Not BIG on this BUT

Sitting back and listening to what Jesse Ventura I have a lot of questions about the government and what they are trying to accomplish.. I know that he used to be the Governor so I do believe a of what he is saying.. what are your opinions on him and what all he has to say??
Where can one sit back and listen to him? Other than here and on that show he had, I never "hear" anything from him. I mean no disrespect whatsoever, but I think the problem in America is people actually listen to politicians, rather than telling them what to do.
well yea but have you watched his show tho.. he is trying to come out with what the American Government have been hiding and working on.. like I said I am not real big on this topic so I am not one to say I know one thing about it.. I agree we should have a right to say what should happen but how are we as society going to fix what one man messed up??
well yea but have you watched his show tho.. he is trying to come out with what the American Government have been hiding and working on.. like I said I am not real big on this topic so I am not one to say I know one thing about it.. I agree we should have a right to say what should happen but how are we as society going to fix what one man messed up?? Originally Posted by NikkiPassions
The only show I know was 2-3 years ago about conspiracies and I only saw about 15 mins of it. Is that what you are talking about or does he have a new one? I would probably like it if he actually proved anything newsworthy. Not sure you can blame only one though, the shift from capitalism has been going on for decades.
Yes and the government had stopped him from making any more shows they are all over you tube.. I seen the one on the fema camps.. and man that is some scary stuff if it was to happen..
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The problem with conspiracy theories is that you run out of conspiracy theories and start believing anything. Give me a cynical, skeptic with some facts rather than a media seeking whore with some conjectures.

You can look up those FEMA concentration camps on the Internet and then ask yourself some serious questions. I did that just these week for a colleague at work. He told me of the executive orders that set it all up. I showed him that the order came from 1962 (under JFK) and was repealed in 1969. He looked right at me and asked "what do you think that means?".
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-02-2013, 10:04 PM
JV is a Rassler, he gets paid by a tv show to promote conspiracy theory .. just like he did when he was promoting fake fights
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-02-2013, 10:07 PM
The problem with conspiracy theories is that you run out of conspiracy theories and start believing anything. Give me a cynical, skeptic with some facts rather than a media seeking whore with some conjectures.

You can look up those FEMA concentration camps on the Internet and then ask yourself some serious questions. I did that just these week for a colleague at work. He told me of the executive orders that set it all up. I showed him that the order came from 1962 (under JFK) and was repealed in 1969. He looked right at me and asked "what do you think that means?". Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I think you should have educated each other about budgets while you were talking in the mop closet
LOL, anyone ever watch or read Alex Jones Infowars? LOL, he hates me and always removes my comments as half the crap he writes is makarkey and I am always able to rebuttal him.

I am definitely not stating that there are not cover ups and conspiracies within our Government. There definitely are and the wool is continuously being pulled over our eyes and I for one am sick of it.

I hate what our Government is doing to our country, and I hate that so many sit back complacently watching it happen.

This crap with Obamacare? Obama is trying to state that the Republicans are trying to bully him with the Governments shut down, but IMHO, Obama is also being a bully to the citizens of this country.

Half our country is out of work, and thanks to this Obamacare crap, another 800,000 are now "furloughed" and cannot even look for work during the furlough or risk losing their jobs that they aren't even being paid for right now.

Half our country is unemployed. Yea, yea, they say the unemployment numbers have gone down, but they actually haven't. The numbers just went down because so many people have just given up on looking for work and ran out of their unemployment benefits, skewing the numbers.

So now you have this law in affect stating that by law every American must have health insurance, to help offset the cost of those who are paying for the uninsureds hospital visits, MEANWHILE, they can't get insurance because they can't afford it, and many times, make too much (still under poverty level) to obtain Medicaid through the state.... but now they all magically have enough to pay for it, when many employers are now cutting hours below 30 a week so that they don't have to pay for it, because they can't afford it either, and now they are looking at taking their businesses outside the US so that they can continue to operate.

But meanwhile, if I am an illegal immigrant here in the US, I don't even have to go into the welfare office to apply for health benefits, but am allowed to apply for it through fax or mail in application, because of their "fear" of being deported, AND they are Automatically approved for health coverage.

Meanwhile self employed folks, who have been paying taxes their whole lives, paying into the system, many times are turned down, because they own their own home, or have a little money in the bank. And by little I mean less than a grand.

Our country, cannot afford for this shut down, nor can it afford for Obamacare at this time. We still arent out of the woods from the housing crash and our centuries depression.

Obama is more concerned about making his "legacy" with his Obamacare, than he is about what this country truly needs, and is bullying the American citizens into something they can ill afford and the Republicans are playing the only card they have to try to see that it doesn't pass, regardless of it's constituents.

I know one way the country could save millions of dollars.... stop with all of it's BS use of money for police raids on working girls and clients. I have seen too many cases where they have taken 2 years to make a case against someone (the NY soccer Mom) for what? A few measly dollars in fines, that doesn't even equate how much it cost to imprison her, or for the legal fees for the courts and prosecutors. SMH.
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