How Much Money Is Rich

When do you know you have the appropriate amount of Fuck You money?

If you have to ask your not there.
Beautiful answer.
GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
$365K a year would be more than enough FU Money for me. I came to this number by asking myself: "What do you want out of life, of which, money can buy"?

Came down to 4 things (this is just me, but I figure allot of guys are similar): 1) Sex, 2) Nice House, 3) Nice Vehicle and 4) Good Food.

I like my friends, and for the most part, they don't cost me anything, so I'm set there and I'm easily entertained -- I don't have the urge to hunt human-beings on a private island, with a gun made from moon-rocks and Panda bones, just for funzies. Nope, watchin' movies, playin' XBOX, checking out some live shows and traveling from time-to-time... s'all I need really.

But, I figured my favorite provider is about 250 p/sesh... but lets round it up to 500 -- in case you are craving doubles, overnights or maybe your favorite Porn* is in town for a few days. So, 500 x 365; double it for good measure and $365K a year (or $1K per day). That's more than enough for me to say FU... as I'd be set.

Unfortunately, it seems that even when people make enough money to live happily for the rest of their lives, it's hard to not want more money. I think it becomes their only form of validation... because people need goals an challenges I suppose. Man... just bummed myself out a bit.
Lovely responses
blenderhead's Avatar
When do you know you have the appropriate amount of Fuck You money?

Originally Posted by Miss Brienne
When you don't have to do shit for the rest of your life, while at the same time being able to live a little and not have to worry about any expenses (medical or other) that may come up.
NipLover's Avatar
For me it would be 8 figures.
DTorrchia's Avatar
8 figures is about right....the interest alone could let you live comfortably and still enjoy the things you like to do.
Four years ago I retired when I sold my last business (for about 3 years net). Because I had saved and invested well (luckily???) I was able to say FU to the incoming administration. I had realized that having a LOT of money is nice (been there, lost that) but being happy is much more important. Sold my home in June of last year and got pretty much the asking price. Now I live in a fiberglass box (homeless!) have no job (unemployed) but now have all of the time that I want to travel, play golf, scuba, hunt, fish, etc. Realized that the amount of money you have is not the key; it is how you spend it. Simply decided to forgo some of the things I thought I needed and do without. Don't get to hobby as much as I did when employed but am doing most of the things I want to do when I want to do them!

I guess that many years of planning to say FU, instead of dreaming about it has paid off!

