Thinking of a visit soon.

NikkiSecrets's Avatar
Hey fellas of SA! I am thinking of visiting your lovely city soon. PM if or reply if you think i'd have fun! Also wondering the best area or places to stay. Thanks guys!

If you haven't seen it already, check the sticky by our lovely Camille Fox. I'll link it here...

Lastly, have fun, stay safe, and enjoy our fine city.
NikkiSecrets's Avatar
Thanks babe!! Preciate it!
ck1942's Avatar
Some good times to visit Santone or Austin may be found in my signature.

Airport or medical center areas in SA are usually more beneficial. Do your research on hotel pricing, too.

imo, don't just drop in without giving some advance notice (as you already have done) to gauge hobbiests' interest.

If you know any travelers who consider SA a good place to visit, ask them for some advice.

Possibly offer some extra time specials or early pre-booking specials.

Be aware that some visitors have recently reported excessive NCNS dates, so do your research and make sure you verify and screen properly.

Best of luck and hoping, I am, that trip is both safe and productive.