Sue Nami

Please stop contacting me you ditzy bitch! I know the real reason you don't offer full service because you {staff edit-ck} too.
sue_nami's Avatar
this is the fake handle saying they are winn dixie. some people need to get a life.
Oh wow!
sue_nami's Avatar
yea he has been emailing me here. the mods have all the pms. I knew it was not winn. weird because this handle started out sayng good things about me at first then tonight said he was winn then started this thread. whatever, some people need to have a hobby besides trolling.
Why say he is Winn? Makes no sense. Are you trying to get Winn banned? It wouldn't surprise me if you or one of your friends are trying to do it. I guess the mods will decide.
sue_nami's Avatar
no the handle giggity said that, not me. I do not think it is winn. I am not trying to cause trouble here, this weird handle just emailed me saying they were winn and I told the mods about the imposter.
sue_nami's Avatar
I do not care who the troll is, just whack em mods. impersonating another member is a violation and that is what gigitty did
I made a screen shot for Winn to see if this gets removed. I just don't understand the need to bring Winn name into this thread.

Shady stuff goimg on....
sue_nami's Avatar
I was agreeing with winn that the imposter is using his name and emailed me saying he was him. then the imposter did this weird trolling thread I guess in an attempt to get banned and go out in flames. evidently winn knew this guy was doing this because he made a thread saying so. I was saying yep it happened to me too. this is the handle that winn was referring to that is faking being winn and contacting people saying so. calm down kickrocks i am supporting winn and agreeing this is not him here.
Little Monster's Avatar
Leave this thread open mods. This is the best Sue Nami thread yet!!!
sue_nami's Avatar
hahaha little monster you're incorrigible hun. what ever, everyone can see an attempted troll attack and weirdness here that has nothing to do with me. the mods will fix it soon enough. I wonder how lameo and bored ya have to be to even think this crap up in the first place.
Agent220's Avatar
The barebacking rumor would seem to go along with this.
Why didn’t you just ask for a pm?
Bet if you hadn’t chased all the posters away, the mods would have been here moderating and this wouldn’t have been here untouched for 6 hours.
And why would you be contacting him/her?
Did you report the post?
Was it emails or pm’s, you seem unsure, which makes me doubt your story.
CryptKicker's Avatar
We have the PMs. The troll is banned and this is done. Move on now