who has the best reviews & recommendation?

In reading and writing countless reviews, I've come to the conclusion that except for a very select few of male reviewers, the best reviews/recommendations come from other women in the business.
Just wish there was a way of finding out which girls, other girls, most like to play with, without creating animosity between them, which I'll only assume, from my limited male prospective, would probably happen with some.
There's very few ladies I'd play with simply because I have found that a lot of providers can become very catty and territorial with their clients......and a lot of it has to do with the trust factor.

Jackie is someone that I have played it and would do so again, Haley (Omaha friend) and Penny Lane (Omaha friend).

Most escorts who play with other ladies will list their frie.nds on their websites and usually have links to their playmates websites
There's very few ladies I'd play with simply because I have found that a lot of providers can become very catty and territorial with their clients......and a lot of it has to do with the trust factor. Originally Posted by MsElena
There are very few ladies in this endeavor that have the maturity to realize a level of trust and understanding between each other without things deteriorating exactly as Elena states. Cattiness and being territorial can be the LEAST of one's issues or worries . . . many times I have witnessed things spiral (between two or more ladies) until personal safety actually becomes a factor. I limit my more intimate personal interactions with other ladies in this business to those whom do not hold on to the illusion that we (as Escorts and providers) can control anything in this business (or in life for that matter), at all, but especially when it comes to where a male may wander and want to stick his prick . . . and I obviously lean towards being with ladies that have consistently exhibited a level of true friendship without backstabbing, etc. That said, there are cliques within the community (intentional and not) and there is limited crossover between some ladies. Many make themselves unavailable or they are just too green . . . or we just never cross clients (believe it or not, it does happen - more than you may think - that clients do not cross between two ladies or groups of ladies, for that matter).

I've played with and would recommend Elena and I've never heard a negative thing said about her performance behind closed doors. I have enjoyed my time with her immensely and she's been a great friend. I certainly have nothing negative to say about her burying her face in my . . . . Well, I digress.

I also would recommend Miss Daisy Carlton if / when she pops up and Carlie (CORE) if she ever decides to come out of "retirement" (unlikely). Two more great ladies.

Queen, also, has always been outstanding . . . and there are a few others that have retired and floated out of the business that I would have listed if they were still active.

Those ladies I mentioned all have very different body types and personalities, but they are each seasoned professionals in their own way and they are great upstanding ladies within this endeavor.

I have had another lady come highly recommended recently and she actually contacted me tonight to play with her and a client, but I was in for the evening already . . . I may be getting with her sooner than later - and that's Jennifer/Jaycee.

I really don't have anything negative to say about any one lady in the business - these are just some of the ladies I have had deeper personal interactions with and would vouch for, and I believe they would do the same for me. Ladies that speak rudely about others (their competition) or spread rumors or even try to dissuade someone from seeing someone else (it always backfires) really don't get much respect from me and frankly, they are generally ladies a gentleman might want to avoid . . . I believe you become successful by speaking positively about yourself and letting your talent and attributes 'make the sale' for you rather than speaking rudely about someone else and pointing out their faults . . doing that leaves people wondering what may be wrong with you, if you are so preoccupied with everyone else. I hope that isn't what this thread becomes, an excuse for ladies to sling mud . . . Unfortunately, I could see it happening.

And, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings - so, if I add to my list of ladies I might recommend later, understand I would do so because I may have left out a lady or two - I'm tired, it has been along day!!! These are just a few of the ladies I have had a PERSONAL relationship with, IRL, that came to my mind immediately in answer to the OP. I'm certain I've probably left someone out (SORRY!).

I did not mention or list ladies with outstanding reputation who are also very adept whom I have not met personally . . . I didn't feel that would fairly answer the question as posed.


- Jackie
I'm really surprised this thread didn't get more "play" / traction.

Three days later and only two replies to a great question . . . @headmaster, maybe you'd have better luck finding out by asking the lady individually, privately . . . That would just be a hell of a lot of legwork.


- Jackie
I wasn't really expecting a plethora of responses since as both of us have said, the topic is a bit sensitive in naming names.
The fact that you covered a lot of ground in your post pretty much tells it all.
Just goes to show, that there is different strokes for different folks.
Be they male to female, female to female or doubles. I separate doubles for I know that even though the 2 women may not have much in common, they can still put on a heck of a show.
I've done my share of match making, which in some cases has spurred on after hour relationships among the women.
I'm happy to do the leg work, as long as they don't leave me out of the mix.LOL
BTW, is that avatar really a pick of that part of you? If so, will you marry me?
I think I have free time on Thurs. I can squeeze in a quicky 5 minute ceremony,
50 minute honeymoon and a 5 minute annulment.
Yes, the pic is me . . . check my Website Gallery (click it) for more . . . thank you for the kind compliment.


- Jackie
I have limited experience with other providers here. However I listen to my clients when they discuss other girls. Jackie and autumn so far are the two that have my interest. both intelligent beautiful and highly recommended. Recently I got a list of other recommendations as well as I tend to find one maybe two girls and keep there info on hand. Helps being bisexual and all

I have tangled the sheets with mandy logen who has a body and face to just DIE for oh my god. Queen I met in person and I would not kick her out of my bed for all the tea in china.

It goes back to a preference thing and personality matches. It wouldnt make sense for me myself to say seek out a high traffic partner in crime (our schedrules would never match up) or someone who sees clients in the mornings rather then later (again schedrule conflict) I also tend to be non jealous catty or competitive so i seek out and gravitate to those sorts as well.
There are so many different ladies on here that come highly recommended by the gents on this board. Jackie, AutumnKC, Kaylen, Bobby Upside, Lilianna, MsElena, just to name a few.
I would recommend Cadence as I've played with her quite a few times and she is my friend.
And I'm not going miss the opportunity to throw MY name in the hat as well.
allie i would jump up so fast to get to see you tangled in sheets id probably hit my head on something and knock myself out
allie i would jump up so fast to get to see you tangled in sheets id probably hit my head on something and knock myself out Originally Posted by JayceeRivers

Aw. Thank you.

I have been fortunate to have met both Allie and Cadence. I am too far advanced in my life to ever dream of a duo with them, and was fortunate to have survived them solo.

They would be a great pair I have no doubt
You know that thing that cats do when you stroke them? Well I'm purring and sticking my butt up in the air right now...
I dont participate enough on this board to have any recommendations but I have heard good things about AuntumnKC and Kaylen. Allie and myself have played together MANY times and we always have an awesome time, she's a great provider.
sasnaK's Avatar
Uh Jackie I'm not quite sure I believe your activities with Elena really occured....Knowing your ability to exercise caution, I'm confident you saved some photos of said activities in light you would have a need to justify such a statement...just a simple snapshot , small video clip , feature length film or any little snip-it would certainly clear up this matter of trust...should there be a film available...umm is there a purchased price we could negotiate...! : )
Uh Jackie I'm not quite sure I believe your activities with Elena really occured....Knowing your ability to exercise caution, I'm confident you saved some photos of said activities in light you would have a need to justify such a statement...just a simple snapshot , small video clip , feature length film or any little snip-it would certainly clear up this matter of trust...should there be a film available...umm is there a purchased price we could negotiate...! : ) Originally Posted by sasnaK
How about you contact Elena and myself and book a double and watch 'up-close and personal'. Film is fine . . . being in the middle of the action is better . . .


- Jackie