Hegel, Obama and Dems fuck up again

LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
It is all Hegel's fault! Wasting all that money training dolphins for naval warfare is one thing, but subverting our furry feline friends goes way too far dammit! Plus it is sacrilegious to replace Army working dogs with cats.

Nice try. Doh!!
LovingKayla's Avatar
You know that one fucked up cat with his throat all torn up from fighting dogs, limping on 3 paws but will still fuck your day if you mess with him?

Ya, he's mine, please return him if you can catch him after he kicks your dogs ass. (though my dogs would be happy to see him go.)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oustx, were you referring to Hagel, the Defense Secretary, or Hegel, the philosopher? I don't think Hegel ever wrote about using cats in the military.

Yes, I read the last line of the story.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think most of the cats will choose to fail out of the program because they just don't give a shit.