Mahogany of huntsville has a pimp? (more appropriate in coed discussions)

gimme_that's Avatar
Apprently from her own ad. She host doubles with a guy named michelle who 6'2 in this ad. She sure looks like a man to me.......

If someone can post the pic please do. I don't know how and it will probably be deleted.

Number is 256-970-8259

I saw she had one ter review and was contemplating seeing her, but not now.........
bladtinzu's Avatar
Based upon the picture on backpage... Sure looks like a guy to me. Now if it is a pimp or not that would be the question of the day. Quite possibly a homosexual guy she plays with in doubles which is not my cup of tea. At all. Does look like a feminine guy though. But like you.. I'd pass..
Please stop. When was the last time you saw a white pimp in Alabama?

Dude obviously is full of sugar (and quite handsome!)
vicinms's Avatar
Don't know about the pimp part, but definitely a guy!
i dont see where she looks like a man....