Women's Rights on Trial Today

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Anti vax hypocrisy on display.

Wait for it.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
And if the baby being aborted is female...what happened to her rights? Your argument is a fallacy.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
There is no such thing as if, sir.

(Listening live off and on.)
winn dixie's Avatar
Wait womans have rights?
Other than just being cum dumps? um better check again
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Roe was decided correctly.

Reversing rights already granted are set.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
She’d be attractive if she’d ever stfu. Not sure what that t-shirt means, a threat to scotus justices?
Science is on the side of the unborn baby.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The issue is not reversing roe, the issue is if constitutional rights of individual women can be restricted.
This is a repeat of same topic with a slightly different presentation.

It's not a medical thing, not a can do this or that thing, it's entirely an individual constitutional rights thing that goes way beyond the abortion question.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Drunkard answers Breyer's soliloquy with his own and asks a stupid question.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
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  • WTF
  • 12-01-2021, 12:12 PM
The issue is not reversing roe, the issue is if constitutional rights of individual women can be restricted.
This is a repeat of same topic with a slightly different presentation.

It's not a medical thing, not a can do this or that thing, it's entirely an individual constitutional rights thing that goes way beyond the abortion question. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
While I agree....I think they will side with Mississippi and effectively strike down Roe. It sure did not sound encouraging for pro choice advocates. Although their attorney was fucking amazing.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I don't think they will strike down Roe.
That case and the current case do actually have specific differences.

It's these differences that are what is at stake.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Here is the thing-- I always hear the argument about the fetus being a separate life, etc...and to be fair, that IS a valid argument.. but.

Lets say little Timmy needs a kidney transplant. Now-- Timmy has a very very rare blood type and the only person on the face of the planet is Sam. If Sam does not donate a kidney to Timmy-- Timmy will die. But-- Sam cannot be compelled to donate a kidney, even if it means that Timmy will die because of it.

The uterus is also an organ. Without the use of it, the unborn baby will die. So why is it that one person could refuse an organ, even if it means death-- but a woman cannot if the organ in need happens to be her uterus?

This is why so many scream that it is a human rights issue. Yes-- abortion does result in death of life... but its literally the only area where a person can be forced to essentially sustain the life of another.
Women have reproductive rights now. It's called choosing when a dick goes in or not. Alyssa Milano just made my argument for me.