Slavery is making a comeback!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
ISIS is bringing back slavery including sex slavery. So while you complain of something that happened in the US over 150 years ago, or brawls in Alaska, or some new dick comment, ISIS is moving on.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Probably, the percentage of the world population they are enslaving is so low that liberals will advise we ignore them, just like they advise we ignore voter fraud in the United States because of its insignificance.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-13-2014, 07:05 AM
ISIS is bringing back slavery including sex slavery. So while you complain of something that happened in the US over 150 years ago, or brawls in Alaska, or some new dick comment, ISIS is moving on. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I am not quite sure what your point is.

I accept the initial part of your post: ISIS is a collection of evil people hiding behind religion, and they practice slavery. OK, agreed. Slavery is evil today, and slavery was evil in the Confederacy, and was evil all the other times/places it was practiced. (Too bad IBMassa doesn't agree, but that is a different post).

What is the rest of your point? That so long as ISIS is doing bad things, then this board should stop discussing other topics? Like gay marriage, the right to own an M-60, and whether Obama is a bigger asshole than Bush-2?
ISIS is bringing back slavery including sex slavery. So while you complain of something that happened in the US over 150 years ago, or brawls in Alaska, or some new dick comment, ISIS is moving on. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Pimp + Hooker = slavery.
I am not quite sure what your point is. Originally Posted by Old-T
There is no point.

Barleycorn just likes to start new threads, the vast majority of which are fatuous or redundant. Save for Whirlaway, he does that more than anyone else in this forum. He's probably posted at least a half-dozen ISIS-related threads just within the last week or two. Obviously, everything he posted could simply have been inserted into the first ISIS one.

Remember all the Benghazi threads those two guys started a couple of years ago? They'd start a new one just to post the last article they saw on the topic. At one point, almost the entire first page was filled with Barleycorn- or Whirlaway-generated Benghazi threads.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-13-2014, 07:59 AM
ISIS is bringing back slavery including sex slavery. So while you complain of something that happened in the US over 150 years ago, or brawls in Alaska, or some new dick comment, ISIS is moving on. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

JD maybe we can talk about how mean Wendy Davis is to Greg Abbott.

Mean spirited is Wendy Davis and her wheelchair ads against Bruce Abbott. Now that's mean spirited. Of course the creator of that ad is that same guy who created "Mitt Romney gave my wife cancer" ad. I guess that's just how liberal democrats roll. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD maybe we can talk about how mean Wendy Davis is to Greg Abbott. Originally Posted by WTF
Please don't confuse Professor Barleycorn.

He thinks the guy's name is Bruce Abbott.

See @
I believe JDIdiot is jealous of the notoriety that his Idiot cousin TrendingIdiot received a few months ago with his MLK thread.

He is now trying to beat his Idiot cousin to the punch!
I B Hankering's Avatar
I am not quite sure what your point is.

I accept the initial part of your post: ISIS is a collection of evil people hiding behind religion, and they practice slavery. OK, agreed. Slavery is evil today, and slavery was evil in the Confederacy, and was evil all the other times/places it was practiced. (Too bad IBMassa doesn't agree, but that is a different post).

What is the rest of your point? That so long as ISIS is doing bad things, then this board should stop discussing other topics? Like gay marriage, the right to own an M-60, and whether Obama is a bigger asshole than Bush-2?
Originally Posted by Old-T
The institution of slavery has been around for thousands of years, yet there are some, like Old-THUMPER, who myopically focus on only a small fraction of that history and try to pretend that slavery and all of its evils sprang into existence in 1861 and ended in 1865. Old-THUMPER's tendency to focus on small things, such as a mere four year period extracted from thousands of years or on someone's post count on a SHMB, can only lead one to believe that Old-THUMPER spends his days in a naked, lotus position staring at his own dick trying to make something more out of it than it ever was or ever will be.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-13-2014, 08:34 AM
Slavery is evil today, and slavery was evil in the Confederacy, and was evil all the other times/places it was practiced. Originally Posted by Old-T
The institution of slavery has been around for thousands of years, yet there are some, like Old-THUMPER, who myopically focus on only a small fraction of that history and try to pretend that slavery and all of its evils sprang into existence in 1861 and ended in 1865. Old-THUMPER's tendency to focus on small things, such as a mere four year period extracted from thousands of years or on someone's post count on a SHMB, can only lead one to believe that Old-THUMPER spends his days in a naked, fetal position staring at his own dick trying to make something more out of it than it ever was or ever will be. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Dear IBIlliterate, please note what I actually said--not what you wish I had said. And please note that "today" no longer refers to the mid 19th century. I know you wish it still did, but that era has past. You missed your opportunity to be a southern slave owner, but if you hurry to Iraq....

And in typical IB mode you have no facts to back up your lies so you resort to comments about your penis envy. Well done.

As far as your post count, we will get to that in good time.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Dear IBIlliterate, please note what I actually said--not what you wish I had said. And please note that "today" no longer refers to the mid 19th century. I know you wish it still did, but that era has past. You missed your opportunity to be a southern slave owner, but if you hurry to Iraq....

And in typical IB mode you have no facts to back up your lies so you resort to comments about your penis envy. Well done.

As far as your post count, we will get to that in good time.

Originally Posted by Old-T
Yeah, Old-THUMPER, once again you've made it very obvious how your stupid ass singularly keep highlighting a selective four year period while all but ignoring thousands of other years. Keep staring at you dick while you sit in your naked, lotus position, Old-THUMPER. Maybe, but only in your stupid, ignorant mind, it too will *seem* more significant than it really is, Old-THUMPER. BTW, Old-THUMPER, how did that post count thing work out for you, jackass?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-13-2014, 09:15 AM
Now you are just being beyond stupid.

"Today" refers to 1861-1865?

"all the other times/places it was practiced" is only referring to 1861-1865?

Yes, you are beyond redemption or education.

Poor, pathetic IB.
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
This is such a disappointment. I thought Islam was becoming more enlightened. After all, Saudi Arabia abolished slavery in 1962 and Mauritania abolished slavery in the 1980's (although 20% of the population is probably still enslaved).
I B Hankering's Avatar
Now you are just being beyond stupid.

"Today" refers to 1861-1865?

"all the other times/places it was practiced" is only referring to 1861-1865?

Yes, you are beyond redemption or education.

Poor, pathetic IB
Originally Posted by Old-T
You're being a disingenuous jackass, Old-THUMPER, when you stupidly try to deflect from your post wherein you singularly highlighted and selected for remark a single four year period in history as if to infer that the horror and injustice in that four year period were on balance equal to the horror and injustice of the preceding four millennium and the subsequent 150 years: which, btw, includes the atrocities in the Belgian Congo.

This is what you posted, Old-THUMPER:

Slavery is evil today, and slavery was evil in the Confederacy, and was evil all the other times/places it was practiced. Originally Posted by Old-T
This is what you could have posted, Old-THUMPER, you disingenuous jackass:

Slavery is evil today and was evil all the other times/places it was practiced. Originally Posted by Old-T
So go trot your lies out for someone more stupid than yourself, Old-THUMPER.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think my point has been aptly made by the idiots of the board. ISIS is evil, unredeemably evil but instead of commenting on that what do we get from the idiots of the left. They want to talk about spelling, names, making snide remarks but looking into the face of evil and maybe generating a little bit of concern is beyond them. They could never condemn their guy in the White House. They would rather face the end of Western civilization than admit that they screwed up in voting for the organizer. Only when the entire country turns against this jackoff will he be forced to step down or do the right thing for his own survival. Slavery, the chattel type, is not one more proof that this fight is just.