Jarrett is Obama's Rasputin


OCTOBER 3, 2014 4:00 AM
Obama’s Éminence Grise
As the Obama administration crashes and burns, insiders begin to blame Valerie Jarrett.
By John Fund

Valerie Jarrett with President Obama, December 2013. (White House via Flickr)

Are significant chunks of the mainstream media in despair over Barack Obama? This past week, Obama used 60 Minutes to attempt to shift blame for the failure to anticipate the rise of ISIS, endured a cover-up of White House security disasters by the Secret Service, and saw a government-agency report that he had skipped nearly 60 percent of his intelligence briefings.

The reaction from some longtime Obama defenders was swift and harsh. “President Obama this week committed professional suicide,” wrote former CNN host Piers Morgan, now an editor-at-large for Britain’s Daily Mail.

He called Obama’s throwing of the intelligence community under the bus a “shameless, reprehensible display of buck-passing” that will result in some analysts’ exacting “cold-blooded revenge on Obama by drip-feeding negative stories about him until he’s gone.” As for the Secret Service fiasco, Morgan said it was “no wonder the Secret Service gets complacent when The Boss exudes complacency from every pore.”

Chris Matthews of MSNBC, the former White House speechwriter who once rapturously recounted that he “felt this thrill going up my leg” as Obama spoke, didn’t hold back on Wednesday’s Hardball. “Let’s get tough here,” Matthews began, as he lambasted Obama for being “intellectually lazy” and “listening to the same voices all the time.” He even named names, saying that Obama had become “atrophied into that little world of people like Valerie Jarrett and Mrs. Obama.”
Jonathan Alter, a columnist for Bloomberg News and the author of a sympathetic book on Obama’s first term, reported that Jarrett is an unusual presence in the White House: “Staffers feared her, but didn’t like or trust her. At meetings she said little or nothing, instead lingering afterwards to express her views directly to the President, creating anxiety for her underlings and insulting them by saying, ‘I don’t talk just to hear myself talking.’”

Everyone expects a presidential spouse to weigh in on issues, but the reference to Valerie Jarrett, the White House senior adviser who mentored both the president and the first lady at the start of their careers in Chicago, is telling. Her outsize role in many presidential decisions is known to insiders, but she remains resolutely behind the scenes. So when Jarrett does enter the news, it’s significant, because it may provide a window into how the Obama White House really works.

This week, Greg Hinz of Crain’s Chicago Business noted that President Obama was back visiting Chicago but “having to share headlines with Valerie Jarrett.” She began the week with a cameo appearance on CBS’s highly rated show The Good Wife. Then a column by Michael Sneed in the Chicago Sun-Times reported that Jarrett “may be the worst abuser” of any executive-branch official with a Secret Service detail, using guards “round the clock” even while she was shopping, at the gym, or visiting friends in Chicago.

At a time when a government report shows the Secret Service is more than 550 agents below its optimal strength, Sneed bluntly asked, “Is this expense justifiable or is it an abuse of power?” Sneed quoted a source close to the White House: “Jarrett is treated as a member of the Obama family, but she’s had no real death threats requiring the constant use of the Secret Service that I know of.”

When Mark Leibovich of the New York Times tried to trace how Jarrett obtained Secret Service protection, he was told by someone close to her that she found such questions “ridiculous and offensive.”

Hinz of Chicago Business has covered Jarrett for years and has decided to offer her some quick advice: “Do whatever it takes to get your name out of the papers. And just watch TV for a while. OK?” He then joked that if Jarrett really wanted “to have some fun, try to figure out who dropped the dime on you.”

I wouldn’t bet against Jarrett finding out. As I wrote last year, White House aides “went to extraordinary lengths to uncover the identity of a senior official who was using Twitter to make snarky comments about Jarrett and other White House staffers. . . . The official had gone so far as to tweet ‘I’m a fan of Obama, but his continuing reliance and dependence upon a vacuous cipher like Valerie Jarrett concerns me.’”

When the bloodhounds uncovered Jofi Joseph, the point man on nuclear nonproliferation at the National Security Council, as the offending official, he was fired — not for revealing any secrets but for making disparaging comments about thin-skinned administration players such as Jarrett.

