OIG Report Pages 293 & 294. 302 & 303 - UNREAL

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Enter page 322 in the app, this takes you to report page 293. Covers a diary entry that recounts a meet topics between Coleman and Comey on 10/4/2016

Enter page 332 in the app, this takes to report page 302. Covers a meeting between Case agent and computer tech services following review of Weiner laptop.

You tell me what is there. Sick.
despite oig's report finding an overload of anti-trump and pro-hellary bias at the highest levels of the doj and its subsidiary ,the fbi,

and despite time and again the unusual, highly improper, unconcerned and unprofessional investigation techniques used in the hellary investigation....

despite all that....

the oig found, that if there is some semi-plausible alternate explanation of each element of the improper investigation, then the investigation of hellary itself wasn't corrupt

instead of the common sense view that the totality of the bias and unorthodoxy of the investigation as a whole proves corruption

in other words, something like, oh they did that..well this is the explanation they gave for that ,... oh and they did this, well they said that was because of this, and that?, well that was ok'd by some other career biased doj person who was fed the spin of the biased fbi investigator and so on

if that is the case......

then anything trump may have done regarding any supposed act of obstruction of justice should be accorded the same deference, and much more so, as to alternate meaning, intent and explanation

and the Mueller investigation should end now with a wimper and with an apology to DJT
rexdutchman's Avatar
You forgot muller work for the clintoooon s
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
are they looking into the uranium deal too?