Congressional Report:

According to the House Committee on Natural Resources, the Obama administration has taken the unusual step of shutting down only the most popular tourist memorials in the nation’s capital, including the World War II Memorial, the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, and the National Mall. Other, lesser-visited sites, have been left open. “[T]he Obama Administration is applying this policy inconsistently and choosing which memorials to block off and which to keep open.

“It appears as though only the highly visible monuments and areas are being closed to the public – further proof that the Obama Administration is only playing politics and purposely choosing to make this shut down as painful as possible. Their actions are shameful and wrong.”
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-02-2013, 03:34 PM
Congressional Report:

According to the House Committee on Natural Resources, the Obama administration has taken the unusual step of shutting down only the most popular tourist memorials in the nation’s capital, including the World War II Memorial, the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, and the National Mall. Other, lesser-visited sites, have been left open. “[T]he Obama Administration is applying this policy inconsistently and choosing which memorials to block off and which to keep open.

“It appears as though only the highly visible monuments and areas are being closed to the public – further proof that the Obama Administration is only playing politics and purposely choosing to make this shut down as painful as possible. Their actions are shameful and wrong.” Originally Posted by Whirlaway

the House should have passed the bill yesterday ... The End
They couldn't get the Democrats to vote; Pelosi, Reid and Obama told them "no cherry picking"...................... .......

The House needed 2/3rd majority to send the funding to the Senate.....Reid went on record saying he would allow a vote !

Reid said "FUCK YOU" vets !
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-02-2013, 03:40 PM
They couldn't get the Democrats to vote; Pelosi, Reid and Obama told them "no cherry picking"...................... .......

The House needed 2/3rd majority to send the funding to the Senate.....Reid went on record saying he would allow a vote !

Reid said "FUCK YOU" vets ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

so you have PROOF every republican in the house voted to pass those bills?

then lets see it

never mind BOI ..

Here are the 12 House Republicans who voted with Democrats against the continuing resolution with a one-year delay on the individual mandate:
Reps. Tom Massie (Ky.), Peter King (N.Y.), Steve King (Iowa), Mike Rogers (Ala.), Paul Broun (Ga.), Phil Gingrey (Ga.), Joe Barton (Texas), Louie Gohmert (Texas), Kay Granger (Texas), Charlie Dent (Pa.), Rick Crawford (Ark.) and Michele Bachmann (Minn.).
Spin-a-way spin-a-way spin-a-way all is santa coming ? Whirrly you need to post this in the comedy section.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're a fucking liar Whirlyturd.
What is the lie?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-02-2013, 04:54 PM
What is the lie? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Again, CJ, short on the facts, but long on the ad hominems....
Obama to old men: "Get off my lawn."
Torino, right ???????????

Obama to old men: "Get off my lawn." Originally Posted by gnadfly
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Whirly, if these statist Obamatons argue facts, they lose. There are few, if any, facts that support their blind obedience to Obama. That is why they implode and resort to ad hominem attacks and playground taunts. You've handed them their ass, and, as usual, they can't find it with both hands. Nicely done, WW!