Price, Provider, Services, Intangibles

dodger's Avatar
Interesting to see the discussions on price, and services. There is another factor not covered by those which I'll call the ability to build a rapport during the selection process.

In my hobby research, I try to get a feel for what the provider is like. Some of this comes through reviews, some from ads, some from posting on groups like Coed Discussions, and sometimes 'CHAT'. I start to feel an affinity towards a provider.

When I want to select someone for a session, I'll shoot a PM or email through P411. And now, this is her chance to dazzle! Her response to me means a great deal. If it is brief and business like, I'll respect that but it doesn't engender any warm feelings which would intensify my desire to book.

Some providers dazzle me with the thoughtfulness and originality of their response. They build a bit of a relationship which makes me want to visit with them, specifically. Again, physical allure, services, and fees are all part of the process ... but this aspect helps selection and also can collapse time frames. Now I'm eager to have physically intimate contact with my new friend!

OK ... not everyone is good at this. And many providers just don't have the time or inclination to deal in such detail, considering the volume of inquiries. I'm just saying that this makes a big difference to me.

Yes, I'm attracted to you. Otherwise I would not have contacted you. But .. get to my (feeble) mind .. and you seal the deal.

btw ... I am not scared off by low prices. Quite the contrary! But if the prices are lower than average fare, I will pay more attention to the reviews and reputation of the individual. Just saying that a bargain price will not scare me off. May make me wary, but I can satisfy that wariness (or not) with additional "research".
oldmarine's Avatar
Dodger, I think you are asking for a lot in your wanting a provider to dazzle you on your first contact with her. I am sure that most get a lot of PM's, emails, etc. and it would be a real chore to try to impress each and every sender. Not to mention that what dazzles someone else may just leave you cold.

Too often there is no response at all so I am perfectly happy with a business-like response to an initial inquiry. However, I do expect her to dazzle me once me meet.
dodger's Avatar
Dodger, I think you are asking for a lot Originally Posted by oldmarine
I'm just saying that this impresses me. Delights me. Doesn't necessarily mean I would rule someone out because they were brief and businesslike in their response. I can't resist a lady who manages to build a rapport with me during the selection process. If the communications remain businesslike ... and not evolve to a personal level, I may come to believe that the session will be businesslike. Doesn't mean it's a bad session ... but I might prefer a different experience.

So .. that's me ... ready to ask for a lot and willing to give .. maybe not so much. Whaddaguy!!!! Old, overweight, balding ... everyone woman's dream!
(at least they understand, it will all be over .... soon)

He isn't asking for a lot. In my experience, the build up of rapport was slow. We'd cross paths on threads for a while, then the PM's, then chatting in the chat room. I don't believe Dodger expects a lady to WHABAM-- be all over conversation without any kind of buildup.

I always tend to enjoy myself more with the gents who are attracted to my humor, or my posts, or even my sarcastic wit. I'm a bit of a nerd and enjoy the conversation aspect of things.
oldmarine's Avatar
DecemberLove, what you say about a slow build up is true and I too would welcome that but I don't think there are many providers with that kind of patience. Hell, most of the time they seem to ignore any questions or suggestions. For example, I recently contacted a provider through P411 and asked her to check my profile because I wanted her to read what I have to say there. The response I got was "call me when you want to meet" and according to P411 tracking she never even looked at my profile. This is from a lady with stellar reviews which is why I contacted her to begin with.

That raises two issues:
1. She did not screen me that I could tell. Evidently a PM from P411 was enough.
2. She did not read the comments in my profile as I had asked.

We did not connect, mostly because my schedule changed, but I sure was frustrated by the lack of cooperation.

He isn't asking for a lot. In my experience, the build up of rapport was slow. We'd cross paths on threads for a while, then the PM's, then chatting in the chat room. I don't believe Dodger expects a lady to WHABAM-- be all over conversation without any kind of buildup.

I always tend to enjoy myself more with the gents who are attracted to my humor, or my posts, or even my sarcastic wit. I'm a bit of a nerd and enjoy the conversation aspect of things. Originally Posted by DecemberLove


Oldmarine...she should of looked at your profile, i always check cause some guys dont like lotion, some guys dont like the smell of smoke, some guys like DFK, list goes on!

I screen through P411 to get this list(not the only reason).

A satisfied Hobbists is a returned Hobbist....period!!
Keep in mind, if a provider calls in to P411 check your profile instead of through the web, you will not know it.