On Capitol Hill, members of both parties are more and more mystified at Obama’s apparent disengagement from parts of his job. Months before he dropped the ball on ISIS, he failed to keep himself properly apprised of the problems with Obamacare’s website. Jarrett appears to exercise such extraordinary influence that in some quarters on Capitol Hill she is known as “Rasputin,” a reference to the mystical monk who held sway over Russia’s Czar Nicholas as he increasingly lost touch with reality during World War I.
No one suggests that Jarrett is solely responsible for the administration’s slow response to the crises, contradictory communication, and labored political calculation that have become its hallmarks. But many do think that she has failed to encourage the president to bring in new people with fresh ideas.

So how has she survived? Not only has she been close to the first couple for nearly a quarter-century, but she clearly makes the president feel even better about himself than he would anyway. Consider this quote from her interview with New Yorker editor David Remnick for his book The Bridge (2010):

Hinz of Chicago Business has covered Jarrett for years and has decided to offer her some quick advice: “Do whatever it takes to get your name out of the papers. And just watch TV for a while. OK?” He then joked that if Jarrett really wanted “to have some fun, try to figure out who dropped the dime on you.”

I wouldn’t bet against Jarrett finding out. As I wrote last year, White House aides “went to extraordinary lengths to uncover the identity of a senior official who was using Twitter to make snarky comments about Jarrett and other White House staffers. . . . The official had gone so far as to tweet ‘I’m a fan of Obama, but his continuing reliance and dependence upon a vacuous cipher like Valerie Jarrett concerns me.’”

When the bloodhounds uncovered Jofi Joseph, the point man on nuclear nonproliferation at the National Security Council, as the offending official, he was fired — not for revealing any secrets but for making disparaging comments about thin-skinned administration players such as Jarrett.

On Capitol Hill, members of both parties are more and more mystified at Obama’s apparent disengagement from parts of his job. Months before he dropped the ball on ISIS, he failed to keep himself properly apprised of the problems with Obamacare’s website. Jarrett appears to exercise such extraordinary influence that in some quarters on Capitol Hill she is known as “Rasputin,” a reference to the mystical monk who held sway over Russia’s Czar Nicholas as he increasingly lost touch with reality during World War I.
No one suggests that Jarrett is solely responsible for the administration’s slow response to the crises, contradictory communication, and labored political calculation that have become its hallmarks. But many do think that she has failed to encourage the president to bring in new people with fresh ideas.

So how has she survived? Not only has she been close to the first couple for nearly a quarter-century, but she clearly makes the president feel even better about himself than he would anyway. Consider this quote from her interview with New Yorker editor David Remnick for his book The Bridge (2010):

[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Black"]Hinz of Chicago Business has covered Jarrett for years and has decided to offer her some quick advice: “Do whatever it takes to get your name out of the papers. And just watch TV for a while. OK?” He then joked that if Jarrett really wanted “to have some fun, try to figure out who dropped the dime on you.”

I wouldn’t bet against Jarrett finding out. As I wrote last year, White House aides “went to extraordinary lengths to uncover the identity of a senior official who was using Twitter to make snarky comments about Jarrett and other White House staffers. . . . The official had gone so far as to tweet ‘I’m a fan of Obama, but his continuing reliance and dependence upon a vacuous cipher like Valerie Jarrett concerns me.’”

When the bloodhounds uncovered Jofi Joseph, the point man on nuclear nonproliferation at the National Security Council, as the offending official, he was fired — not for revealing any secrets but for making disparaging comments about thin-skinned administration players such as Jarrett.

On Capitol Hill, members of both parties are more and more mystified at Obama’s apparent disengagement from parts of his job. Months before he dropped the ball on ISIS, he failed to keep himself properly apprised of the problems with Obamacare’s website. Jarrett appears to exercise such extraordinary influence that in some quarters on Capitol Hill she is known as “Rasputin,” a reference to the mystical monk who held sway over Russia’s Czar Nicholas as he increasingly lost touch with reality during World War I.
No one suggests that Jarrett is solely responsible for the administration’s slow response to the crises, contradictory communication, and labored political calculation that have become its hallmarks. But many do think that she has failed to encourage the president to bring in new people with fresh ideas.

