Special relationship through time.....

Well, in my personal life , when I see a certain person for any reason often there would be some sort of relationship established. Like co-worker,boss, neighbor, etc....
My question is for someone who sees a certain provider regularly,is there some kind of relationship built through time between the hobbyist and the provider besides "wam bam thank you mom" ?
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Of course. You see the same girl 3 or 4 times a month for a couple of years and you begin to matter to each other. Not lovey dovey stuff, necessarily, but you may become very important to one another for reasons that transcend money and pussy. This has to develop naturally, not through initial intent. Almost accidental mutual adoration.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Agreed. A different kind of friendship; probably more "real" and honest than many other relationships.
1ThickBlond's Avatar
Great reply Don T. I have definitely become quite fond of some of my guys that I have been seeing for a while. Maybe not in a romantic way but as special friends that I do care about. I look forward to spending time with them and worry about them when I haven't heard from them in a while. I also think that over time the more comfortable you are with someone and the better they know you the better the sex gets!
nktatc's Avatar
I agree with the others. It would be only naturally to develop over a period of time, which would vary based on the individuals personalities.

One very important thing to remember is to keep your bearings and remember the relationship (or choose a term ) is either a wholly professional one or a quasi one.
blowpop's Avatar
Of course this can happen, and when it does, it's quite nice. But a hobbyist (or a provider) should be careful not to read too much into it.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
It is clearly NOT a real romantic relationship and the guys (probably more than the girls) should realize it and not dive in with one foot, much less both.
I agree you do build a "relationship" of sorts. I have helped a provider I see on a regular basis, with personal issues and she has listened to me bitch and moan about work, family, personal issues, etc. It is also true the better the connection the better the sex for both parties.
[QUOTE=Inhouston;311977 "wam bam thank you mom" ?[/QUOTE]

Wam Bam thank you mom? Sicko, I like it. Does your mom like ass to mouth?
BigLouie's Avatar
"wam bam thank you mom" ? Originally Posted by Inhouston
It's happened with me, to varying degrees. Something more than cry on your shoulder friend but always separate from a romantic entanglement. (I'm full of myself, but I'm not an idiot.)
Depending on the two people involved and how often you see each other, special friendships will inevitably develop. However, it is very easy to interpret and see things that aren't really there, especially for a guy. So I think it's very important that both parties make it clear on the nature of the friendship (i.e. no romantic feelings are involved).

The extent of the friendship will be different for everyone. For some it may simply involve a confidant to share your thoughts and problems with. For others it may involve spending time together outside the bedroom. For me, it's always nice to be able to have dinner, go to a show/concert, or anything else fun, and there are no expectations on either side.
pyramider's Avatar
"wam bam thank you mom" ? Originally Posted by Inhouston

Mommy issues?

Or just MILF-centric?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Believe it or not ...I have several provider friends that I have never been a customer to.....

Maybe that's why we are friends.
If you see a single provider on a regular basis, and seem to have a certain chemistry, then yes, you can say that a "special " relationship does exist.

But, the 1000 pound gorilla that is always in the room is the fact that she is providing a service for a fee, and she probably would not give you the time of day if it were not for that fact.

I see only one provider, and yes, it is on a regular basis. The time we spend together is, for me, extremely satisfying. By all accounts, she enjoys the experience as well. But I am not so foolish as to think that this beautiful woman would be involved with me, a 63 year old widower, if it were not for the financial aspect.