CIM gone wrong...

Cooked Squid Inseminates Woman's Mouth

Here's one not for the squeamish, from South Korea: A semi-cooked squid inseminated a woman's mouth, according to a paper published in the Journal of Parasitology. After experiencing "severe pain in her oral cavity" when she bit into her seafood, the woman spit out her meal, but continued to feel a lingering "pricking" sensation.

Doctors found that the 63-year-old woman had "small, white spindle-shaped bug-like organisms" lodged in the mucous membrane of her tongue, cheek and gums.

Despite having been boiled, the dead squid's live spermatophores, or sperm sacks, were alive and penetrated the woman's mouth. The sacks, which contain ejaculatory devices, forcefully release sperm and a "cement" that attaches the sperm to a wall.

Not to worry, calamari lovers. Most Western-world squid preparation removes the squid's internal organs, leaving only its muscle for eaters to enjoy, according to Danna Staaf, who writes the blog Squid a Day, published on Science 2.0.

Seafood, anyone?
rrath's Avatar
  • rrath
  • 06-15-2012, 06:50 PM
Good thing I don't eat that..... have a link to the story?
cumalot's Avatar
That is why I like my seafood deep fried and prepaired by someone who knows what the hell their doin....
rrath's Avatar
  • rrath
  • 06-15-2012, 07:05 PM
That is why I like my seafood deep fried and prepaired by someone who knows what the hell their doin.... Originally Posted by cumalot

hahah agreed.....
I copied the story from ABC on my cellphone
I second on the fried part...I enjoy the hot creamy stuff, but I think thats taking it a little too
I have eaten squid many times and never had a problem like that.

Reminds me of the story about someone eating Church's fried chicken and discovered a fried rat.
LexusLover's Avatar
Reminds me of the story about someone eating Church's fried chicken and discovered a fried rat. Originally Posted by mikkifine
The one I know happened was a mouse, not a rat. The consumer bit into it. Church's settled without a lawsuit being filed.
This sounds very similar to a scene from the movie Prometheus if anyone wants a visualization. The resulting offspring were not very pretty.
Blackbuddy05's Avatar
Great title.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-17-2012, 02:19 AM
Wonder is she could taste squid for days later?

Cook yo food bitchs!
rockshox69's Avatar
Those crazy Koreans love their sushi really fresh like live octopus in "Oldboy" scene
Ughhhhh...... This is just gross!