Providers and Health Insurance

sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I have met providers that do not have health insurance. Is anyone happy with Obama Care and do providers feel this will benefit them if they do not already have coverage?
auknowho's Avatar
Current health care bill has a better plan for Individual who can't afford the expensive PPO or HMO's.
I work another (straight job) job so I can have healthcare for my family. I don't really think Obamacare is going to make a bit of difference other than further putting our Country in debt. It would be nice to see some reform with current healthcare, but that is not on Obama's agenda, as far as I see it..
I have a great plan -
it's called
if you make $300/hr, go buy some freaking insurance.

plan B
marry someone with insurance

plan C
get a real job on the side for benefits

or.... be crazy like me and join the army.

today, I broke my finger playing football for PT. x-rays, ER visit, splint... cost me nada. Except Top says we can't play tackle football anymore. :-/
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I just wonder about the ladies with no coverage. DH has great coverage so we're fine....LOL

It's not that expensive to buy on your own as a provider or for a Reiki Group when you think about it, but what about indy's?

Where does that leave Indy's who do not do so well? What about their kids?
Do they apply for Medicaid or how are they covered? Will new bill help or hinder the indy's who do not have any coverage?
auknowho's Avatar
I have a great plan -
or.... be crazy like me and join the army.

today, I broke my finger playing football for PT. x-rays, ER visit, splint... cost me nada. Except Top says we can't play tackle football anymore. :-/ Originally Posted by lil red Robin
LRR how bad it is? Will that affect your deployment?
I have a great plan -
it's called
if you make $300/hr, go buy some freaking insurance.

plan B
marry someone with insurance

plan C
get a real job on the side for benefits

or.... be crazy like me and join the army.

today, I broke my finger playing football for PT. x-rays, ER visit, splint... cost me nada. Except Top says we can't play tackle football anymore. :-/ Originally Posted by lil red Robin

Well I am plan C because I am uninsurable at this time in my life,, I am 46 with preconditions.. When the SO lost his job last Spring our health plan went south,, we could keep COBRA, but, it was too expensive being he was out of work and we were surviving off of unemployment and my independent business...
We are now both independent business owners and it has now come down to where I have to work a regular job on top of massage to provide health care. It is not the best, but it is cheaper than COBRA and they cannot turn me down for preconditions. It is worth it in the long run...

Damn girl,, hope it was not the pokey feely good finger.. You take care ladybug and congrats on your engagement.......
The more older workers that a business has, the greater of rate of insurance costs that a business has to bear. In other words, a business can lay off 5 older workers and eventually hire 5 young workers and the health insurance premiums will be less.
An option if you get laid off... purchase catastrophic health insurance, where everything over (lets say) $25,000 gets paid
auknowho's Avatar
Instfixer I think most of the time people use the one under $25,000, usually that is the case where they get to use insurance for everyday life rather than big catastrophe bundle...but if you can get a plan that cover minor and major issues with some deductible like $10 for med and $20 for doctor visit works out fine in the long run as well is cheaper than most other options.
There are several independent health insurance plans out there, especially for kids that isn't too expensive. I own my own business and my SO is a teacher but the school she worked at had an outrageously expensive family insurance plan. It was cheaper to get the kids independent insurance than to get the family deal. I think we used Humana and it was like $75 a month per kid.

I'm fairly young and I found a couple insurance companies that weren't too awfully expensive for just me...I think it was around $200 a month. For ladies it's a little tricky though because most independent insurance's don't cover pregnancy.

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I have a great plan -
it's called
if you make $300/hr, go buy some freaking insurance.
Originally Posted by lil red Robin
lol ... I agree. I'm with unicare. Being in this industry w/ no health insurance is like driving an 18 wheeler w/ no commercial driver’s license. It is a requirement of the job.
Well put, LRR. There are plenty of ways to get good health insurance and not have it cost an arm and a leg, people just don't want to do the leg work. They want everything in life handed to them on a silver platter.

A good friend works part-time for a local retail store that has great health coverage. She has multiple preexisting conditions -- diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis -- still got coverage for herself and her boyfriend, no problem. Her primary job is a self-employment/contract work sort of thing (no, she's not a provider) and she can't afford insurance on that salary, but by picking up two shift a week at the store, she makes a little extra money, gets an employee discount at a store she shops at frequently and has good medical coverage. Win-win-win.

I don't understand this whole Obama-care thing well enough to speak with any authority (I don't think anyone does, not even the people who drafted the bill), but from what I understand under their plan everyone would be required to have medical coverage of some kind, either employer based or the government plan. Its going to be a brave new world.
I have a great plan -
it's called
if you make $300/hr, go buy some freaking insurance.
Originally Posted by lil red Robin


even if you are not making that much, insurance is not that expensive, cheaper than a car payment,
I was self elmployed the previous 9 years, i paid on average $200 per month for insurance, full coverage
topcat19542001's Avatar
I have a great plan -
it's called if you make $300/hr, go buy some freaking insurance.

plan B
marry someone with insurance

plan C
get a real job on the side for benefits

or.... be crazy like me and join the army.

today, I broke my finger playing football for PT. x-rays, ER visit, splint... cost me nada. Except Top says we can't play tackle football anymore. :-/ Originally Posted by lil red Robin
Sorry to hear you broke your finger, Robin. BTW, I *NEVER* said you couldn't play tackle football anymore.

P. S. There ARE however a segment of people who need the insurance and can't get it. I know, I'm one of those people. I have multiple pre-existing conditions. Even if I could afford the $900 - 1250 per month, I wouldn't be eligible. I'm not complaining, just sayin'...
Sarcastro's Avatar
There ARE however a segment of people who need the insurance and can't get it.
They usually can get it, at least in Texas. It's not cheap, and deductibles are higher than other plans, but it will prevent catastrophic financial ruin:

Texas Health Pool