more rights to be taken away ?

VitaMan's Avatar
The Supreme Court justices are already considering using the Roe decision as a precedent to remove other established rights.

You are getting what you wished for. Just wait till yours are taken away.
There isn't any constitutional right to an abortion but then again you can't comprehend the distruction brandon has inflicted on Americans.
Keep on keeping on with your complete nonsense.
VitaMan's Avatar
Hope you don't get triggered when one of your established rights is taken away.
Hope you don't get triggered when one of your established rights is taken away. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Even Ruth Bader Ginsburg say Roe v Wade was not a good ruling. The Supreme Court pulled a right out of thin air and now they removed the right they invented.
ICU 812's Avatar
As a Fderal matter, abortion is still legal in the USA. It is now up to the voters in each state to determine what is what on abortion.
Hope you don't get triggered when one of your established rights is taken away. Originally Posted by VitaMan
You keep getting “rights” and “laws” confused. We have “rights” that are granted to us by The Constitution of The United States. The first 10 Amendments are called “The Bill of Rights” for a very specific reason.

They can’t just be taken away by the whims of politicians and Demogogues..

Laws are not the same. Laws are subject to review by The Courts and can be changed by what ever group of Politicians are in control at any given moment.

Roe V Wade was a law. As it turns out, a bad law. The Supreme Court did the correct thing. They said, “let the people of the States decide” through their elected Representatives what regulations, if any, they wish to place on abortion.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The Supreme Court justices are already considering using the Roe decision as a precedent to remove other established rights.

You are getting what you wished for. Just wait till yours are taken away. Originally Posted by VitaMan
You sound like one of those slippery slope conspiracy theorists.
Vita just can't get it through his head that abortion is not a "right, it never has been ..... as Jackie stated Roe v Wade was made a "law" by the Supreme Court, a law that was rightfully overturned yesterday .....
texassapper's Avatar
You keep getting “rights” and “laws” confused. We have “rights” that are granted to us by The Constitution of The United States. The first 10 Amendments are called “The Bill of Rights” for a very specific reason. Originally Posted by Jackie S
No. They are natural rights...we were endowed with them by our creator. The Constitution simply codifies them.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of dismembered babies.
The Supreme Court justices are already considering using the Roe decision as a precedent to remove other established rights.

You are getting what you wished for. Just wait till yours are taken away. Originally Posted by VitaMan
What "Rights" are you talking about? Just to remind you Roe vs Wade was never a Constitutionally protected Right.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
a ruling is not a law or a right
Jacuzzme's Avatar
texassapper's Avatar
Vitaman - You are getting what you wished for. Just wait till yours (rights) are taken away.
LOL. Now apply that reasoning to vaccine mandates!!!
VitaMan's Avatar
What "Rights" are you talking about? Just to remind you Roe vs Wade was never a Constitutionally protected Right. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Here are a few:

right for married people to use contraception
parental rights
same sex marriage

all decided upon by the Supreme Court

Justice reasoning

"The constitution’s Due Process Clause does not secure a right to an abortion or any other substantive rights, and he urged the court to apply that reasoning to other landmark cases."

Justice opinion

"All rights that have no history stretching back to the mid-19th century are insecure. Either the mass of the majority’s opinion is hypocrisy, or additional constitutional rights are under threat. It is one or the other.”