question for the gents

CarolinaGent's Avatar
As the years pass, the odds of multiple pops have been going down. I can have more than one in a day, its just the time in between can be more than a session will allow. On a good day, it can happen in a reasonable amount of time, but I was wondering if any of you have any tricks to help improve the odds. I try to be well hydrated, I eat ok, and work out when I can, but is there anything else I can try ? I can still perform a after a short rest, just not pop again. Judging by reviews, I would think I am in the minority, however I think quite a few might not be completely true.
The complete opposite for me. When I was in my twenties I was only good for 2 pops tops and now that i'm in my late 30's i'm good for several. I usually abstain from sex a week before and not sure if that helps. I think being we'll hydrated and good diet helps also. Some guys might be different. Some guys I know fire only 1 shot and others can fire mulitple times.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-06-2011, 03:29 PM
I can still perform a after a short rest, just not pop again. Originally Posted by CarolinaGent
Naomi, i'm so disappointed in you!

Seriously though, don't know if it'll work in your case, but try getting dressed, going outside and getting some fresh air for a short time.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Naomi, i'm so disappointed in you! Originally Posted by Doove
Doove, whatever I don't have anything to do with that. CG does not complain!
Judging by reviews, I would think I am in the minority, however I think quite a few might not be completely true. Originally Posted by CarolinaGent
Key words. Don't believe everything you read. Sometimes, when a guy writes a review, and in it he talks about his "fantasy" to CYA, well, it really is a fantasy.

Since I've been in the hobby, I've been a one pop kinda guy. You might want to read up on aphrodisiacs or see someone that does prostate massage or tantric.
CarolinaGent's Avatar
Not to get too specific, but it hasn't really been an issue when with her

Naomi4u's Avatar
You might want to read up on aphrodisiacs or see someone that does prostate massage Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Yeah I don't think he'd be interested in this at all.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I am completely the opposite. From teenager to mid 40s, I have always been quick to cum. I have never had a problem reloading. I'm always aroused before a date starts, and my first pop is literally within 2 minutes or so of starting BCD activities. I usually only need about 5 minute recharge between first and second pop. There was one time a lady got my second pop off after only about 2 minutes of re-charge. After the second pop, it is usually a crap shoot in terms time for recharge. I definitely am good for 3 pops in less than an hour. After that, the 4th pop can be problematic. I lose a lot of sensation. I can get it up for the 4th pop but releasing becomes an issue. Part of the problem is the condom. The tip of my cock is already desensitized and having a condom on compounds the situation. For me, I've found that to have 3 or more pops, I need a lot of stimulation without a condom to get the release. Oral works best, but a good HJ done right also works. I've come to find that when I do multiple pops, I've usually CIM or COB for those last couple of pops. Trust me, this can be just as frustrating as being only a 1 pop kinda guy. I really do wish I could last longer on the first pop.

My 1st pop is always the quickest, reason I usually like to put the condom on and do fs. My recharge times are about the same. I actually wished I could last and last and have one giant O at the end but that isn't me.
I am completely the opposite. From teenager to mid 40s, I have always been quick to cum. I have never had a problem reloading. I'm always aroused before a date starts, and my first pop is literally within 2 minutes or so of starting BCD activities. I usually only need about 5 minute recharge between first and second pop. There was one time a lady got my second pop off after only about 2 minutes of re-charge. After the second pop, it is usually a crap shoot in terms time for recharge. I definitely am good for 3 pops in less than an hour. After that, the 4th pop can be problematic. I lose a lot of sensation. I can get it up for the 4th pop but releasing becomes an issue. Part of the problem is the condom. The tip of my cock is already desensitized and having a condom on compounds the situation. For me, I've found that to have 3 or more pops, I need a lot of stimulation without a condom to get the release. Oral works best, but a good HJ done right also works. I've come to find that when I do multiple pops, I've usually CIM or COB for those last couple of pops. Trust me, this can be just as frustrating as being only a 1 pop kinda guy. I really do wish I could last longer on the first pop. Originally Posted by Cpalmson

That's really hard to believe (coming from a 1 pop guy).
London Rayne's Avatar
The complete opposite for me. When I was in my twenties I was only good for 2 pops tops and now that i'm in my late 30's i'm good for several. I usually abstain from sex a week before and not sure if that helps. I think being we'll hydrated and good diet helps also. Some guys might be different. Some guys I know fire only 1 shot and others can fire mulitple times. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Rabbit is a freak of nature lol. 5 90 min. geez!
Yeah Yeah you almost tied my all time record girl .
London Rayne's Avatar
Yeah Yeah you almost tied my all time record girl . Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Well had I not talked, we could have easily got 3 more lmao!!
Not to get too specific, but it hasn't really been an issue when with her

Originally Posted by CarolinaGent
Is it a performance issue? A pleasure issue? A relationship issue? Just relax and let it happen as many or as few times as it happens. And like Chucky said, stop worrying about what you read in reviews. It's not a competition....just a hobby.....right?!? From what I can tell, you seem to be doing alright for yourself....enjoy!!
CarolinaGent's Avatar
I guess you could say an intermittent performance concern. Just thought there might be something that I haven't thought of or tried yet. Not really worried about it, or feeling inferior because of it.

Trust me, I'm having plenty of fun, "problem" or not.