Dallas Cowboys......Pure Class

Somewhere there is a list of things that you just shouldn't do. Surely, this is on it.

The man blew 1.8. He is responsible for the death of another human being. He is out on $500,000 bail.
What bozo thought it would be a good idea having him on the sideline. Good Grief, is there no shame.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-17-2012, 01:56 PM
I certainly didnt appreciate seeing him on the sideline laughing with his pals and watching the game ..

"What bozo thought it would be a good idea having him on the sideline"

Jones, who else?
I heard that Jerry Brown's parents asked that he be allowed on the sideline with the rest of the team. Don't know if that's true or not.

He also went to the guy's funeral and sat with his parents so, make of it what you will.

I don't excuse it, I don't agree with it and I am certainly not defending it. Frankly, he's in a situation that I suspect, but for the grace of god and blind dumb luck, many many of us might have been in at some point during our lives.

Those dumbasses were playing that song "Tipsy at da Club" on the PA during the game yesterday. Now, there's a headscratcher. Only at Jerry World.
Budman's Avatar
From what I read the first person on the scene thought he was the only occupant of the car until she heard screams. She then had to make him help his friend out of the car before it caught fire. After he helped him out she calims he left him in the middle of the road. Pretty fucked up if this account is accurate. You would think he would have been talking to his friend during his last minutes.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
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Guest123018-4's Avatar
Still do not understand why anyone idolizes these classless thugs called "players".
A big part of what is fucked up in our society. but I suppose when you grow up with no daddy, you have to have somebody to look up to.
Damn shame it is not somebody with moral values.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Like hookers and johns...
pyramider's Avatar
From what I read the first person on the scene thought he was the only occupant of the car until she heard screams. She then had to make him help his friend out of the car before it caught fire. After he helped him out she calims he left him in the middle of the road. Pretty fucked up if this account is accurate. You would think he would have been talking to his friend during his last minutes. Originally Posted by Budman
Its called being in shock plus being drunck. Have you ever been in an accident and forgotten something?
Like hookers and johns... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 12-17-2012, 11:27 PM
Jerry Jones, what a fucking tool....I was a cowboys fan till he got his hands on the team. Fucking jackoff..... They should put that fuck in jail and throw away the god damn key, I have NO FUCKING SYMPATHY, for drunk drivers.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
This just in...

Apparently neither the head coach or owner knew that the guy was going to show up on the sidelines and now he has been banned from doing so.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
But they let him stand there the whole time...
This just in...

Apparently neither the head coach or owner knew that the guy was going to show up on the sidelines and now he has been banned from doing so. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Isn't this sort of a moot point after he was seen on Nation Wide TV yucking it up with his friends.
Someone damned sure gave him permission to be there. You just can't walk right down onto the field and mingle with the Players on the sideline during an NFL Game.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
My guess is...it probably took them by surprise...the owner way up in his private box may not have even known it and the head coach had a game to work on... If they knew he was down there they didn't react the way they should have and it made them look bad. It's good to know that at least the proper actions have now been taken.

I'm not trying to make excuse for them. I also thought it was weird that he was on the sidelines.

Sometimes good people make mistakes...it's not the end of the world.