News4 story on Prostitution/Police cracking down
I seems to me that LE targets the most visible - that being the streetwalkers. Doesn't mean that Escorts don't need to be less vigilant but the real heat is going to be applied to the streets where some of the most foolish - ahem, most adventurous - of our Monger brothers go trolling for in expensive conquests.
As for the Providers we know and love (and mostly respect), SCREEN and SCREEN again. Most of you have developed pretty good "spidey senses". if your gut tells you to decline, do so. Like streetcars, another one of us will be along in fifteen minutes.
Now how did they know about my sister?
My moms 73, so good luck. No wife. But my sisters a notorious ho
My moms 73, so good luck. No wife. But my sisters a notorious ho
Originally Posted by nerdy123
Huh, is she hot?