Yes..... At approximately 11:45PM last night it was in fact Taylor Maiden cuddled up on my lap at Palacios..... for about 15-20 minutes.....
I had been plied with Long Island Ice Teas all night followed by shots.....
I was not thinking straight..... One of my favorite strip club buddies is out of town.....
I assure you that very shortly afterward a 20yo was in my arms in the Cabana behind where we were sitting.....
I'll sort through some things when I sober up and try to figure out just how it went down but she seems to have "picked off" one of the guys with me..... When I came out of the cabana a while later both Taylor and one of my buddies was gone....
For now..... I need the "Attack Pack" to please Sound Off and check in so I know your OK..I'm worried that someone is tied up back at the Glory Hole..... We may have to formulate a plan to rescue him..... In the meantime pair up and watch each others backs....
You ask me why?
Well? Does 7-8 Long Island Ice Teas excuse me?..... maybe someone slipped something in my drink?
Maybe it's just that Holiday Spirit combined with the fact that John_Tx is such a time consuming ass that I don't have anything negative to say about anyone other than him....