Benefits of Sex with an Older Woman

The Benefits of Sex With an Older Woman

In general, it isn’t socially acceptable to be a woman who has had numerous lovers. However, by the time many sexually adventurous women hit 35, they've not only have several notches on the headboard, they have experienced several sexual situations. Like anything in life, the more experience you have at something, the more proficient you become.

Through the years an active woman has often experienced penises of varying size, shape and rigidity. She has experienced a verity of odd ball fetishes. She has been the teacher as well as the student. Think of it in terms of baseball. When a boy gets a new glove does he take to the diamond with the glove straight out of the package. No, he oils it up, messages it, plays countless hours of catch until the glove is ready for “prime time”. The new glove is beautiful without imperfection; however, the experienced glove is ready for the game.

Regardless of your age here are some examples of why an older lover may be right for you…

She takes charge
Normally when a woman reaches her mid-thirties she knows what flicks her switch. She has also become proficient at reading the signals a man is flashing. This makes her a huge turn on for men of all ages. Plenty of women (not me) still lie back and expect the guy to do all the work. If she takes the lead and becomes the sexual aggressor, it’s an automatic penis-pumper.

She takes her time
Let’s be honest in the right hands most men can be brought to the brink of orgasm rather quickly while a woman needs more time to get to the finish line. There is nothing wrong with that, it’s just the biological truth. Older women understand this and know how to slow down the situation so all involved reach the heights of pleasure closer to the end of the date rather than the beginning. Besides the release is always better when your tachometer has been running over 5000 RPM for a while vs. when you first hit the throttle.

She responds
A woman who has reached her sexual peak understand how the little thing make all the difference. One of those little (HUGE) things is responsiveness. It’s simple, men love to touch women and when a woman responds favorably to that touch, it blows that man’s mind. I will agree that there is nothing quite like the perfect skin of a young woman, but the uncontrolled quiver of a woman with a few more miles on her can be so much sexier.

She is confident
A confident lover is always in demand - no matter what she looks like.
In fact, plenty of therapists say it’s an older woman’s sexual confidence which is at the heart of her appeal to younger men.

She’s not scared to give directions
The biggest lesson women learn as they travel the highway of their sex life is “If you don’t ask for it you probably won’t get it”. Often a younger woman won’t tell her lover what she wants because she thinks it may turn him off. Or even worse she expects him to magically glean what her desires may be. What an unrealistic expectation, right? An older woman will do no such thing. She will tell you exactly what she likes and will in turn ask what gets you going as well.

We are all drawn to certain things. No one can blame you if you are not into women who have passed thirty. One piece of advice, if you haven’t tried an older woman do so soon. You might be surprised how much you like her…

Nice try, but older women are plentiful and easy picking. Unlike young spinners are not as common and so much more difficult to capture.
Great information right there. Things I have learned over the past year actually put into words. I generally see one Playmate per week. During a month, I want 3 of those experiences to be with a Playmate that is 35-55 in age who also fits the other visual ques I seem to like. I will keep one of those visits each month to spend with someone younger.

My chemistry wheelhouse are with those Playmates in their 40s ... WOW are they fun.
artist6338's Avatar
Love older women
chicagoboy's Avatar
The OP should contact CarlaHollandStrange.
As an older woman, I can attest to every single point the OP made
KissableMelissa's Avatar
I know that I'm older and still feel very sexy! I try and make sure that my client is very satisfied and always leaves with a smile on his face!
Smpslt7's Avatar
Hear hear!
James1588's Avatar
As an older woman, I can attest to every single point the OP made Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I know that I'm older and still feel very sexy! I try and make sure that my client is very satisfied and always leaves with a smile on his face! Originally Posted by KissableMelissa
Ladies, ladies ... "older woman?" I'm sure that both of you can point to someone that you're older than. But as a 63-year-old ... well, you're making me giggle, just a little bit.

I see women as close to my age as I can, for multiple reasons. Prominent among them is that the more-mature women tend to be gentle, patient, kind, and have a sense of humor. And, at my age, I pretty much depend on the kindness of gentle, patient women who can appreciate a joke, when sexual athletics aren't available.
pyramider's Avatar
No mention of older woman taint?
As an older woman, I can attest to every single point the OP made Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I think you are a sweet young thing Claire
I would never pay $400 for an older woman, not worth that much. $300 or $250 and we can talk, not $400. GPS
Overall, I think I have had more fun with ladies older than me rather than the ones younger than me.
Two additional pluses for guys who prefer mature women:

She already has a drawer full of lingerie, and all of her friends think you're hot.
I would never pay $400 for an older woman, not worth that much. $300 or $250 and we can talk, not $400. GPS Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
Thanks for the info gentleman two. I don't really care how you choose to spend your money. But I really don't appreciate you trying to tell me how I should spend mine. If you don't want to spend money on an older woman then fine. Don't do it. Just keep quiet about it. So go ahead and waste your money on those young bitches that really don't know what they are doing. I could care less.

Two additional pluses for guys who prefer mature women:

She already has a drawer full of lingerie, and all of her friends think you're hot. Originally Posted by CoverMe
That is too funny CoverMe