How many handles?

Wayward's Avatar
Father Wayward has hundreds of voices in his head over on the Island, however here he carries the burden of only one handle. We do have some very interesting post patterns on the tiny e and to put it mildly a few personality "shifts" but we are talking about multiple handles now. Having been around the SHMB rodeo for a bit, it's hard not to see some old friends. Besides in this thing of ours three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead.

So lets get on with the polling: How many handles do you have on the tiny e?

For the discussion lets see if we can point out, while using the Dallas rules of decorum posts that might remind us of someone else. Chicagosun for example really "reminds" me of Xavier.

"Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!"

...and by on topic I mean what ever blows your skirt up.
I have a hard enough time pretending to be me. Pretending to be me pretending to be someone else would be too much of a headache.
Wayward's Avatar
Finally some frickin' honesty!
Twist of Fate's Avatar
For the discussion lets see if we can point out, while using the Dallas rules of decorum posts that might remind us of someone else. Chicagosun for example really "reminds" me of Xavier.

"Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!"

...and by on topic I mean what ever blows your skirt up. Originally Posted by Wayward
Ok first off I am not wearing a skirt. At least not at the moment. O ant to be sure I understand the rules here so I don;t get caught up missing the point.
Is it okay to point out similarities of posting between different members that causes reason to believe they may be the same? I do get the how many handles part and I can say that while I have so far in my short period on here been accused of being 4 different people by 1 person. I am me and I don't give a fuck who likes it or not. At least that is what I am told by my neighbors dog. But that bitch licks her own ass so it's not like I can trust her. Now let me go vote.
I pretty much have to be myself because nobody else wants to.
gman44's Avatar
is my understanding that you're only allowed one handle
TX Bulldog's Avatar
Just the one, but I do black out a lot at the computer, so who really knows.
starflash's Avatar
Struggling with the concept of why you would need more than one handle.........
I have had one handle for 5 years, I have kept a clean track record and have never had the need to change my handle. I have seen why some have changed their handle in the past, but for a legit reason. I do not understand why one would need multiple handles, though.
I feel one would need multiple handles if they meant ill will,, seriously!!

The individual with multiple handles or let's someone else use their handle is pure and simply scary to me.. They are hiding something and for a reason. I have been seeing and hearing about this for years,, but more so on Eccie lately and Eccie being a new board and all is nice about all who joins.

My 02 and just saying,, multiple handled individuals are sneaks and fakes, genuine bad eggs who have either let their ass overload their mouth,, caused problems for others on the board and or meant harm towards others . Need I say more?

It is understandable why the bad eggs comes back under various handles or lets another use their handle,, it is all about the money: controlling the ho flow and the cash flow and making the money (pimps and ho’s),, getting the cheapest pussy out there (consumer and consumer turned pimp too).

Having multiple handles means: you can generate more cash flow by writing reviews, get BCD, access private areas (to catch up on gossip or alerts),, and hold shit over others heads because you know all about them,, need I say more????

Funny some of the multiple handles are so obvious lately and it cracks me up when they start threads talking amongst their various handles... . Eccie is a new board, but folks,, I think they are starting to smell the stinky rotten eggs here.
Wayward's Avatar
Twist of Fate the less rules the better and the very best threads, end up somewhere the OP may have not intended. It's the journey and not the rules that gets us some place really interesting.

AlexisSoftTouch nailed it! (this would be a great time to go back and read her post again, it case you missed something)

Answered starflash's question better than I could have and that is the point of this silly poll. Just curious how many others see it and would chose to comment on it. We have gone past WK's into unknown territory we really need to come up with a new name for them. White Stallion's or maybe White Clydesdale's? It goes beyond zealotry into something completely bizarre.

Someone (okay it was Raphael) accused Dear John of having a second handle? Seriously he has been using the same handle since 1972. This flare up was because someone (Conundrum) dared to have an opinion on a SHMB that he didn't like. So it had to be one of his "enemies" why are there battle lines? I like making fun of people that to my mind deserve it. There is no profit motive beyond humor and a little bit of healthy mayhem.

To this crazy old bastard that would be the point of a hobby discussion board to think about things. To look at opinions other than your own and sometimes to notice that the emperor is wearing no clothes.
One's enough for me
internet_inventor2's Avatar
I have often thought it would be funny to have another handle and have them battle it out all the time or a good II2 and a Sinister II2, lol......Really though, I got A. D. D. I can't handle another handle.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 03-08-2010, 07:26 AM
I don't have enough sense to keep up with any more than my one.
carkido45's Avatar
Carkido45 aka the OASPDBB aka the Cardiac Kid.
Useless thread.
Welcome back homie
boardman's Avatar
A more relevant question might be: Who has multiple people/personalities posting under one handle. I'm just sayin'