The Chase

So...being an analytical person, I'm trying to understand the chase. I have read enough reviews to realize that there is an appeal to it, I just don't get it.

If unknown , BP girl has questionable photos or reviews, why do guys still want to figure out if she is legit? Why would anyone waste X amount of time, assuming that X is worth a certain $ to get a better and riskier deal....Is it in the chase?

Guys just like variety.

Guessing because a) she's female, and b) she's different than the last?

Is the avatar pic new, Ari? Sexy!
The thrill...plain and simple. The risk factor can make it more appealing.
What Lacrew said. I think some guys relish the adventure of trying something new as much as the experience itself. They go in knowing the odds are against them, and get an extra sense of accomplishment when they find a true gem.

And thank God for the guys who are adventurous enough to scout out new women. We all had to get started somewhere, and it is those who are adventurous in spirit who helped all of us well reviewed ladies get our start. God love 'em
Good points by all. I guess that I don't have the same ability to take risk.

Sins---totally agree with all said.
KenMonk's Avatar
I would also say the sense of adventure. I have done it once or twice but typically I find enough adventure in seeing a new somewhat known or well known lady for the first time. All of you ladies are way out of my league so even being in the same bed gives me a sense of accomplishment.

Plus getting a lady to grind on my face while seeing how long I can continue to lick in the vice grip between her legs is super fun!
KCQuestor's Avatar
Do you gamble, Ari? At a casino or the lottery or something like that, I mean.
Do you gamble, Ari? At a casino or the lottery or something like that, I mean. Originally Posted by KCQuestor
Only with other people's money. Good comparison though Questor.
Only with other people's money. Good comparison though Questor. Originally Posted by Ari816
You answered your own question with your first line Ari...

So...being an analytical person,....
This implies that in most everything you do, even when you may not be aware of it, you are running a cost/benefit or risk/reward calculation in your head and the answer you are getting simply doesn't compute for you.

From a guy's standpoint, you have to remember where he runs that calculation when it comes to women, the head is much, much smaller.

LoveWomen's Avatar
The Business Model for this industry has evolved over time.
No longer does a "Madam" find and develop and distribute new talent.

Providers are independent business women, developing their own individual reputations, marketing and clientele.
This evolution is all to the good.

However, the task of developing fresh talent then falls to the dedicated hobbyists that seek, find and encourage that talent.
Currently BP (as uncertain as it is, for both parties) seems to be the information exchange used as the gateway into the industry.

IMHO, the "mentoring" of new providers into safer environments, more secure information exchange, and more in-depth knowledge of the industry should ideally be administered by other intelligent, experienced providers.

The risk, gamble, or "adventure" is not something positive for a hobbyist.
Certainly can't even be called "The Chase".

But until such time when providers are willing to "mentor" new talent, that burden will continue to fall to the hobbyist.

(Ari, is this analytical enough for you?)
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Chase? Maybe once upon a time in the real world. In the hobby, no thanks, I prefer to do my research. Doesn't mean I still don't get burned, but it cuts down the odds.
is the question "why do guys go after different women?" or is it "why do guys do risky things?"?

if it's about different women, that's in our DNA. literally. it's been called bs, mostly by proponents of monogamy. but men are programmed to perpetuate the species. the more partners we have the greater guarantee we have to continue as an animal. i don't know why that part hasn't evolved, we aren't covered in hair and we've figured out tools pretty well so maybe that's just a bunch of bs perpetuated by the opposite side of monogamy.

as far as why we do risky things? can't answer that one. i've done some incredibly stupid things for the sake of sex. ftr, that's risky as in getting my ass kicked by a jealous bf who could be home any second or risk losing everything i own kind of thing.
The Business Model for this industry has evolved over time.
No longer does a "Madam" find and develop and distribute new talent.

Providers are independent business women, developing their own individual reputations, marketing and clientele.
This evolution is all to the good.

However, the task of developing fresh talent then falls to the dedicated hobbyists that seek, find and encourage that talent.
Currently BP (as uncertain as it is, for both parties) seems to be the information exchange used as the gateway into the industry.

IMHO, the "mentoring" of new providers into safer environments, more secure information exchange, and more in-depth knowledge of the industry should ideally be administered by other intelligent, experienced providers.

The risk, gamble, or "adventure" is not something positive for a hobbyist.
Certainly can't even be called "The Chase".

But until such time when providers are willing to "mentor" new talent, that burden will continue to fall to the hobbyist.

(Ari, is this analytical enough for you?) Originally Posted by LoveWomen
First off, as always, fun thread by Ari. Second...I think it is great when some of the experienced ladies help out the newbies...both guys and ladies

But as far as "the burden falling on the hobbiest" to mentor...sorry, that not only sounds self-serving, but just plain dumb.

Of course if a lady I visit asks for my opinion, I'll give it...but mentoring sounds way too pimpish to me.

Plus the inexperience/young ones really need to rely on the ladies for matter how experience the guy is, we are really clueless to all the behind the scenes business and safety issues the ladies need to be aware of. So let's not be clueless Cap-Sav-hoe and act like we are ready to guide them thru this stuff. It can only lead to giving out bad advice to the lady, and all the way to getting someone's jaw broken

Amazing how some people never learn from past mistakes. I think it is called, leading with one's chin.

Plus I would guess the vast majority of the experienced, well-grounded hobbiest are simply here to have fun...if you want to "mentor" go get a part time teaching position at Keller Grad School, or try "mentoring" to your high school daughter why she can't have the keys to the car this weekend, for gosh sakes
malwoody's Avatar
is the question "why do guys go after different women?" or is it "why do guys do risky things?"?

. Originally Posted by notswilson

First off, as always, fun thread by Ari. Second...I think it is great when some of the experienced ladies help out the newbies...both guys and ladies

But as far as "the burden falling on the hobbiest" to mentor...sorry, that not only sounds self-serving, be just dumb.

Of course if a lady I vist asks for my opinion, I'll give it...but mentoring sounds way too pimpish to me.

Plus typically (not always) the inexperience/young ones really need to rely on the ladies for matter how experience the guy is, we are really clueless to all the behind the scenes business and safety issues the ladies need to be aware of. So let's not act like clueless Cap-Sav-hoe and act like we are prepare to guide them thru this stuff. It can only lead to giving out bad advice, and all the way to getting someone's jaw broken

Amazing how some people never learn from past mistakes.

Plus I would guess the vast majority of the experienced, well-grounded hobbiest are simply here to have fun...if you want to "mentor" go get a part time teaching position at Keller Grad School, or try "mentoring" to your high school daughter why she can't have the keys to the car this weekend, for gosh sakes Originally Posted by vkmaster
This is getting to be a bit twisted...the fact that you keep reading my mind....must be the ear-wax connection....haha....I wonder how the mentoring biz is working out for PD..?.....LMAO...