So how has she survived? Not only has she been close to the first couple for nearly a quarter-century, but she clearly makes the president feel even better about himself than he would anyway. Consider this quote from her interview with New Yorker editor David Remnick for his book The Bridge (2010):

I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows exactly how smart he is. . . . He knows how perceptive he is. He knows what a good reader of people he is. And he knows that he has the ability — the extraordinary, uncanny ability — to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense out of them, and I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually. . . . So what I sensed in him was not just a restless spirit but somebody with such extraordinary talents that had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy. . . . He’s been bored to death his whole life. He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do.

Journalists who contacted the White House this week and asked to speak with Jarrett didn’t get very far. Maybe she’s decided to follow the advice of Greg Hinz and lie low for a while. But if journalists really want a fuller explanation for how the Obama administration has reached its current low ebb, perhaps they should continue to follow the threads of the Jarrett string that were revealed this week and see where those lead.
Yeah but

"The Republican's War on Women!"
"Bush lied, people died!"
"Hands UP!"
"The Rich aren't paying their fair share of taxes!"
"DREAMers wanna dream!"
"There no such thing as an illegal human!"
"What's their plan for providing health care?"

blah, blah, blah

I'm glad the muse for the Great Divider and Liar in Chief has run off the cliff. Its time the Chiraqis went back to to Chicago.
rioseco's Avatar
Val is an evil contemtuous creature.
She has exploited this poor orphaned mongrel from Kenya far too long. It is obvious she has brainwashed him.No one can be that fucking stupid on their own You can find rocks with better judgement and strategies than Barry Ubama
*Pic removed - JCM
My last chance...

I B Hankering's Avatar
Then a column by Michael Sneed in the Chicago Sun-Times reported that Jarrett “may be the worst abuser” of any executive-branch official with a Secret Service detail, using guards “round the clock” even while she was shopping, at the gym, or visiting friends in Chicago.

At a time when a government report shows the Secret Service is more than 550 agents below its optimal strength, Sneed bluntly asked, “Is this expense justifiable or is it an abuse of power?” Sneed quoted a source close to the White House: “Jarrett is treated as a member of the Obama family, but she’s had no real death threats requiring the constant use of the Secret Service that I know of.”

When Mark Leibovich of the New York Times tried to trace how Jarrett obtained Secret Service protection, he was told by someone close to her that she found such questions “ridiculous and offensive.” Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That bitch has more security than was afforded to Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi on the anniversary of 9/11.
What about that naive blathering idiot Susan Rice?

The President really knows how to pick them.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Did you forget Anita Dunn who believes, as Mao does, that power comes from the barrel of a gun.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
That bitch has more security than was afforded to Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi on the anniversary of 9/11. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
She probably has the Secret Service go fetch what she wants in the middle of the night, so she can "rest".
Hillary’s Valerie Jarrett In 2016

click on link to see Walids video from 2012... http://shoebat.com/2014/10/09/hillarys-valerie-jarrett/

by Ben Barrack on October 9, 2014 in Featured, General

The 30-year plan for a Muslim takeover of the U.S. announced by Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi in 1989 expires in 2020. Should Hillary Clinton be elected president in 2016 and retain Muslim Sisterhood daughter Huma Abedin as her close adviser, the end of Clinton’s first term would correspond with the end of that 30 years and a Muslim Sisterhood daughter would preside over it. That could serve as quite the incentive for Abedin.

Is Huma Abedin Hillary’s Valerie Jarrett?

Does that make Abedin the likely choice for Hillary’s Valerie Jarrett?

All presidents seem to have that one adviser who’s trusted more than all of the others. With George W. Bush, it was Karl Rove. With Barack Obama, it’s Valerie Jarrett. Obama’s fellow Chicagoan Rahm Emanuel fell away long ago. If there was someone who could have dispatched Jarrett, David Axelrod would have been the guy; he wasn’t.

So who would be Hillary’s Valerie Jarrett if the former first lady were elected president in 2016? Her chief of staff and counsel Cheryl Mills… her image man Philippe Reines… or the extremely close Hillary aid Abedin?

