Anyone Tried What's Your Price?

In theory it sounds good, pick a girl and name a price then you meet and get it on. The key is to look for discreet encounters in the bio. However most never respond back. I met one good one however she had a lot of bad habits.. One girl, Scarlette, is on there all day and will jerk your chain endlessly but never actually meet. Anyone want to trade info on that site?.
NYhorndog's Avatar
I just signed up, gunna give it a try and see how it pans out.
Send her some cock pics

Shell come around
It costs money to start a conversation with a girl once they accept your offer. If it turns out that it's a scam where they want you to send money or if they're advertising online as a prostitute you can report them and they will give you a refund and delete their profile. I've done that a few times.
I used to be on there- had a bunch of duds and obvious scams. On the other hand I also saw one young cutie who was pricey but fun, and also met one lady who I ended up seeing regularly for a couple years for a more reasonable rate and great times. Overall I think SA is a better way to go if you wanna go that direction.