Also Oldmarine, if so many providers are sitting around waiting for calls, they should have plenty of time to try to impress clients when they return their contact attempts. Anyone can make money when things are good. When its not, it take a lot of effort and smarts. Its called work for a reason. I know I am working my ass off to get every customer that calls me right now.
If a provider dazzles you with her charm thru chat rooms, pm's, emails, or phone conversations, do you think your gonna get some discount or a freebie?

wondering minds wanna know
  • KRH
  • 10-22-2010, 06:15 PM
If a provider dazzles you with her charm thru chat rooms, pm's, emails, or phone conversations, do you think your gonna get some discount or a freebie?

wondering minds wanna know Originally Posted by babydollsnow
Not I. It just gives that great feeling that you know you'll have a great time. That's worth more than any discount or freebie to me.
Walmart became a giant by making smart business decisions.
I'm don't have any statistics to prove this, but I am a very smart person, and a very savy business man.
Ladies, if any one of you pm'd any guy and said, "come take me tonight" AND "I know that this is a recession, just be fair with he price, and pay me what you feel like the session is worth!"

Your schedules would be FULL, and you will make a significant amount of money.
What a guy is willing to pay is based on income, service and most IMPORTANT, how you make the hobbyist feel.
Some guys at times want to feel like superman, others want to be attacked as if the hobbyist was a rockstar and the provider was a rockstar groupie.
How the hobbyist feels, changes based on mood, weather, u name it.
I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that IF, providers focus on SERVICE, not price you will do well. Guys like spontaneity, not he same thing every time. We get bored easily, which is why guys change providers.
IIMHO, guys who say that when they see adds for 125, they think TGTBT, are not fully explaining what they mean.
The question for the hobbyist is why? If this is a special for EVERY hobbyist, something (pimp, trouble) is going on possibly. There are some good providers at that rate.
But if you made that rate ONLY (Walmart rollback) for the select few, something to make the hobbyist feel like you just really want to be with him, it's not about the money but hey, a provider still has to live....hobbyist will forever remember it, and will spread the word to others......starting a jealousy frenzy.
It is all how a provider advertises.
Many hobbyist don't have a limit on price that they COULD pay to play. But MANY do.
Just as the economy has hurt providers, it has hurt hobbyist more (all prices have gone up, all rates, stocks have plunged).....its based on how u look at things.
Hobbyists are all telling you all the things to do, many of you don't believe it. The "studies" many of you allude to, have so many biases, so many errors (statistical).
Example: flipping a quarter heads 3 times in a row is likely to occur 12.5 times out of a hundred
Now you may be able to pull out a coin now and flip 3 heads in a row, 3 times in a row.
But if you do it a hundred times, and the first 3 times it worked, when you get finished, you will only flip heads 3 times in a row, 12 or 13 times. The size of you study was too small. It was not randomized.
Try this study and I will bet, that things improve for every provider: give random discounts..... Not just to regulars but to anyone. Making hobbyist feel special will make him come back, it's not he discount ladies, hobbyist have money, we can release on our own for free.
It is difficult to understand, it doesn't sound true.
I will finish this rant (sorry this is so long)
With one of my favorite quotes
"If you keep doing what you have been doing, you will keep getting what you have gotten"
Insanity- doing things the same way and expecting a different result
Just try doing random prices based not on if he has seen u often, but on how his day went, how his session was, how he made you, the provider feel. Was he really into u? Dix he do or say something to make u feel special?
ATF's have nothing to do with how much it costs
IF, u become an ATF for a special rate that day of (pick any number), you will always have that hobbyist and in the long run, that was a special price, you will make more money.
Think about hobbyist in months to years of visits, rather than in how much a provider made in 1 month based on price changes
My 2 cents
javelinowner's Avatar
+ 1
GinaXXX's Avatar
Keep in mind, if a provider calls in to P411 check your profile instead of through the web, you will not know it.
No longer the case.... if she calls in, she will still show up in Tracking.

And all of the well groomed beautiful people shop at Wal-Mart.
Walmart became a giant by making smart business decisions.
I'm don't have any statistics to prove this, but I am a very smart person, and a very savy business man.
Ladies, if any one of you pm'd any guy and said, "come take me tonight" AND "I know that this is a recession, just be fair with he price, and pay me what you feel like the session is worth!" Originally Posted by KRiggins
Very smart, very savvy business man? You left out amazingly good looking, fabulously wealthy, hung like a horse, a gift to mankind, having strong attention to grammar, spelling and detail...oh, and modest as well...

Pay me what you think the session is worth? Obviously, you don't know some of the ass clowns that abound on these boards...

...just sayin'