Are you a reference friendly provider? Keeping women safe..

LynetteMarie's Avatar
I was inspired by another post to comment on this:

Please add this to your website, blog or Twitter if you are a reference friendly provider:

We need to support each other in the demimonde, whether as courtesans or patrons.

Much love,
I was inspired by another post to comment on this:

Please add this to your website, blog or Twitter if you are a reference friendly provider:

We need to support each other in the demimonde, whether as courtesans or patrons.

Much love,
LM Originally Posted by LynetteMarie
Thanks for sharing this.
London Rayne's Avatar
Everyone who has ever contacted me for a reference has expressed how I go above and beyond the call of duty. I don't simply say he is fine and my response time is normally less than 20 min.

Even if I have had issues with a provider I will still provide her with a reference. I don't normally go into bcd details or give out personal info. But I will give an indication as to how the gent is overall.
Everyone who has ever contacted me for a reference has expressed how I go above and beyond the call of duty. I don't simply say he is fine and my response time is normally less than 20 min.

Even if I have had issues with a provider I will still provide her with a reference. I don't normally go into bcd details or give out personal info. But I will give an indication as to how the gent is overall. Originally Posted by London Rayne
That must be quite a large SIM card you carry in your phone. Or a huge Access file. That's not very discrete, IMHO.
Naomi4u's Avatar
That's not very discrete, IMHO. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
You spelled discreet wrong.
You spelled discreet wrong. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Its actually not misspelled, just the wrong word for the application. 8th Grade English is over, lets move on.

On topic...I like this idea with the tag indicating reference friendly ladies. Hope the idea catches on as it is helpful for the guys to know who is and who isn't. And who we should use as a reference. Being reference friendly or not is a direct indication of the true intentions and goals of a lady in this business as well.

[dih-skreet] Show IPA
judicious in one's conduct or speech, especially with regard to respecting privacy or maintaining silence about something of a delicate nature; prudent; circumspect.
showing prudence and circumspection; decorous: a discreet silence.
modestly unobtrusive; unostentatious: a discreet, finely wrought gold necklace.
[dih-skreet] Show IPA
apart or detached from others; separate; distinct: six discrete parts.
consisting of or characterized by distinct or individual parts; discontinuous.
Mathematics .
(of a topology or topological space) having the property that every subset is an open set.
defined only for an isolated set of points: a discrete variable.
using only arithmetic and algebra; not involving calculus: discrete methods.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Its actually not misspelled, just the wrong word for the application. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I'm sure he thought that's how discreet was spelled. I have seen other ladies spell it that way.. ha!
He still used the wrong word. Why does it upset you so much Chica?

Anyways, I added the banner Lynette. Thank you
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Not upset at all. Its a very common mistake that happens all the time; plus a like being a grammar nazi at times!
I am reference friendly; just not through email as I rarely check my hobby email. Best way to check reference with me is via pm or call or text and have the guy contact me.

Not upset at all. Its a very common mistake that happens all the time; plus a like being a grammar nazi at times! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Dont get me started on grammar lol! The American language is so cluttered and weird! Park in a driveway< ? How can your "nose run" and "feet smell"?
Sorry I went off topic.
I had posted a thread about this before and am very on references and while I don't give BCD details I do say more than "he is ok"...How do I add the tag? I will pm you...In addition I will give references or check out other providers for my guys to ensure they are safe and receive quality care
Off topic and not referring to you chica but sadly people feel the need to point out others mistakes.
Not upset at all. Its a very common mistake that happens all the time; plus a like being a grammar nazi at times! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
pyramider's Avatar
Dont get me started on grammar lol! The American language is so cluttered and weird! Park in a driveway< ? How can your "nose run" and "feet smell"?
Sorry I went off topic. Originally Posted by Miss Molly
Let me take my shoes off and you will see how feet smell.

Where's chicagoboy? Isn't he the true grammar nazi of SHMBs?

BTW . . . I give good reference......ask anyone.
Off topic and not referring to you chica but sadly people feel the need to point out others mistakes. Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
When someone corrects your grammar, they are helping you; don't be offended
London Rayne's Avatar
That must be quite a large SIM card you carry in your phone. Or a huge Access file. That's not very discrete,

IMHO. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Are you insane? Please don't project those types of assumptions when you don't have a clue what you are talking about! I keep NOTHING including emails or even fake cell numbers so you have obviously never spoken with a lady who has used me. They are instructed to ask THE GUY certain things I will not disclose here...that tells me who they are. I also don't provide references over 3 months old and I don't screw that many people that I need a notebook to remember them Lol.