Paying a provider's rent in return for all-access pass. Would you?

I was recently talking with a friend who knew of a girl who basically whored out her $1100 rent to differnet "guy friends" and whatever percentage one commits to paying the more free access he had to come over and slide up in her.

It had me thinking about the provider world. Hobbyists, would you do this? Providers, would you consider this idea?
pyramider's Avatar
Bluntman's Avatar
its always cheaper and less drama just to pay by the hour.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Its a bad deal for both sides, without real limits.

$1200 in rent is about 6 sessions; even if there is a "Regular Rate" it would be 8 sessions.
If I showed up every day or every other day and stayed for a couple of hours, the provider would realize she made a bad deal.

If I pay the rent on the 1st and she only has time to see me 2-3-4 times that month, I wouldn't be paying the rent the next month.

With 2-3 guys "helping" I a doubt a provider would have any time to see paying client!
  • h2h
  • 03-02-2010, 08:07 PM
No way!!!
pyramider's Avatar
Yeah but you married her. Wait . . . are you referring to goats?
its always cheaper and less drama just to pay by the hour. Originally Posted by Bluntman
ANONONE's Avatar
If I ever do anything like this, will one of you please drive up here and jab one of these right in my retina?

Fast Gunn's Avatar
I am going to have to differ with council on this one.

Bad deal? For all sides? How so?

For the guy, it's a free ride.

Maybe if the girl is a nympho and the sex works for her to take the edge off.

Then it, sounds like a great deal all around!
Never pre-pay.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
Never pre-pay. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Agreed, it may close down and not refund your money .....
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Agreed, it may close down and not refund your money ..... Originally Posted by internet_inventor2
Refund???? REFUND????? I don't think that word is in ANY provider's vocabulary!

I have loaned a lot of money to Dancers.....they have all paid me back. 100%

I have loaned and fronted money to Providers....they too have a 100% track record....sadly on the other side of the scale.
ANONONE's Avatar
I am going to have to differ with council on this one.

Bad deal? For all sides? How so?

For the guy, it's a free ride.

Maybe if the girl is a nympho and the sex works for her to take the edge off.

Then it, sounds like a great deal all around!
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
All I can say, Fast, is learn from my mistake.

I should have said above: "If I ever do this AGAIN, please put a ice pick in my brain."

I did this once years ago and it was REALLY stupid. It was epic. I found out way more than I ever want to know about a provider, including meeting her asshole husband.

Sure it was fun to fuck her a few times and experience that rush of getting one over. . .or whatever you want to call it, but that was fleeting happiness at best.

I don't want to go on with a long sad tale of woe. . .but it was a major league fuck-up on my part.

Damn, I have the trembles just thinking about that scenario. . .

It was like being trapped in a Coen brothers movie.

Remember the hobby proverb: You aren't paying for sex, you are paying for them to LEAVE after sex.

This situation has "messy entanglement" written all over it in letters the size of the Hollywood sign.
CivilBarrister's Avatar