What would you do if

BigMikeinKC's Avatar
you are heading into your appointment on time - regular client, so no 2 call or call when you are here system - and you meet a previous appointment coming out the door?

Go on in and proceed with the appointment?
Go in and decline the appointment?
Turn and walk away?
Something else?
i would call her and decline
JRLawrence's Avatar
you are heading into your appointment on time - regular client, so no 2 call or call when you are here system - and you meet a previous appointment coming out the door?

Go on in and proceed with the appointment?
Go in and decline the appointment?
Turn and walk away?
Something else? Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
Unless you talk to him, you don't know who he is?
You can assume who he is because of what you are, but that doesn't make your assumption true.

You may want to know, and be angry about what you assume to be true.

Maybe it was a brother, or a delivery or whatever else we can think of. The real problem is that it is none of your business.

No second call, or confirmation message; you failed to play safe for both of you.

ElumEno's Avatar
+1 JR
Its none of his business? Seriously? A chick that's going to see a guy THAT soon after her last appointment isn't going to be clean. Do YOU want to eat, kiss, suck or fuck a chick who did that to YOU? I'm going to take a wild guess and say....NO. Unless you like the taste of another man's saliva, the latex taste or maybe even his cum.

Don't put this on the client because he didn't do a 2nd call or confirm the appointment beforehand, it should be on both of them. The appointment was made as he's a regular and she knew of the appointment. Honestly, myself (if I was a hobbyist) I would've make a quick call to remind her a couple hours beforehand.

If I was a guy, I would've walked away and then called to tell her the reason why.

The only kind of guy I know who would want sloppy seconds is a cuckold and I know BigMike isn't one.
malwoody's Avatar
All very good points..

One other possibility would be to tell her
you will go ahead with the date if she will
take a shower...lol
. . . I kind of took this as a hypothetical. I can't imagine this ever being an issue with a lady that actually cared about her business. To me, it is unfathomable not only that one client would meet another, but that any lady would be so indiscreet and unprofessional as to allow a client to see anyone (regardless of whom they may be) exiting her door when someone is expected.


- Jackie
Give the guy a high five. lol

But yes, as long as she hops in the shower and it isn't on my time then it would be ok. Not the ideal situation...but whatever.
ElumEno's Avatar
OK when I first read this I ASSUMED that the OP was talking about a visit to a incall HOUSE and not a hotel.
And if it was at a incall house then there are a number on reasons that he could see someone leaving..
Brother, Father, Son, Mailman, Landlord, Exe, ect. ect. ect...
So to just assume that it was another client could be wrong. - that is the way I read it.

Now if it was at an incall hotel then yes I would have to agree that it was very unprofessional. And I would just leave.

BTW - Jackie you are rapidly becoming my ATF and we haven’t even met yet.
How do I know it is a previous appointment? Is it someone I should know? How do i know they've not just been talking and holding hands the whole time?

Honestly... why trip about it... if you don't know who it is and you really want to know so badly--ask. Don't get an answer you like, then reschedule or call someone else up... right there in front of her. Kind of the same thing really.
Rule of thumb... ALWAYS call/txt to confirm you are headed their way or when you have arrived. You never know if her mom stopped by or a friend who doesnt know what she does is there or not. Always be cautious! I dont care if it was a regular or not, its common courtesy to let the provider know you are there.
Its true what others are saying as well... you DONT know who that guy could have been or what they could have done, so until you ask, you will only paint your own picture. If they tell you and you are not happy, then yes decline the appt and tell them why.
I guess quizzing the guy about the providers mood is out??????
dirty dog's Avatar
You ask the guy how much he paid so that you can see if your getting a good deal LOL.
Big Country and DD tie for best answer!

But seriously folks.

My first question is how do you know he's leaving her door? If she's a regular, and thus you know where to go, I assume she's always in the same location - ie an apartment. So you see a guy walking out the front door and assume he's just left her door? Or are you walking up to her door and out walks a guy? Unless he's actually walking out of her door, you have no idea who he is or why he's there.

Lastly, I still ask regulars who have seen me dozens of times to call and let me know they've arrived before buzzing to be let. When they call, that's when I put on the sexy gear, which can sometimes take a minute to get into LOL
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
. . . I kind of took this as a hypothetical. I can't imagine this ever being an issue with a lady that actually cared about her business. To me, it is unfathomable not only that one client would meet another, but that any lady would be so indiscreet and unprofessional as to allow a client to see anyone (regardless of whom they may be) exiting her door when someone is expected.


- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
Kudos, Jackie - it was a hypothetical. It has never happened to me, I don't see high volume ladies, were it might happen and was more wondering what some guys would do. What I really learned is that most want to ride a high horse rather than answer what they would do.

But what has happened to me... a provider, who was a regular of mine, had her mom and sister pop in on her without notice, just a couple of minutes before our date. Since she had no time to call and warn me, here I am knocking on her door. She answers with mom standing in the hallway. It is near Christmas time, so I have some presents in my arms. Didn't miss I beat, said "I'll looking for Joe's party, all these building look the same, sorry to bother you." I headed out to a nearby bar waited a while, and called and asked her if they were staying long, and to call me when they left. I got a call about 10 minutes later to come on over - the coast was clear - and had one of our greatest sessions ever.