Incall Etiqutte Question

IntenseCoveredMishMan's Avatar
Hi all. What is the standard for coming to a provider's hotel room or house? Do you call or text once you arrive, or do you you just go knock on the door? I'd like to hear from the ladies on this too.
Yes, unless the provider asks you to call when you reach a specific location, you should call her upon arrival to make sure she is ready for you to arrive (you don't know if she's not finished getting ready or if her previous appt has not left yet - an awkward situation in and of itself). If she asks you to call when you arrive at a location or intersection (usually to give directions to her incall) then you shouldn't have to call again unless she asks.
i would have to say... call first babe....xoxo
Hi all. What is the standard for coming to a provider's hotel room or house? Do you call or text once you arrive, or do you you just go knock on the door? I'd like to hear from the ladies on this too. Originally Posted by payxdon
If you're a new client to her, a lot of ladies have a standard two call system (I do). If you're a regular, you shouldn't have to call before you get there because you've already set up your appointment and you'll already know where you're going.

Hopefully you don't run into another client of hers on your way in, that's just nasty. But, that's another topic for another thread.
I ask gentlemen to call once they are in the area & then I give them the room number. They never have to worry about running into another client on the way out because I'm not a revolving door.
I definitely prefer guys to call first to make sure I'm not in the middle of doing my hair or makeup when they knock on the door. I like to make sure both myself and my incall look perfect when a client arrives.
If someone is going to be more than five minutes late I do appreciate a call but I don't book back to back and (like every job I've ever had) I'm ready to go ten minutes before clock in (95% of the time anyway lol). I use a cheapie trac phone for my hobby phone and have no desire to burn off minutes getting eleventy million phone calls narrating the journey from car to door .
AllThisMeat's Avatar
I always use speak to text in the car to let a lady know I'm getting close and then call when I've reached the location. That gives her time to give me the "I need a couple minutes", say the room number or just open the door.

BTW... Katie Foxx... love the dairy cannons! They're gorgeous!!
AllThisMeat's Avatar
Ugh... my ex had a trac phone... couldn't stand that thing. Talked her into getting a nice little android powered boost mobile phone and she love it. Unlimited everything for $55/mo prepaid... not to mention you can even put google voice on it.

Ok... no back to the original discussion.
I always use speak to text in the car to let a lady know I'm getting close and then call when I've reached the location. That gives her time to give me the "I need a couple minutes", say the room number or just open the door.

BTW... Katie Foxx... love the dairy cannons! They're gorgeous!! Originally Posted by AllThisMeat
Thanks babe, they're even better in person ; )
The standard two-call (or two-text) is used most often. You make contact when you've physically arrived at the location, the lady contacts you when you can proceed to the door.

Normally, if you are visiting as a regular client with a standing appointment to the same exact location regularly, a call or text is only necessary if you are running late . . .

There are some ladies that will use a three call . . . the three call adds a step and prevents the actual physical location (address) being given until you are verified to be in the area by driving somewhere public and relating a specific feature of what you observe there . . . after which there are two more calls as described above, unless she just instructs you to the door after call one.

Then again, there are ladies that prefer to do it their own way, some just want you to knock on their door at the time they specify and they will give you their location days in advance . . . however, I would say that 80-90% of the time, you'll encounter a two-call of some kind. This has no reflection on the gentleman caller or his good references, it is out of an abundance of caution . . .


- Jackie
Bella Companion's Avatar
Just want to put my 2 cents. Yes, if you want to call before you arrive or on your way that is great with me. But once we have a confirmed appt. and a set time please knock on the door. If you call from in front of my house, and I don't answer my phone. Please do not drive away and blow off our date. Especially when I never said a phone call before knocking on my door was a requirement. If I were running late, or would not be able to answer my door upon or appointment time, I assure you that I would call you, or text to let you know.
Bella Companion's Avatar
I guess, I try to keep things as simple as I can for my clients. I don't like to make them jump through too many hoops for a date with me. Many, many of my clients are prescreened and have OK's from other providers. It just sometimes varies on how comfortable I am feeling with the gentleman that is calling on me.
IntenseCoveredMishMan's Avatar
Thanks for your feedback everybody!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok, point me if you must for being off topic, but DAYUM! Those are great pics in your gallery, Jackie! Don't know when, but you must enjoy the COG experience before too long!

Oh, and I will call or text as directed. There, I made it on topic.