Black leaders slam Roe v. Wade ruling

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Black US leaders slam Roe v. Wade ruling, warning that Black women will be 'disproportionately impacted' by the decision

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) slammed the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion across the country.

In a statement on Friday, the NAACP General Counsel Janette McCarthy Wallace said that black women will be "disproportionately impacted" by the ruling, calling it an "egregious assault on basic human rights."

"We must all stand up to have our voices heard in order to protect our nation from the further degradation of civil rights protections we have worked so hard to secure," McCarthy said.

Advocates and experts have warned that women of color will suffer the most from the reversal of Roe v. Wade as they are more likely to have unintended pregnancies, less access to reproductive services, and more likely to suffer a pregnancy-related death compared to their counterparts.

The US Supreme Court announced Friday its highly-anticipated decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark ruling that made access to abortion a constitutional right across the country.

"The extreme right-wing Supreme Court majority's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the law of the land for 49 years that gave a woman the right to choose, will have far-reaching and painful consequences," Beatty said in a statement. "Moreover, in the midst of a black maternal mortality crisis, restricting access to abortion care will disproportionately endanger the lives of Black Americans."
... Hmmmmm... So it's either pregnancy-related deaths for "Moms"
- or DEAD babys.

... Hmmmm....

... So, didja like it better when it was just DEAD babys??

... And HOW was Roe/Wade the "law of the land"??
There's been restrictions put into place by numerous states
for what might be a good while.... Along-with liberal ideas
such-as killing the baby AFTER birth.

... Let the STATES (and their voters) decide the rules and laws..

#### Salty
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Black US leaders slam Roe v. Wade ruling, warning that Black women will be 'disproportionately impacted' by the decision

As long as the law doesn't use color to define rights, it is OK. We can't make laws based on the color of one's skin. How long must we keep having this discussion.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) slammed the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion across the country.

In a statement on Friday, the NAACP General Counsel Janette McCarthy Wallace said that black women will be "disproportionately impacted" by the ruling, calling it an "egregious assault on basic human rights."

"We must all stand up to have our voices heard in order to protect our nation from the further degradation of civil rights protections we have worked so hard to secure," McCarthy said.

Worked so hard? By voting for people who don't understand the Constitution?

Advocates and experts have warned that women of color will suffer the most from the reversal of Roe v. Wade as they are more likely to have unintended pregnancies,WHY? because they refuse to use birth control because their men tell them not to? less access to reproductive services, Less? Hell, in the beginning, abortion clinics were purposely put in Black neighborhoods because Planned Parenthood wanted to eliminate Black births.and more likely to suffer a pregnancy-related death compared to their counterparts. Not in California, New York and several other states. For them, nothing changed.

The US Supreme Court announced Friday its highly-anticipated decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark ruling that made access to abortion a constitutional right across the country.

"The extreme right-wing Supreme Court majority's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the law of the land for 49 years that gave a woman the right to choose, will have far-reaching and painful consequences," Beatty said in a statement. "Moreover, in the midst of a black maternal mortality crisis, restricting access to abortion care will disproportionately endanger the lives of Black Americans." Originally Posted by VitaMan

I'd like to ask General Counsel Janette McCarthy Wallace, if she was happy that the SC over turned Plessey v Ferguson after being the law of the land for 58 years? No? So they are only happy when rulings over turn laws that they didn't like? Well, millions of people didn't like Roe. You either appreciate how the court functions or you don't. You accept that some past laws were wrong Constitutionally speaking but others not.

There is one and only one way this works, follow the Constitution by the words in front of you. Don't add any, don't subtract any and tell the Legislature that the ball is now in your court to fix, what you find to be a problem.
The genius of the Constitution is that literally EVERYTHING is covered in one way or another EVERYTHING. If the word you want isn't there, a State Legislature will decide just like the Constitution calls for.

BTW, the current Congress tried to pass a law codifying Roe but it failed because certain Democrats wanted to go past Roe and make abortions lawful right up to delivery. That is why it failed. What if they hadn't tried to be such smart asses and tried to codify a 15-20 week limit on abortion? Don't know if they would have passed but it sure as hell would have a better chance than "up to delivery". Hell, one Democrat, probably more, wanted it to say "a few minutes after delivery to decide after looking at the child whether she could tell the doctor to kill it".

Can any of you reasonable imagine that law?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
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Black US leaders slam Roe v. Wade ruling, warning that Black women will be 'disproportionately impacted' by the decision

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) slammed the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion across the country.

In a statement on Friday, the NAACP General Counsel Janette McCarthy Wallace said that black women will be "disproportionately impacted" by the ruling, calling it an "egregious assault on basic human rights."

