BP Girl for $600/HR? (She's Worth It - So She Claims)

playnudeinthesun's Avatar
I lurk a lot, simply because I cant afford to hobby as often as I would like to. I guess its like the kid drooling outside the candy store.

That being said, I cruise BP ads also - mostly just to enjoy the pictures. My curiosity is aroused occasionally but I know that if I want a fair honest experience that ECCIE is the place to search.

I came across this today and was dumbfounded. I am pretty familiar with some of the top-notch prices here but I don't think I've ever seen anybody determine that their time is worth $600/hr...this on BP.

We can be sure that the girl in the picture is not WYSIWYG (or perhaps she is) but I think only a moron would plop down $600 when there are amazing deals to be found here. I cant wait to read about this in the alerts section from some hapless soul soon.

Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 12-01-2016, 12:24 AM
Actually I think it's $600 for a minimum 2 hr date. Regardless I don't see anything worth the 300 p/hr rate. Not in this market.
There's a price ceiling and a price floor. It's funny... When I had pro pix & a fancy website many men paid $350/hr. One man said, "Haha. I finally got the most expensive girl on eccie." It was just an ego thing. Now I'm 20lbs lighter, more fit, charge $50-100 less, have no website and just take selfies... I'm the same girl. Not much changed, but I cannot command those rates without fancy pix & elaborate website. SMH. Ego is a funny thing isn't it?
Grace Preston's Avatar
My best guess is that she is touring from the NorthEast where that kind of pricing is much more in line with the norm.
Passion2015's Avatar
This girls picture has been on BP for over a year now, if not longer here in Austin. It comes and goes.
Lets see 600 dollar's equals 6 happy endings or 3-4 fs , not a hard choice for me
AtxAngela's Avatar
The rate now says 500 lol. .as each day that goes by I guess she or whoever is realizing nobody is going to pay that...
nuglet's Avatar
everyone has to find their own price point... bread, car, pussy........
Exactly. No reason to bitch about it. Don't like it. Don't pay it & don't see her. Simple as that.
ck1942's Avatar
$200 per hour in her July ad in Dallas.

hmmm, perhaps there's more than meets the eyeball?
nuglet's Avatar
$200 per hour in her July ad in Dallas.

hmmm, perhaps there's more than meets the eyeball? Originally Posted by ck1942
I don't think it's an "eye" she's a huntin' for.