No one seems to have been more visibly at Hillary’s side recently more than Abedin, who joined her boss for the book tour. POLITICO reported earlier this month that Clinton and Abedin are hard at work on a midterm campaign strategy to help elect Democrats, an apparent sign that Hillary will be looking for some reciprocity in the form of support in 2016.

Abedin, whose familial connections to the Muslim Brotherhood are as irrefutable as they are extensive, could very well have her eye on the 2020 Muslim Brotherhood prize. After all, her family is quite familiar with al-Qaradawi. After all, al-Qaradawi served on the Board of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS) and Abdullah Omar Naseef – the man who founded the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) that Abedin worked for from 1996-2008 – served as Chairman of the OCIS Board. Abedin’s brother Hassan, who also works at IMMA served as a fellow at OCIS.

While in the U.S. to introduce his 30-year plan in 1989, al-Qaradawi prominently featured the tactic of Muruna as the central component for his followers. Its usage was essential for the plan to work. At its core is the sanctioning of prohibitions within Islam as a tool of deceit. If ever there was a masterful practitioner of the tactic, Huma would certainly qualify. Only through Muruna could a Muslim fundamentalist woman like her marry a Jewish man (Anthony Weiner) and not suffer the wrath of her Muslim Brotherhood family.

Huma is no stranger to irony either. As Shoebat.com reported last year, it was the New York Times that credited Huma with being the driving force behind her husband’s mayoral run. She seemed to want it more than he did. That Weiner’s run was derailed by another sexting scandal all but proved it.

It would have been quite the notch in the Brotherhood’s belt to see one of its daughters become he first lady of the city that was hit on 9/11 by… Muslim Brotherhood terrorists.

While it’s not known to what extent – if any – such irony helps to drive Abedin, there is no mistaking that irony would be in full supply if she were Hillary Clinton’s Valerie Jarrett as al-Qaradawi’s 30-year plan came to a close.

It may be that Huma wants Hillary to be president more than Hillary does.
lustylad's Avatar
I heard Valerie Jarrett TWICE talked Obama out of giving the final go-ahead for the 2011 Abbottabad raid on OBL because she was worried about the domestic political fallout if the raid failed. Why would she even be advising him? She has zero national security or foreign policy credentials.
I heard Valerie Jarrett TWICE talked Obama out of giving the final go-ahead for the 2011 Abbottabad raid on OBL because she was worried about the domestic political fallout if the raid failed. Why would she even be advising him? She has zero national security or foreign policy credentials. Originally Posted by lustylad


Book bombshell: Obama canceled Bin Laden ‘kill’ raid three times at Jarrett’s urging

9:10 PM 07/29/2012


David Martosko is The Daily Caller's executive editor. He is the father of two, a frequent public speaker, and a graduate of Dartmouth College and the Johns Hopkins University.

At the urging of Valerie Jarrett, President Barack Obama canceled the operation to kill Osama bin Laden on three separate occasions before finally approving the May 2, 2011 Navy SEAL mission, according to an explosive new book scheduled for release August 21. The Daily Caller has seen a portion of the chapter in which the stunning revelation appears.

In ”Leading From Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him,“ Richard Miniter writes that Obama canceled the “kill” mission in January 2011, again in February, and a third time in March. Obama’s close adviser Valerie Jarrett persuaded him to hold off each time, according to the book.

Miniter, a two-time New York Times best-selling author, cites an unnamed source with Joint Special Operations Command who had direct knowledge of the operation and its planning.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Senator Pat Roberts: Valerie Jarrett Was Involved In IRS Scandal
5:20 PM 10/11/2014

Republican Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts said Friday that he thinks the IRS targeting scandal was driven by Valerie Jarrett’s office in the White House, according to information that he saw that Democrats tried to “whitewash.”

Roberts told talk radio host Hugh Hewitt that he participated in a Senate Finance Committee investigation into the IRS scandal but “the effort was made by the majority, by the Democrats in the Congress, to simply end that investigation,” which he called a “whitewash.”

“I’m convinced that even Valerie Jarrett was involved,” Roberts said.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
snick. snort. SPAM!

Holy shit! Did either of you dipshits do her?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They are probably more worried about Jarrett being kidnapped than attacked. She has the keys to the kingdom.