"We must all stand up to have our voices heard in order to protect our nation from the further degradation of civil rights protections we have worked so hard to secure," McCarthy said.

Advocates and experts have warned that women of color will suffer the most from the reversal of Roe v. Wade as they are more likely to have unintended pregnancies, less access to reproductive services, and more likely to suffer a pregnancy-related death compared to their counterparts.

The US Supreme Court announced Friday its highly-anticipated decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark ruling that made access to abortion a constitutional right across the country.

"The extreme right-wing Supreme Court majority's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the law of the land for 49 years that gave a woman the right to choose, will have far-reaching and painful consequences," Beatty said in a statement. "Moreover, in the midst of a black maternal mortality crisis, restricting access to abortion care will disproportionately endanger the lives of Black Americans." Originally Posted by VitaMan

of course they will because they won't be able to kill their out of wedlock bastards. but there's always welfare .....

Another stupid thread...about race
HedonistForever's Avatar
Another stupid thread...about race Originally Posted by bb1961

Everything is race to Progressives.

Guest on Mahr made an interesting statement about how Democrats have weaponized race to use against Republicans calling each and every one racist and now Republicans are weaponizing the sexualization of children and Dems will now be called "groomers and pedo's" and they don't seem to like it one bit.
VitaMan's Avatar
Another stupid thread...about race Originally Posted by bb1961

Another stupid a poster who follows me around Eccie, and post the same stupid comments.

He keeps attacking me about Joe....when I don't give a shit about Joe.

Guess he is still butt hurt over being banned.

One the strangest posters around.
  • Mplay
  • 06-25-2022, 08:25 PM
Clarence Thomas is a great black leader. He has spoken. Simmer down.
VitaMan's Avatar

Advocates and experts have warned that women of color will suffer the most from the reversal of Roe v. Wade as they are more likely to have unintended pregnancies,WHY? because they refuse to use birth control because their men tell them not to? less access to reproductive services, Less? Hell, in the beginning, abortion clinics were purposely put in Black neighborhoods because Planned Parenthood wanted to eliminate Black births.and more likely to suffer a pregnancy-related death compared to their counterparts. Not in California, New York and several other states. For them, nothing changed.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
You sound like a white guy who has never been within 40 miles of a black neighborhood.
Does anyone have handy the statistics of black births out of wedlock ? No fathers ?

How many providers on Eccie have gotten pregnant ? What are you going to do about that and this website ?

You and bb are becoming quite the team. Except bb has terrible BDS and bashes Biden with every post.....then he gets triggered if you agree with him. Incredibly strange.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You sound like a white guy who has never been within 40 miles of a black neighborhood.
Does anyone have handy the statistics of black births out of wedlock ? No fathers ?

How many providers on Eccie have gotten pregnant ? What are you going to do about that and this website ?

You and bb are becoming quite the team. Except bb has terrible BDS and bashes Biden with every post.....then he gets triggered if you agree with him. Incredibly strange. Originally Posted by VitaMan

we all know who the fatherless breeders are ......

CNN's Don Lemon says more than 72 percent of African-American births are out of wedlock

Our ruling
Lemon said that "more than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock." Federal data confirms that 73 percent of African-American births in 2010 were out of wedlock. Estimates for the percentage of African-American children growing up in single-parent households are slightly lower, at 67 percent. Finally, black children counted in these statistics may have contact outside the household with their biological father. But Lemon's statistic was accurate, and we rate his statement True.
VitaMan's Avatar
Evander Holyfield

"I never meant to have so many babies."
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Evander Holyfield

"I never meant to have so many babies." Originally Posted by VitaMan

However, he lost all his money almost as quickly as he earned it. Three divorce settlements quickly slashed his net worth in half, along with child support payments to eleven children by six different women. Holyfield also committed to paying for the private education of all three of his children.Sep 9, 2021
Another stupid a poster who follows me around Eccie, and post the same stupid comments.

He keeps attacking me about Joe....when I don't give a shit about Joe.

Guess he is still butt hurt over being banned.

One the strangest posters around. Originally Posted by VitaMan
You afraid to admit your obsessed with identity politics??
You sound like a white guy who has never been within 40 miles of a black neighborhood.
Does anyone have handy the statistics of black births out of wedlock ? No fathers ?

How many providers on Eccie have gotten pregnant ? What are you going to do about that and this website ?

You and bb are becoming quite the team. Except bb has terrible BDS and bashes Biden with every post.....then he gets triggered if you agree with him. Incredibly strange. Originally Posted by VitaMan
You don't want brandon held accountable for the disasterous situation Americans are in?? need to get your head out of the sand and face reality because people are in financial distress and fed up with this disasterous ideology and you can’t or won't comprehend or acknowledge this. Fucking get off this stupid identity politics you and the left are consumed with.