Time waster con

Meadow Love's Avatar
This guy T*** T****** had been emailing me for months for an appointment.
Something always came up when the day came for the appointment so we never connected. Then he kept calling from a blocked number and following up with an email. I finally answered and talked to him. He sounds like a kid but I was willing to give him a break and make the exception to see him. I asked for his real number. He told me he was 30 and was new in Austin. He gave me some number out of Colorado with a 303 area code. When I tried calling, it went straight to a generic voicmail. I sent a text with my incall address. Then he emailed saying he never received it and his battery had died. Stupidly I sent the address sans the apartment number.
Then at the time of the appointment, of course he never showed up. Total time waster and probably a kid playing a game.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Sorry that happened. However, there is nothing here that presents a danger to the community. Therefore, the alerts forum is not the appropriate place for this FYI.

Moving to coed for further discussion.
ck1942's Avatar
Just as many gents set a "limit" on how mant times they will suffer a "crickets" moment or two or three or receive poor TCB, before they move on, my caution to the ladies is to do the same.

More often than not two or three replies and no appointment is confirmed should be a prime indicator that not much is going to happen.

And extreme stalkers will often just low key pester a lady to reduce her barriers on screening/haggling and on services.
Not to resurrect a thread for no reason, but the same guy just contacted me through the same e-mail... I smelled a rat right away, but just a heads up he's still at it.
Meadow Love's Avatar
There's a few of these freaks. J***s L******t and a J**n He****x. I've been more stick on seeing clients and my screening is more intense to avoid toads like these. Hopefully they recognize my (as CK puts it) crickets to mean to leave me alone or send me money for the NCNS.