dangerous beware of bowdowntome

Mistress Santos's Avatar
after 2 weeks of texts and pm'ing this guy about setting up a future date for an GB event after contacting he began to persistently message me at all time of the day being disrespectful and then after refusing to talk dirty to and send naked photos of my self or refusing to give him a freebee meeting up with him before the process privately and threatening my reputation threatening to put alerts out on me if i flaked but he was making me uncomfortable i refuse to be harassed like this it has really gotten out of hand he will take advantage of you and put your life at risk so be careful and beware he is out of hand and dangerous telling me that i owe him and to prove my self i have more than a handful of review on this site and many others i was like wow this guy is really crazy ladies beware he claims to have a reputation that he cannot prove claims to be discreet but clearly violates and records his sessions if doing any sessions with him please do it in a place of your connivence if you don't want to end up on the internet all i asked to do was host the event and collect my considerations before everything took place he flipped instating that he set the event up in the comforts of his home which 2 providers have told sating he had recorded them with out permission and didn't get all of their donation his handle is BOWDOWNTOME
Not an Alert. Moved to COED.

This should have probably been placed in the ladies area.

Texting, requesting pics, and asking for freebies are occupational irritants for a provider but not an alert of a dangerous Hobbyest.

You state he records sessions and possible posting on the internet but give no proof nor the proof of providers not being paid.
billw1032's Avatar
Just a suggestion, but if you have something important to say you might try using some punctuation and paragraphs. This is too hard to read. I gave up after the second line.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
The handle alone should be reason enough to use a bit of caution.

Thanks for the heads up!
Research goes a long way on both sides of the hobby fence. Sorry you were harassed doll. Block his number and move on. Easy peasy.
Glad you are OK, Maria.

Just a suggestion, but if you have something important to say you might try using some punctuation and paragraphs. This is too hard to read. I gave up after the second line. Originally Posted by billw1032
Agreed, I was out of breath reading it silently!

Not an Alert. Moved to COED.

This should have probably been placed in the ladies area.
Originally Posted by Von Spieler
Also agreed, but with a caveat that guys who read his reviews should also be aware of the possible games played to shed some light on those reviews.

And the guy mentioned is also known for trolling in the WW, along with other guys whose names I will not mention, and from what I was told, so second hand info, they are also donation price hagglers, claiming the reviewer extraordinaire title and are time wasters as well. Good thing the OP is already a VP and can put this in the ladies area as the ladies in the WW do not have access and probably have no idea how to report incidences of this nature or may be too intimated by the veteran review status claimed. So there are reasons for WW trolling as they are looking for novices to the game to take advantage of. Too bad he did not give you his p411 account, if he has one, so you can report it to Gina.
Thanks for the heads up
Mistress Santos's Avatar
I really don't kmoe howvto put in the ladies area
Mistress Santos's Avatar
And he actually is dangerous list went from just few to 30 people no one is walking out of a room the same after that sftrmy supposed flaking he got upset and threatened me I take all threats seriously believe that
Roger.Smith's Avatar
That member is part of a posse on this site that's pretty good at fooling stupid and gullible guys with their reviews. This posse is quick to jump on a review of their reviewed girls and pile on with over-the-top or worthless platitudes. They are predators. They hunt in the Welcome Wagon looking for new providers to take advantage of. You can check the guys who constantly comment on his reviews with "attaboys" to give you some ideas on who to avoid.
I really don't kmoe howvto put in the ladies area Originally Posted by Maria Dinero
I think there is a forum called the powder room for ladies only and there is another called info share. Ask a VP for what it is all about and ask Elizabeth Whispers for access to the powder room.

Roger, you hit the nail on the head about the guys in this posse, but do not forget the embellishment in the ROS, usually to bait business in the door and/or some sort of self gratification, and that is reflected and confirmed in the subsequent reviews by different guys not in the posse. The most prevalent reviewers in this posse has a review on the first page of the indy review forum: hint: 99% of the time, always has (((SEXY PHOTOS In ROS))) in the title of his reviews. One of these days, a gullible guy believing his reviews is going to want the same thing/experience that was reported in the review from that same provider(s) and when she does not deliver, something else alert worthy might happen!
Btw Maria, if you have access you should be able to click the link below (you can also get to it from the main ECCIE page and then in the Dallas forums)
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I really don't kmoe howvto put in the ladies area Originally Posted by Maria Dinero
Each city listed has an infoshare area (it's a separate forum), that is female only, except for the male moderators.

You should already be able to see "infoshare" on this site since you're a verified provider.

After you've been a member for a few months (3), have 50 posts and a few reviews, then you can be a part of the Ladies, Only powder room. In there, there isn't a male presence and only female moderators.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Oh ... and welcome to Eccie and the demimonde!

This is actually pretty informative, soon I will have to start advertising as an independent hobbyist, seems like there are "posse's" everywhere on this site.
This is actually pretty informative, soon I will have to start advertising as an independent hobbyist, seems like there are "posse's" everywhere on this site. Originally Posted by DarkeyKong
Posses and clicks..........it is like grade school on this site, once one does something, the others follow like clock work, especially if it is stroking the egos of their posse bros or throwing a member under the bus for a real/honest or even perceived mistake or wrong they have done.