Eva Relaxation

So I have been to Eva Relaxation in Manlius a few times. Caught her peaking on the flip but never anything more. I’m determined to get an ending from her just because it seems like it could be a challenge that is conquerable. I am trying to think of some creative ways to ease her and get her comfortable enough to do it. Anyone have any ideas that have worked for them in the past. Typically it’s never an issue to the other places I go as they initiate it. I’m up for the challenge
Plastic Man's Avatar
ya sounds likes a ...progressives wet ...dream
Gently rub the leg as she is over top of you. If she pulls back, then go to an AMP. If she doesn't rub BOTH legs, then rinse and repeat until you are grabbing ass.
Tried touching her legs..she moved my hand..this was the first visit ever..I have been back since and have caught her taking a look..I am thinking of making a few suggestive statements and when she does the flip tell her no towel and that I’ve seen her looking so it’s ok and go from there??
Sounds like a great strategy. Good luck.
Let us know how it works out for you
No luck... I actually pissed her off... oh well lol