV. EVERY provider has some YMMV (even if it's a small amount) as it relates to the amount of clickage involved in the session, though a good one will minimize it and multiple sessions can reduce it if the two of you hit it off.

Look for providers whose reputations are built on solid, consistent service and I think you will find that there's a correlation between them having an outstanding reputation and their ability to provide a high level of service consistently - or at the very least not displaying diva tendencies that might interfere with your enjoyment of the session. The ladies who I am aware of on this board are the ones who are well known and have what you might call "intimidating" reputations. Of course there are exceptions, which is the case in everything, but those exceptions only prove the rule.
I have heard that before. I have even gotten Pm's that said, " I would really love to see you, but I know you wouldn't want to be with me." Are you serious? Anyone that has met me, can and will tell you that I am the most down to earth woman you will meet. I am probably more intimidated by the gentlemen I meet than they are of

One gentleman in particular...every time he comes to see me, I giggle like a teenager, spill stuff and make no sense when I speak. He just intimidates me that much. Eventually after about 5 minutes, I am relaxed and we have a blast. Thank God that he is patient and thinks that it's

So when you think that the woman is "the second coming" and maybe you shouldn't try to see her...think again. She could possibly be more nervous and intimidated than you.
TheBizzer's Avatar
Chevalier's Avatar
She could possibly be more nervous and intimidated than you. Originally Posted by reese foster
Good point.

Nervous may happen a lot. It's common in civilian encounters for that matter, on both sides, when you're seeing someone for the first time and are uncertain whether you'll make a good impression. Even from a purely business perspective (which P5P is not), there can be some nerves when meeting a new client or prospective client and hoping that you'll satisfy them. I know some non-P4P professionals who get very anxious about whether their clients will be happy; client interaction can make them a nervous wreck.

Intimidated is likely less common, because most clients don't really have a "reputation"; for the most part, they're unknowns to the ladies. But it happens as well. I can recall, over the last 10 years, three or four ladies who may have been a bit intimidated when first meeting me BCD. (No, not just because I'm a grumpy curmudgeon whose demeanor scares women and small children.) And if an escort can be intimidated by a teddy-bear like me, she can be intimidated by anyone.
Initiated? That actually might be appropriate, you know. Anyway, Tara hits a nerve, I think, with all hobbyists. We know we're paying so the provider is supposed to cater to our reasonable requests and needs, but some of us older guys sometimes think we're stretching the limits of what they enjoy sexually in a man. Some of us are fat, some bald, some needy, and some of us are all of the above. After all, that's one of the main reasons we hobby. So it breeds anticipation and butterflies. But luckily, most of the ladies on this board know just how to handle us. Originally Posted by Gonzo DFW
Were did you come up with that? I meant intimated. Please don't stir up any trouble Gonzo. I answered the question like the op asked. There's know need to start up trouble by saying yes tara hits a nerve with all hobbyists. That was uncalled for and I think you know it. Now carry on please with the op question.
Guest062512's Avatar
In short, the answer is yes. I would be intimidated by the stellar reputations of some of the eccie ladies. Maybe more so by the guys they have seen and the reviews I have read. I tend to think, "there's no way I can compete with that."

The good thing is there are plenty of ladies here that DON'T intimidate me and I have been happy over the last year or two to spend some fine time with them. I am grateful for those beautiful women who have agreed to see me.
Chevalier's Avatar
and the reviews I have read. I tend to think, "there's no way I can compete with that." Originally Posted by Crossroads
One respect in which those over-the-top, chest-beating reviews can be a disservice to the lady reviewed.

It helps once you figure out that a lot of the content of reviews, even if not completely fabricated/imaginary, is his perspective and may differ quite a bit from her perspective and/or "reality." Many P4P clients appear to be at the opposite end of the spectrum from "intimidation," into having a high capacity for self-delusion. (Of course, sometimes that appearance masks their insecurity.)

Ditto with the occasional targeted flattery on public forums. You just need to learn to ignore it. Doesn't necessarily mean the guy she's flattering is God's gift to women and doesn't necessarily mean that she doesn't feel the same way about most of her clients (including, potentially, you) as she does about him.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 12-30-2010, 09:15 AM
Some ladies have rather out-sized reputations and highly dedicated followers among the players and I do not mean WK's.

Some of the reviews make ladies sound like the second coming.

Is it only me (and it could be) who are so intimidated by a lady's reputation that you hesitate or are just too "impressed" by her reputation to see her?

I live in Houston but about half the ladies I have seen are in the DFW area. In Houston when I first got onto the boards there was a provider who has since moved away. She was virtually a legend and while I was hot for her I never had the nerve to see her.

There are a numer of ladies, several in the DFW area, who have the same impact upon me.

Have any of you guys ever felt this way?

Ladies, have you ever had a client admit something like this to you about yourself? Or anyone else? What was your reaction? Originally Posted by 1Curiousguy

Oh honey, I have experienced this from several gentleman, It really amazes me when someone walks in and says OMG
your Fawn....I almost want to hid...I'm like sweetie, I am just a good ole country girl that treats others like I want to be treated....Remember most of us are just normal down to earth people just like you..It is just the pedestal that our men followers have put us on...So reach out to this lady....She will embrace you with open arms and make you feel right at home.....and if she doesnt then come see me.... lol
Lana Warren's Avatar
I have been told many times that I am too intimidating to see! Why? Because they tell me that I'm too freakin' normal and too nice! Ask my kids, I'm NOT nice! LOL!

Damn, I hate being a saint!