Kansas City Metro and Kansas Mods...

ElumEno's Avatar
Okay, who do I have to pay or who do you ladies have to screw to get FireSerpent some help around here?

I would love to help, Gewd knows I could use the extra money.(yes I know it is voluntary)
Seriously, I'm just not sure if how much help I could be. (more like a hindrance)

If nothing else we all need to tell him what a great job he is doing.....

Keep up the great work FireSerpent!!!

Your hard work is noticed and appreciated!!!
ElumEno's Avatar
you mean to tell me, I am the only one that thinks FireSerpent is doing a great job.

Talk about pissing in a dark suit. well hell FS - I noticed the puddle.
PowerMonkey's Avatar
I agree with you ElumEno, he's doing a great job.
deepDARKdesires's Avatar

Fire Serpent is doing a very good job!

Many thanks FS, many thanks.

malwoody's Avatar
He knows he's doing a good job but I wonder if he is enjoying all of the sucking up I just read? Shameless patronization..LOL..
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
FireSerpent hasn't pissed me off yet. God help him if he does!
ya notice he aint saying nuthin here.....just watchin....just watchin

Hi FS!!
modapplications@eccie.net - Send an email to this address if you are interested in joining the staff here at ECCIE Worldwide. Please include your username, any previous moderating experience, and which city or forum you are interested in and why.
Omahan's Avatar
you mean to tell me, I am the only one that thinks FireSerpent is doing a great job.

Talk about pissing in a dark suit. well hell FS - I noticed the puddle. Originally Posted by ElumEno
No one disagrees. We just think ass kissing is unseemly.
Most people agree, but I have a feeling he doesnt want either your mouth or my mouth around his cock. If you really want to help him out send Autum to see him.
ElumEno's Avatar
You know all I was trying to do was show a little appreciation!

But fuck no you can't even do that with out some assholes having to jump in.

Sorry FireSerpent but you can close this thread now...
malwoody's Avatar
Take it easy man..it's the nature of the board. Face it bro, you were sucking up..no offense but you were.
suckin up??? that's an understatement, more like suckin up, swallowing, bending over, and saying thank you!
Oh leave him alone. He was doing a nice thing. Its not any worse than when some of you white knight a chick to no end.
Its not any worse than when some of you white knight a chick to no end. Originally Posted by MsElena
Hey now, it has been discussed thoroughly and decided that several if not many of the male usernames in this community have pussies, so being a sympathetic, white knight is natural for them!