Gift cards

Anybody knows a way to change gift cards to cash? I have three GC worth $900 been carrying them around since Xmas and would love to change them to cash. I'd rather use credit cards then gift cards due to reward points from cc. Anyone with an idea let me know or pm me please. This GC are from work and one from gf.
ElBombero's Avatar
Pay yourself through PayPal with them.
Thank you EBb! Never try that but I'll look into it. Thank you
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Tom Thumb has a kiosk, or you go to the service counter, that buys back gift cards to certain stores.

Never done it but used to see ads for it all of the time.

They take out a fee. Sure you could find something like that on the internet. There are services that will "cash" out unwanted gift cards,

Never heard of the paypal thing, though.
Thanks EW, I finally went PayPal but I had to create another PayPal account to make it work as you can not pay yourself. I loaded GC to the newly created one and send payment to my normal PP account. Everything works fine except was charged about 8 dollars fee on each. Then transfer everything to my bank. That's it EBb for the recommendation.