I'm not coming for your guns, but most American would like to get them!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I find it fascinating that such a large percent of this poll indicates that ALL guns should be illegal for common citizens. They're off the edge almost as much as the fuckers who want to give teachers guns, but America is CLEARLY TRENDING toward tighter controls on guns.

That said, if you want to "bare arms," then wear a shirt like Larry the Cable Guy. Fuck! You probably already do!

According to a fresh CNN poll:

CNN Poll: Bare majority now support major gun restrictions

Posted by
CNN Political Unit
Washington (CNN) – Americans are reacting to the tragic events in Newtown, Connecticut with elevated levels of anger, shock and fear that have led a growing number of people to look for action from the government and society that can prevent future incidents, according to a new national survey.

And the CNN/ORC International poll released Wednesday also indicates that a bare majority now favor major restrictions on owning guns or an outright ban on gun ownership by ordinary citizens and more than six in ten favor a ban on semi-automatic assault rifles.

– Follow the Ticker on Twitter: @PoliticalTicker

The survey was conducted Monday and Tuesday, following Friday's horrific incident at Sandy Hook Elementary School when a gunman armed with a semi-automatic rifle killed 20 young children and six adults.

Forty-six percent of people questioned in the poll say that that government and society can take action to prevent future gun violence. That's up 13 percentage points from January 2011, following a shooting incident in Tucson, Arizona that left six dead and some, including then Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, severely injured. A 53% majority still believes that attacks will continue to happen regardless of any action taken, but that's down 13 points from January 2011.

"Any changes in attitudes towards guns and gun violence are likely due to the highly emotional reaction many Americans have had to the recent shootings," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

Yes and after 9-11 something like 90% supported the war in Afghanistan. I highly doubt that it currently would be the same. Support for the Patriot act was high in the beginning, that is until people started to learn what was in the bill. It would be a shame if the populace continues to fail to learn from their mistakes.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Currently? Are you talking about Afghanistan or guns?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't want to say that Whatzup is lying but he is full of shit. http://thinkprogress.org/justice/201...own/?mobile=nc

The number of people wanting a assault weapon ban is only 51% even after Newtown. This is the high water mark for you Whatzup. Unless you want another school shooting this is it. It goes down here after this. So before you have a premature emaculation you are going to lose.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Obviously, moving too quickly after a watershed event, especially one that has resulted in anger and/or fear has been shown over and over not to be a real good plan. But, it is the best time to begin to have REAL conversations about the most workable reaction.

Whether the real number is 51% or 91% in favor of the total ban on assault weapons is immaterial. We have a responsibility to hold back the stampede towards over reaction and over correction. It's called the "tyranny of the masses" for a good reason and the herd mentality must be checked. Otherwise, our government and society will look like a ping pong match with things swinging wildly back and forth on an all too regular basis. This is true whether or not the subject is assault weapons or some other "reform" of ANY regulation.

Digging ones heels in while maintaining ones head firmly planted in the sand - on either side - isn't any better of a solution to solving a problem than throwing the baby out with the bath water while rushing wildly about attempting a "fix" or "reform."
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Talk about digging in one's heels. The left has called the tune around schools for over 30 years. They are digging in their heel's when the evidence is shouting that they were wrong. Gun control, gun free zones, and gun bans are not working. The first step is to admit that you have a problem.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Talk about digging in one's heels. The left has called the tune around schools for over 30 years. They are digging in their heel's when the evidence is shouting that they were wrong. Gun control, gun free zones, and gun bans are not working. The first step is to admit that you have a problem. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It has nothing to do with left wing or right wing. Texas, for example, is about as right wing as you can get with Republican control almost statewide. If a bill is brought up allowing handguns on school grounds in some manner, it is very likely that it will pass. The reason such a bill has never been brought up is that mainstream Texans do not support such a bill. That is not to say that a few over-zealos lawmakers will not bring a bill onto the floor.

My wife is a teacher (HS). My step-daughter is a teacher (MHS). Neither want anything to do with guns and they are in a great majority in the teaching world. As others have mentioned, teachers want to teach. That is their job and what they are paid to do.
Currently? Are you talking about Afghanistan or guns? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Currently less than 90% support the war in Afghanistan.

I was saying that the support that is seen after a tragedy will always be higher until some time has passed.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well Speedie I am a teacher and a CCW holder. I would like the right to protect myself or students with the best chance of survival which to me is a pistol. I am not the only one.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't want to say that Whatzup is lying but he is full of shit. http://thinkprogress.org/justice/201...own/?mobile=nc

The number of people wanting a assault weapon ban is only 51% even after Newtown. This is the high water mark for you Whatzup. Unless you want another school shooting this is it. It goes down here after this. So before you have a premature emaculation you are going to lose. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I think the article said a majority. last time I looked 51% was a majority.

I guess you don't teach math either.

I suppose you believe we should all have AKs...