An Interesting situation. Shitting where I eat or just good fun? No it's not 2 girls and a cup.

LovingKayla's Avatar
OK one of my family members requires in home care. The girl that comes out during the week is very pretty (ex stripper) and I was told last night that she likes me and basically wants to fool around. OK all I see here is trouble.

It's like shitting where you eat, or sleep, or do anything you don't want shit on.

So do you guys think, "Hey no problem, fool around, who cares." Or "run away, run far away."

I just see nothing but problems, especially for my family member. HOWEVER, what if I talked her into providing with me? She'd be happy and it would be hobby based, not home. I can compartmentalize hobby way better than real life. The two are seperate. Mostly.

I really have no idea how to deal with this. It's not going away. it's a huge rainbow colored elephant in the room and being the resident hippy, I can't hide the fact I can see it, not for long anyway.

Personal entanglements almost ALWAYS spell bad news. My advice to others is to run away. However, it being me, makes it a little more strange. Things are never so cut and dried as I like to imagine they are.... Or is it me that adds the water to the dry and makes it a big deal when in fact it wasn't?


OH and because you will ask, she is blonde too.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Let me play with her a few times. Then I'll give you my views on whether she'd be a good provider. I won't even charge her. Unless she asks for legal advice. Ha. But seriously...

Play with her. If the play sucks, then np. If the play is good, then you may have some thinking to do. But you'll never know until you play with her.

Oh, be sure to film it if you do and send me the mpeg.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I think having her as a provider - partner could also lead to issues. Just because you can compartmentalize doesn't mean she can. A couple of alternative hobby based solutions would be:
a. She's really into you but you're only mildly into her, in which case you simply offer her a discounted introductory rate to become your client (rather than partner).

b. You're into her as much or more than shes into you, in which case you ask her straight up what she would charge for a session, pointing out that making it a business arrangement is safer emotionally for all concerned.

Granted, neither of these insures no complications, but both would lend themselves to having a fixed number of encounters.

It must be tough having so many people who want to get into your pants! Since this never happens to me you should keep in mind that like all free advice, mine is worth every penny you paid for it!
Trust your instincts.
dogsmack's Avatar
I have a clean & simple solution in 2 parts...
1. Hire a new home care professional.
2. Get naked & sweaty with the hot ex-stripper/home care girl (and sell tickets).

Truly not trying to be a smart ass. I think you can make this work.
LovingKayla's Avatar
dogsmack do you have any idea how hard it is to find a good HC pro? We've been doing this for more than 10 years and this is the very best we have EVER found. It would sooooo fucking figure there would be a catch.

But seriously she's awesome.
dogsmack's Avatar
Wow, that sure does make it a tough decision. I guess I am in the same position as Iaintlein, I don't have chicks standing in line for me, so I am always going to go the hot girl route.

Damn, I hate to say it, but if she is that good a HC professional, it might just be easier to go find another hot girl to date.
Never mix business and pleasure. And as you say, a quality HC is very tough to find. Especially if she is reliable and trustworthy. Why risk it for a moment of passion which may or may not take off?
My opinion - Just leave her to your family member .
Jasser's Avatar
Do it or you will be banned from Eccie.

Seriously, I would do it without thinking twice about it.
Never mix business and pleasure. And as you say, a quality HC is very tough to find. Especially if she is reliable and trustworthy. Why risk it for a moment of passion which may or may not take off?
My opinion - Just leave her to your family member . Originally Posted by delimex007

It's just not worth it to risk a good permanent relationship (business or otherwise) for the mere potential of temporary pleasure.
You know better, you just don't want to see it for the potential disaster it is.
Seriously. Don't do it.

The fact that she is taking care of a family member in need and is a high quality HC professional, would be more important to me than eating her pussy but that is just me. I'm silly like that.

If she is an ex-stripper and is now a HC professional, I wouldn't introduce her to the hobby...kinda seems like bringing her back in to the same type of life she was in before, just less work. Why bring her back into it? Leave the girl alone. Plenty of fish in the sea.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You know better, you just don't want to see it for the potential disaster it is.
Seriously. Don't do it.

The fact that she is taking care of a family member in need and is a high quality HC professional, would be more important to me than eating her pussy but that is just me. I'm silly like that.

If she is an ex-stripper and is now a HC professional, I wouldn't introduce her to the hobby...kinda seems like bringing her back in to the same type of life she was in before, just less work. Why bring her back into it? Leave the girl alone. Plenty of fish in the sea. Originally Posted by Dannie
elgato111's Avatar
I agree, do not mix business with pleasure. She is basically an employee of the family and should remain so unless she moves on to another employer, then go get her.
mtabsw's Avatar
Train Wreck